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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. so, is there any point in fighting muspahs over, say, glacors



    I think that even if Zaros comes back messed up, your meddling probably reduces his chances of actually being able to reach the goal he tells you about.


    Whether or not he SHOULD be the one doing it (as opposed to, say, yourself, or another mortal which has the support of other mortals to be their representative), is definitely up to you.


    I have mixed feelings on the issue, because Zaros still carries some sort of arrogance in that matter. I get what his plan is...but it doesn't sound much different from what Guthix did. Even with the Edict, gods still interfered plenty on Gielinor, and his plan seems to be just that, except that nobody will actually be able to resist his influence this time, and even the other gods will be under his control.


    Sliske, on the other hand, seems to be the only individual capable of completely preventing Zaros from getting what he wants.


  2. Seeing as Sliske probably had the consideration to shove the world gate into the shadow realm in the first place, I would take it that whatever choices you make, he has probably accounted for all of them in his planning, and is mostly there as a distraction to keep you from actually thinking about what he's really planning, and instead concerning yourself with details that aren't actually related to what he wants. He thinks of Zaros as a means to an end (that end being his own gain) like everything else, and represents that aspect of Zaros' belief system the most, as his actions have never been dictated by concepts such as loyalty, prestige, or actual desire for power.

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    there is also the distinct possibility that somebody figured out the lie, and then posed as the voice of zaros in order to mislead azzanadra for their own purposes


    somebody good at both spotting, and creating lies


    can't for the life of me think of anybody we know that deals in that kind of thing



    it's less about what he did, and more about how it sounds after he started doing it, cause it sort of sounds like the same thing that happened to hreidmar


    however, it still miiiiight be true if what you see if you back zaros in the meeting actually happened


    what i'm more concerned about is that mahjarrat can only reproduce during an earthquake


    i will not stop making jokes about that


    anyway, looking forward to seeing how azzanadra and sliske argue with each other in the new quest




    Depends upon what you're monetizing in my opinion. If you're monetizing cosmetic options and stuff like that, its fine to me. If you're monetizing core features that should be available through the actual game, then I have issues with it. I think the recent pouch and boots should have been core features to the magic and agility skills respectively. I think everyone should also at least get a free reset since its not the fault of skill pures that Jagex decided to poll the combat system again. After that first reset though I don't mind if Jagex adds a runecoin cost as long as theres also a loyalty point cost for those who made a mistake but aren't the type to heavily abuse the system.


    One could argue that since the advent of bonds anything and everything on SoF and Solomans are available through the 'actual game' because, with a hearty dose of money making, you can get them all without paying Jagex any extra money at all (at least not personally anyway).



    That gets into incredibly dangerous territory, especially considering how much easier they've made things like pouches to obtain by actually paying instead of obtaining bonds in game. Is the degradable pouch actually worth 3m gp, no but it might be much more easily worth a dollar to someone. The main point about core features is that stuff like having to keep a bunch of runes in your inventory, and old ways of training agility should have been phased out ages ago and shouldn't really be behind a paywall. Especially when stuff like minigames and many skills are dying because the rewards have become useless. Monetizing these items while it may make Jagex more money to make the game, is harming the game because the content that they could have helped remains dead. If all useful rewards are put into solomons or TH then there's no point in actually playing most of the content in-game



    it's mostly annoying because both of those things are features that have been asked for ages ago, but besides the pretty unhelpful and sort of annoying to get runic staves, hasn't really been implemented

  6. i think people are saying yes based on the belief that anything they want is free, while anything other people want costs something


    everything costs something, folks


    as for "doing things justice"


    i think jagex is going to have to take a nice, hard look at the timeline and ask if they know what justice is

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