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Everything posted by JacobRyan

  1. Here an updated more subtle version. Okay so let me say this much; I'm very happy with the way this turned out. It was for a graphics battle on another forum, and considering how pressed I was for time (considering recent events in my life), I must say I'm very happy. Another reason being, this is my first ever Terraspace that I've done, the idea may not be original but I think I brought some new meaning to it. Also, it must go on record that this is only my third space piece ever done as well.
  2. Yeah, I'm just saying dude, looks like it's bubbling? Is what I'm looking for.
  3. I looked at this to try and find something wrong, but what I found is I believe more of a personal dislike but, maybe you might notice it and hate it as well.... You'll see in the circle area, how the mountain basically looks like it has cellulite, now I know it's not supposed to be perfect, but mainly to me, it looks way to obvious and the shadows just make it worse. Like I said, personal preference, though keep it up man. I hope to see you on MSN soon, unless you hate me again.. :?
  4. Thanks for the spam MD, stay on topic please.
  5. Gold has gotten it, it's on overlay. Edit: And of course it's Johnny Depp, one of my favorite actors. I watched his "E! True Hollywood Story" yesterday; cool stuff.
  6. Lol, I think personally I'm choosing the third, the second seem to intense, but keep posting.
  7. Which one do you prefer, and C/C is nice, a rating if you'd like.
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