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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. I truly do not understand why people are getting so mad. If you dont want to use it, don't use it. There are lots of people who want the old combat system for PvP/Pures/ect.

    Plus the Q&A fleshed it out enough that it seem decent enough, it will NEVER be truly balanced, JAGEX ADMITTED THIS, then again what the hell is balanced in this game


    same reason why i voted against 07scape, which then was actually true later: they don't have enough staff to futz around on this stuff AND work on the game we have now without taking a hit in productivity AND since the demand was being misrepresented, they would both be making a feature that would end up getting underused, PLUS they'd be wasting that manpower even more


    anybody who even breathes a word otherwise this time is just lying through their teeth or wishing for an after christmas miracle


    it's shit like this that left the current system incomplete as it is now, with people [bleep]ing about things they don't understand, and then getting changes that completely undermine the point of everything else


    pvp, i understand, but they were already working towards a solution, and i think autofiring basic attacks is probably going to be the standard


    pures? why the hell should i care about a bunch of entitled butts who at one time considered themselves "superior" for an exploit in an unbalanced system? who do they think they are?

  2. frankly, the golems have been a huge waste of time past the first three areas because by then you should really have obtained enough lifeboats to last you forever


    i don't mind merchants being every other tier because they're still neato merchants whose stats never really figure into your voyages most of the time anyway


    it's not really clear why oxheads or JoD got nerfed seeing as there are zero replacement units to compensate for that loss

  3. considering that there's only a handful of actually used prayers in pvp (or in general), and that those prayers are clustered at specific levels, prayer in of itself is being misrepresented as a skill considering how empty everything between those tiers is in terms of usefulness


    summoning won't actually be useful as a representation of combat skill either until they overhaul the combat familiars below level 99 to be more useful than wet cardboard

  4. actually, this has been resolved by, of all places, neopets, by just weighing the AVERAGE performance of all of the players in a faction, minus a percentage of the lowest performing players, in addition to players that joined, but didn't actually participate, in order to combat fraud


    granted, they kind of messed up the system in the following years, but overall the concept is pretty sound


    they would have to modify the event to force all of the players on every server to compete with each other directly, instead of scattering them like they do now, though


    however, any way you slice it, it's always going to be a popularity contest

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