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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. i feel like 90 is reasonable for the type of stuff that is produced from it, save for the scrimshaws, which aren't really worth it


    (considering that the content contained within doesn't actually require any further investment of gold besides paying for some things that you want to happen, faster)


    i see a lot of people wearing ports gear in the event, so the distribution rate must be pretty good

  2. I can't really accept the elf area as a hub until you're either able to permanently disable the elf traps or just take transportation to the settlements.


    I barely visit shilo village and that's with the cart


    (question: how will the old quests function if people are able to get to the elf city without the quests)


    (it would be like allowing people to get into the gnome settlement without completing that quest first)

  3. I dunno why so many maxed players are chucking a hissy-fit. Equipment plays a huge part still. The scaling helps them put up a fight, and on a rare occurrence win. But a player with nex gear + ovl + 95 pray + siesmic shit is still going to slaughter a level 120 with dragon. (which of course brings us all back to the rich dominate RS, poor in dust etc etc which is another topic)

    the way the current rules are set up, anybody at combat level 189 or below will not reward combat level 200 players with skulls, so basically those people are pointless to actually fight for maxed playeres, but will be continuously engaged by them anyway since they can basically use the same gear after a certain point

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  4. yeah, i've noticed that the most effective way to deprive other people of skulls is to have a level just below 190 so that you can harass them with the same level gear, but they're not gonna get anything from winning at all


    until they make maxed gear items (or make the range 20 levels), it'll basically be like fighting pures


    another note: the delay for switching gear in a fight sounds large, but since people generally aren't fast enough to change their tactics when you do so, it you can easily get the upper hand in fights where people assume that being ranged and targeting mages means that they're not suddenly gonna be rushed by an angry meleer


    ofc there's still the deal with meleers having a disadvantage overall but it's still fun to do

  5. while i'm sort of disappointed because i'm gonna end up having the stuff for bandos last due to the switching (and lorewise, there's really nothing to be gained in the postevent quest dialogue by having supported a dead god) PLUS the token leads to a really pointless location for the teleport, at least it's still possible?...


    the margin should really be a bit wider, but at this point, we just have to be thankful for whatever we got, i guess

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