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Everything posted by Cru5tyPi22a

  1. This does make sense, becasue one time like a year ago, I was pking f2p with 3 other people on my mage pure, and we attacked a non skulled guy in full rune and he died and dropped his full rune. I was wondering how he skulled for the longest time :lol: That's a pretty messed up glitch
  2. Wow that's just plain amazing. Good luck man :lol: Although you would probably be better off crafting nature runes or law runes. How many essence can you get an hour?
  3. Yeah, If you don't mind posting your actual calculations, I'd really appreciate. I'm a junior in high school taking AP Statistics this year (I got a 98% last semester :P ) and I want to see if I actually understand how you figured it out.
  4. Does this book have 25 defense requirement like the infinity robes? And what are the requirements for the staffs as well?
  5. I only listen to Christian music, and here are several of my favorite bands: Blindside Skillet Emery Dead poetic Project 86 Haste the Day Stretch Arm Strong Hawk Nelson
  6. From lvl 50 and on, the formula is: new level xp = old level xp x 1,1. It's not 100% correct, it's probably something like 1,09 or 1,11. Nope. If you wan't the correct formula go here.
  7. I'm pretty sure the 89 can do everything the 83 can do with statistics. :wink: I have an 89, and in my statistics class my teacher uses the 83 to teach, but I've been able to do everything on my 89 that she has done in front of the class with her 83. I hope that made sense :P
  8. Laugh My Donkey Off!!! :lol: I like that one the best. I always knew it was soh-cah-toa, but I didn't know that it had a funny little story to go with it.
  9. Very nice, runesmithie :lol: . Yeah, I got my PSAT this coming Saturday, and I'm looking forward to using my TI-89 titainium on it :P .
  10. That's what I thought at first also, because it works for 1 person, 2 people, and 3 people. But if you write out all of the 24 possibilites for 4 people, 9 of them consist of everyone picking someone else's name, instead of 6/24 or 1/4 like it should be if it was 1/n. I wanna figure out the real answer but, I'm kind of feeling too lazy. :lol:
  11. It would be n!n. The exclamation point is used in math and it is called a factorial. A factorial is basically a number times all numbers u cont to get up to it. examples are:n=4 so it would be 4*3*2*1 or n=10 so it would be 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1. So if it was a factorial it would be 4! 4*3*2*1 or 10! 10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 Probability's go from 0 to 1, so you're wrong there. I promise after finishing my English homework, I'll find out the real answer. And if I can't then I'll ask my AP Stats teacher tomorrow.
  12. Hmmm, I was gonna try to do that one for you, but I just realised I have no frickin idea :lol: . Plus I'm leaving in five minutes, so I don't have time to think about it anymore. But take comfort in knowing that problem will bother me the entire day :P
  13. Dude, get a TI-89 Titanium, I have one and it kicks freaking arse. :shock: You can put a lot of games on it, and plus it's been very useful in my Pre-Calculus and AP Statistics class. :D It is a bit pricey, but I plan on keeping it through college, and my parents paid for it anyways lol. :lol:
  14. I don't know if its just my crappy comp, but all I see is a black screen (I'm on an 7 year old gateway with windows 98 right now :P ). I can still hear Snoop Dogg in the background tho :lol: Anyways, that's an interesting way of quitting. *cough*youshouldajustgivenittome*cough* :P I would of just done a massive drop party. And now you're not gonna quit?? LOL. Right after you alch your party hat. :oops:
  15. Every other site is fine, but tip.it takes like 5 minutes to load one page. Is anyone else having this problem? What can I do?
  16. Jagex could make it optional :P So anyone who is really worried about their account and has the means to do it would be able to without messing up other people.
  17. I just started playing Knight Online, and that game is pretty awesome. Way better than Runescape, that's for sure, and it's free. :lol: :P
  18. how many spawn on entrana? and what are the respawn times for both entrana and shilo village?
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