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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. the last aura sale was waaaaaay back, and it seemed like it was intended to get people to use up some of their points


    not that i'm going to argue with that, i just want another one, cause i got more points, and i don't want to waste them all on just two auras

    • Like 1
  2. I'm actually quite sure that it's possible that a god can outright lose in the story (as any good story is capable of demanding what it needs without obstruction), however, depending on the actions of the players, it is also very possible that the conditions for achieving success (or the context which determines what success even means) in the conflict can change, so hedging your metaphorical bets is important


    after all, it was so easy to kill guthix to advance the plot

  3. the bloodpouncer and the gold membership promotions were at the same time, marking them as two separate things without any alternative options for the sake of doing so was utterly pointless


    (that was the claim i had made at the time, the other promotions which actually happened afterwards chronologically are up to jagex to decide, the statement that it would have been more profitable if they had put those items in the promotion to begin with is a further acknowledgement that they wasted a lot of fuss on making that differentiation when it turned out to be unimportant, and was not part of the original claim)


    people who bought the gold membership would have never needed to purchase the cards, so it's basically a waste of time to say, "well, since you're our best customers, you have the privilege of being forced to make this stupid decision"


    people who buy the cards will buy the cards


    people who buy gold membership will buy gold membership


    why does it matter as long as they're paying enough?

  4. I'll admit that in hindsight, this is a bad concept


    for Runescape


    but it might work in a game that isn't largely populated by people who fixate on arbitrary numbers because they appear to be more significant on the basis that they are told so, through the process of elimination of most of the other players caused by the focus on this to the exclusion of other things like attempting to make positive changes


    in this light, EoC was probably a bad idea, since the expectation for the game at that point was a large series of simplistic minigames, timewasters, and cosmetic flaunting stapled to a chatroom, and there was no reason to make those people feel uncomfortable for enjoying that


    who are we to try to be something else? this is runescape, after all

    • Like 1
  5. I get the impression that it's here to apologize for how badly the scarecrow mask was designed


    and then tearing your intestines out




    heh, I specifically protested gold members for not including the bloodpouncer, and now, several months after i decided not to get it, they finally relent
    it's a good gesture but way too late to get more people to buy in
    could you imagine how much more they would have gotten? it would have been like a season pass. "pay now and get all of the promotional items for this year!" people would be lining up in droves

    Hold on.

    Person 1 bought Gold membership. Person 2 didn't buy Gold membership because it wouldn't unlock every promotional item for the year.
    Then Jagex later makes every promotional item for the year (and some more) instantly available to every Gold premium member.

    Person 2 realizes that Person 1 ended up getting every promotional item for the year because of their Gold membership.

    Then when they make more Premium membership packages for next year, Person 1 buys it again, but this time, Person 2 does too, who probably wouldn't have bought it otherwise.

    Of course, not all of those who didn't buy Premium membership will suddenly start buying the packages for next year (or they might just not have more Premium membership packages), but it'll probably be a nice chunk of them.



    would have been more effective if they STARTED with this


    theoretically, there isn't even that much overlap for the market, it would have been easy to do and they'd be raking in the dough


    (i'm sour grapes enough to not get it if it comes around again since i already missed out on most of the interesting stuff)

  6. heh, I specifically protested gold members for not including the bloodpouncer, and now, several months after i decided not to get it, they finally relent


    it's a good gesture but way too late to get more people to buy in


    could you imagine how much more they would have gotten? it would have been like a season pass. "pay now and get all of the promotional items for this year!" people would be lining up in droves

    • Like 1
  7. They just need to make upgrade kits for nex armor so we dont have to deal with this mechanic anymore

    That or propose to Nex already and get it over with, we all know that they've got the money for a ring


    also, "beyond saving"? it wouldn't be if they just stopped screwing with their original EoC concept for it!

  8. my headcanon is that when we used that normal cabbage to [bleep] with the original black knights in the previous iteration of the quest, it ascended to godhood from the ritual, thereby robbing it of the power it was supposed to grant to the witch


    (it became a god because the relative increase in power is greater for a cabbage than a human)

    • Like 1
  9. first off, this depends on whether or not you're really against EoC. you're gonna have to get your feet wet if you want to do anything useful. personally, i like it more than the old system, but everybody's got opinions, and of course it's not perfect, but you'll have to decide that for yourself.


    secondly, it looks like you used to be in a gambling clan, but that's outlawed now, so you'll have to get rid of that


    thirdly, if you're excited about really, really crazy shit going down and the god wars raging, then by all means jump in


    lastly, because bonds were introduced, you can probably use some of your piles of wealth to buy em for membership rather than actually pay for it. yep.

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