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Posts posted by strilmus


    Expensive spices can now be held within the Dragon Keepsake Box.


    what RPer wanted to hold a tiny cosmetic sack around their neck?


    also, why haven't they just effing made level 90 armor rechargable with the components already?



    Milton the Miller in Ardougne has decided to slow down his windmill.




    how fast was it going before?


    All Elder Gods come from Edda-Mah, Edda-Bik, Edda-Wen, Edda Ful and Edda-Jas, the first generation of Elder Gods. Who created those, well... Guess that's stuff we won't dive into in the near future.

    How do we know that Edda- were the first, and just not the next in a long line of elder gods in a long line of unicerses?


    are you suggesting that there was a



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  3. I imagine that even though Seren and Zaros drifted apart over the hundreds of years, they probably kept some kind of memento with them.


    to me, it's roughly the same as converting the white knight altar to zaros without anybody noticing, except seren actually does have an excuse

  4. I believe the intent of the bonus exp is to get more users to the point where they can participate in this content, so there's that.


    Also, seriously, what the hell people, I think Runescape's community has proven pretty well that majority opinion isn't flawless, let's not rely on that as if that is proof of anything.


    As a silver lining, they're probably not going to balance any of the content for whatever bonuses we'll get from inventing, so for a good couple days after that gets released, we'll have a sweet spot where everything will be easy until they either nerf invention to the point where it's specifically useless for this stuff because everybody is clutching their pearls too hard from the change, or just disable all of the benefits from it from ever scaring us ever again like herblore, and we'll have another useless skill anyway, because making skill content after other existing content is the best way to develop anything and will not result in massive cluster[bleep]s that invalidate everything about the game.

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