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Everything posted by Tribal

  1. I'll take Bob Marley over George Bush any day.
  2. Tribal

    Wisdom Teeth

    They probably prescribed you some percocets or vicodin and you can't feel it at all now, am I right?
  3. Doesn't work quite that well. Had a friend that tried it \
  4. I get quite a bit of exercise. I wake up at 6 A.M. every day, run 4 miles to a spot in the woods. When I get there, I do 150 Push ups/Sit ups, then I run back. That's just for the summer, during school I play Football,Basketball and Baseball. Also, I go swimming at my girlfriends alot during the week and I'm in the middle of my AAU Baseball season. So I get more than enough, on top of eating healthy and weight lifting.
  5. No, Runescape was actually good for me. I never had "social" problems, but I expanded my friends group to outside of just the "preppy/jock" group(i hate stereotypes), I pretty much talk to everyone. I'm now going into my senior year with a full scholarship to Virginia in baseball. Runescape has improved my grammar and typing skills. I'm dating someone now, and have been for 1 year and RuneScape has not gotten in the way once. You just have to control the game, not let it control you.
  6. Six Flags Jackson. Favorite rides would be King Da Ka, Nitro, El Toro and Medusa. All truly gret rides.
  7. Tribal

    Ripped pants

    Once 8th grade year when I used to BMX alot. We had some girls from our grade come and watch us out at our spot in the woods. I went to do a transfer from the one set to the other (approximately 25 foot transfer) and as I came down my pants got caught in the chain and ripped the back completely out. Ha, was quite embarrasing. :o
  8. Happy birthday! I'm 17 in September.
  9. Record yourself on a tape/Mp3 and play it over and over and over, while you're doing whatever on the computer, sleeping, waking up, watching TV. Subliminaly learn it, it's what I did my freshman year for my French exam, I wrote down all of the notes I needed, then said them on a tape and listened to it repeatedly for a few days. Passed my French final with an A. I did the same thing with Spanish, and I'm now in AP Spanish V as a Senior. . So it worked for me, might do the same for you.
  10. I've really enjoyed these posts over the past 10 days Trapical. I'm going into a field that I will enjoy hopefully, bring me prestige and money, but I've been wondering why waste another 12 Years of my life in school? When I could possibly go professional in baseball? (I've got a full scholarship to Virginia.) And I found the reason is that, Baseball isn't what I wish to pursue, but helping children and then becoming a lawyer. But then I sat and did some soul searching and I found the awsner. I'm going to school for 4 years directly after High School to get an education degree. After which, I will continue my schooling into Law to get a law degree and eventually take the BAR and start my own Law Firm. These posts are somewhat eye opening, and may make people think alot. They've made me think about some things. P.S. I'm donating $300 to Malaria in the coming weeks. So thanks Trapical for providing entertaining yet meaningful posts. ~Tribal~
  11. Yeah, I know it's a bad idea, only done it once myself. And yes abusing codine is bad, he asked for odd drinks, so I gave him one.
  12. Make some sizzurp. 6 Oz cough syrup with Robutussin in it. 12 Oz Vodka/Hard Liquor. Finally, mix in sprite and 2 jolly ranchers. Drink it, then listen to chopped and screwed music. You could also split the recipe among more than 1 person. The recipe I left will get you and 1 other person totally twisted.
  13. This is my summer runecrafting blog. I will be crafting Natures all summer, I am first doing a batch of 22k Natures, which I will sell and buy more essence with, and repeat over and over. Whatever level I finish with is fine with me. I am doing this for experience and money. So without further adue: Day 1
  14. "Do you know Joe?" "Joe Who?" "JOE MOMMA!" Always works. Or anything they say , that's what your mom said. Or, I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODYS NERVES, EVERYBODYS NERVES, I KNOW A SONG THAT GETS ON EVERYBODYS NERVES AND THIS IS HOW IT GOES. Repeat.
  15. May I ask 2 questions? 1. Will me and my current girlfriend of 1 year continue to work out? 2. What will my future career be? maybe a 3rd if you've got the time =p 3. How will AAU baseball go this summer?
  16. Hello all, I was wondering if there is a way to change my computer settings so that I could use my arrow keys to move my character rather than mouse, and if so how would i execute the actions such as attack monster blah blah. Also, how do you enable hotkeys when alching and use them? If someone could explain these it'd be great, thank you! Happy Scaping!
  17. I'm planning on donating $300 to this cause actually in a few weeks, could I do it through those sites? I've got the money, just need a good donating site. These things need to stop.
  18. Thanks guys, any suggestions on what to do to the bank? There's just so much junk I don't have the patience to clean it, lol. So if anyones got good suggestions let me know 8-)
  19. Okay, so I just came back to RuneScape and I've been trying to decide on what to do. Well, i've decided for the most part and I decided to start up a blog to keep me a little more motivated towards my goals. To start off, here's bank and stat pictures. Stats: Bank: Not that great, I know. Anyway, I've made up my mind on a few goals and I'm going to start by getting 70 Firemaking. Then Craft 22,000 Natures, Buy enough supplies for 22,000 Yew Longbows, Fletch and Alch them. Those are for now. After that I plan on getting 60 of every skill. Hopefully making some money along the way. Also, almost all of my friends have seemingly quit the game, so I find myself quite bored on tasks. So if anyone wishes to add me in game feel free, i'll be happy to talk. My RSN is Tribal Fury. Leave some criticism if you wish. Happy Scaping!
  20. I'm curious as to where the best place to train my firemaking would be. Happy scaping! ~Tribal Fury~
  21. Sorry about the double post before Laik, didn't realize I did, because I wasn't sure where it should be. Sorry mate.
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