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Everything posted by Buddy69

  1. i just use very bright. no real reason, i guess im just used to it. sometimes i switch to the darkest one and after a few minutes i switch back to very bright. and its like, wooh! so bright!
  2. i like that idea. but, the autoers can stil just use bronze axes. Or you could just make it that to chop yews you need - rune axe - 40 attack and 60 woodcut but then thats were the auto fighter will become mroe problem... whenever theress a solution 2 this, there is always something thats ****** it up.
  3. well everybodys already said it but they are right lil dude. its a free world and its not like that you bought that training spot.
  4. i like going into wilderness with beers and no armour and stuff and trynig to kill greaters and hi lvls like that. especially when the beer gets ur stats down 2 lyk 1 and stuff :) other then that, i like having drop parties of playing hide and seek in white knights castle :) with firends of course. or go 2 lummy and just stand there while all the noobs go 'Wow!!!' lvl 40!
  5. no i just cant be bothered. if u want it rated why dont u go rate it? mind u it only takes 2 seconds...
  6. Soemtimes numbers r just there because the original name mite have been used or it is just there to make the name more original. but i agree. i guess something like Killer 79 is ok but something like Killer 783485745 is a bit weird. But, people do their names however they want it so I dont really care. and nobosdy else should really care if that guy has 10 numbers at the end of thea name either.
  7. I think runescape is much better den its been rated in that link? they r just 2 stupid to realize it. and just to let people who think it sucks, well, runescape does suck at the start but once you get into it theres lots 2 do!
  8. I started November last year. Now I'm level 69 with about 440k. My total level is only about 720 though. I stopped playing in December and January 06 but in Feb i got back into it. Back in Feb I was level 30 something. I think I've gone quite fast in 3 months.
  9. Im not really a member but sicne merchanting f2p items has gone well maybe you should continue doing that?
  10. Yeah, Karma does work. I was in the fishing and this person died from a river troll. He had full rune but only lost his helm, kite and scimmy. I picked them up and a few minutes later he retunred, and I gave the stuff back. Later on, I went pknig in the wilderness with a couple of friends. They had nothing on but I had my full rune. A guy with nothing on him came and kileld my two friends, but I killed him. Then I got a sweet drop. 350k and 200+ chaos runes. But back to the point. Yes, those lvl 120s had all the right to come along and and take your spot, and they had all the right to take your stuff when you and your mates died. Thats not scamming. They just got lucky. And Im not saying you did, but hopefully you didnt say 'Noob' and walk off. Also, the lvl 80 that got your Helm had the right to keep it as well. A bit off how he asked you to be friends and how he asked for free stuff coz the helm he got off you was scammed from him. Blah, that sentence a bit confusing.
  11. You get skulled in the wilderness when you attack somebody, but you dont have to kill them. For th next 20 minutes, you will have a skull over your characters head. Usually when you die, you keep your 3 best items. But if you have a skull, you lose ALL your items
  12. I think you have to go up White Wolf Mountain but Im not sure coz I aint a member.
  13. My first one was when I was training on Lessers in Karamja. I started then training on the skeletons and thought I should bury the bones. First bone I buried and I got Leo. Next day I saw I had a few bones in my bank. Took them out and buried the 3rd one and got the random. Very lucky... or what?
  14. Well Ive never had a random event while i was in the bank, but Im sure its possible.
  15. I dont think Frogs are a rare Random Event. It seems as if alot of people are getting them. Ive got them at least 10 times.
  16. Yeah, they are kinda called Random Events, so they are completly random. When you get the mime, the Mysterious Old Man will teleport youo the mime stage. Its really easy dude!
  17. Well my most annoying one was when I was mining Mith Rocks at the Lumbridge swamps because it wasnt crowded that day. Anyway, I just got back from the Draynor Bank and went to mine some more mith. Just as I was about to swing, I got the Sandwich lady. She told me to take a roll, and I just thought the long Bacquett was the roll so I chose that. Got smacked all the way to Ice Mountain and I had to run all the way back to Lumbridge Swamps. When I got there, at least 3 lvl 80+ miners where there getting mith on there first hit. So annoying!
  18. Anybody seen the 'DUkes of Hazzard' with Jonny Knoxville? They get a bow and arrow and then light the arrow. Then let the arrow go with it burning and theres an explosion. Maybe Jagex could incorporate that into the game. Use a tinderbox with arrow. And you should need certain firemaking skills to burn certain arrows and certain range lvls. it should also do tonnes of damage. And in the wilderness, you should be able to burn people, like poison, so it slowly reduces the other players health. The only way to stop the burn is with a bucket/jug of water. So, certain bits of your armour should catch alight. So say if you plate legs catch alight, soon it will spread to your cape, then your plate body, then shield and so on. You have to use your bucket of water with with the item that is burning in the Equip Menu. And when you right click on something that is burning, there should be a (B) for burning. That way you know that your armour is on fire. Anybody like that idea?
  19. Thats a sweet suggestion. Jagex defiantly need to incorporate this into the game, and it should be available to free players as well. Once again, sweet idea!
  20. Well, cool guide. Got a bit lost when you started talking about the muggers and there village. I'm F2P still. At least I know how to get to Castle Wars now :)
  21. I think you should, but only once for the whole game, like soembody mentioned earlier. And you should at least have 60+ combat,
  22. If you know them in real life its fine and I have nothing agaisnt it. If you do think that real life gf/bf can't have relationships in the game, why not make it illegal to have relationships in real life? Runescape is a role playing game, and in real life, you play the role of yourself. So, i think it is fine if they know each other. But not if they come at you from nowhere. How would you feel if you were in the supermarket and then this random person comes up to you and asks you out? Would you say yes? Dont think so!
  23. Id like to take this moment to remind everybody what being a bf/gf is all about: - to show your lvoe for one another - to show that you care for one another - to show that you will stick up for one another. But on the inetrnet, its a different thing. People just go up to random people and go 'If you be my GF I'll give you 100k' The person being asked out only wants to do it for 100k. The person asking is just doing it to impress somebody. I'd also like to remind people when they ask people to be BF/GF on the internet, not just Runescape but chat rooms too, that for all you know you might be flirting with an old women who doesn't even remember where she lives. But, if people want to do it, go ahead. But ask yourself some questions. Do I really have feelings for this person? Do I even know this person? Does this person even know me? If you want to have a GF/BF on the internet, I advise it is somebody you know. A remember the most important rule of the internet: Never go meet with naybody youre talking to. They will brutally abuse you and ***** you up. They;ll take you to the forest and rumple in the jungle. Hope that cleared stuff up. (I know it didnt)
  24. I got called a noob yesterday because a level 30 somehow killed me. I;m lvl 69. He added me to friendlist and wouldnt stop saying NOOB!!! Added him to ignore list and I decided i wanted to go back into the wildy and try another shot at killnig him. (BTW: if your wondering, i never had any armor, food) but this time i took in my full rune and lobsters and str pots. i took the lvl 30 off ignore list and asked him were he was. he was at the same palce were he killed me earlier. anyway, went up to him and his HP weres still low. kileld him in a few hits and then he keeps callnig me noob through private chat. then he logged off. on the way back, i ran into a lvl 90 something. apparently he was the lvl 30's main guy. we fought and I killed him. He had full addy on if your wondering. then he added me and started calling me a noob. i was just sitting there wondering. 'If im a noob, why did i kill you on your lvl 30 and your lvl 90?' what i think is that msot people call other people noobs because of jealousy, and i think people who do call people noobs because of that know it. they just dont want to admit it.
  25. My mate sold a rune kite for 55k. When he logged back on a few horus later, he had the RUne Kite and the 50k
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