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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. If they handwave the trigger for the city reactivating by saying it happened because Guthix died and removed the edict, I would be satisfied by that.


    otherwise, i still think people are placing an equally unreasonable hope on either poll choice, since the poll makes it a choice...


    What happens if there is a tie between two pieces of content?


    In this incredibly unlikely situation, then we will consult the comments, discussions and input you've provided us via social media and the forums in order to come to a decision.



  3. I'm not really convinced that either side's arguments that the other update will come out messed up encourages me to vote for either update


    I would rather have the possibility that I could be using improved equipment (across all tiers) before the possibility of a quest that I could be using that equipment on, for a city that we are heavily gambling will have anything of actual worth to use immediately afterwards, especially since it's unlikely that they'll have something like the blast furnace right away, and the crystal singing speculation is about as wishful as the invention speculation, so i call foul on that


    if we can't trust the developers to make good on either one, there's no point in discussing the issue

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  4. so, basically this is the old system, except that people wanted to expand the focus on special attacks (which were at the time ruining the point of combat when they were tied to expensive weapons), and couldn't even imagine the eoc system, but now that they're not tied to the weapons, it's okay now?


    (except that expensive weapons are still kind of ruining the point of combat)


    plus the fatigue system from the previous version of the game, except applied to combat


    i guess i'm okay with that since everybody wants all their old stuff back anyway and why should i care anymore, it's not like we're actually going to solve any issues

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