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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. The only reason we're gathered in Frozen Peak is because it will be easier to support each other later on, either military or with supplies. However, I think that people outside of Frozen Peak is more than welcome to join, just be warned though, that it will be a lot harder for us to help you out.


    I'm currently not in frozen peak, but when i'm accepted I will move there. Not going to spend the points on it if i'm not 100% sure of membership of the Horde again ;).

  2. I'm in Snowy Mountains... Also, what server is everyone in? I'm in red dragon, I think that's the only server available at the moment anyway. But just to be sure...

    yep it's the only server available during the beta.

  3. Why level 3?

    Probably because you can do 1 trade at a time with lvl 1.

    Well, I don't have the resources to sell even if I had one =p...I'm boosting my population as much as possible with a High Tax rate to get the money necessary.


    That's a good way. Don't forget you can use a tax order to get more gold/hr.

  4. Well, you know what, I can't complain about 200 free Jcredits =p

    Only 2 days worth of work reset, that'll be easy enough to redo, especially since we've gotten used to the interface etc.


    I agree, and now I can construct my city in a way that doesn't resemble total chaos. 200 free credits is a good compensation IMO.

  5. So, what are everyones tactics to starting? So far I have concentrated on resource gathering and city production. I haven't even started my army (except the initial 100 for the task which I promptly lost to a lvl 2 forest). I have one level 10 and one level 8 of each of the production plots in the outskirts which are making me plenty of supplies to grow my city.

    Does anyone think that being a 'tank' will work where I just build up my wall and don't bother with an army?

    I'm focusing on resources too and don't bother with an army. Eventually I will start one though, to do the tasks which need you to invade wildlands.

  6. What is tip.it's clan :?

    It's Golden Horde.

    There is a small inconvenience though, atm the leader and officer are both offline. We just discussed in the alliance that it would be a good idea to have officers from multiple timezones. I'm from West-Europe and willing to do it, but I'm sure there are plenty of Tiffers want to help as well. But now we have to wait for Kun or Riemis to get online.

  7. When you have built one of each building type in your city, would it be best to fill the other vacant spots all with villages, or are there other buildings that are useful when you have more than one of them?

    Also the alliance page says that we currently have 37 members, does this mean that we have upgraded to ally base 4? :thumbsup:

  8. @ Mario Sunny


    Did you click invade or occupy, because I believe if you click occupy, they stay there? (Though I haven't actually tried it yet)


    You're right, when you occupy your army will stay in the wildland and benefit from its resources. When you click invade you will basically plunder it and bring home the loot.


    Alright I'll let it stay on overnight. Added a few people from TIF (tnx for the help R) :thumbup:. It's a really fun game if you ask me and will be perfect in a combo of Rs an WoL.


    let's see what I got when I wake up. =)

  9. Guys, apparently there will be servers, and once you register to one, you can't register to another with that account. So let's make a server tip.it official now :)

    If that's the case it'll be a really good idea to get an unofficial server :!:

  10. I don't think it's that bad either. The prices of items have gone up, but this also means that you're able to gather more money in a shorter period of time. The only people who are severely hurt by it are the ones that failed to invest the cashpile they had in the first place, because cash was the biggest thing devaluating.

  11. Just a question, are gay marriages really banned in most parts of the US? Seems really stupid to me, I mean, what is the reason that it is banned? Is it because the Christians don't like them?


    I have a gay couple living a few doors from me and i've recently been to their wedding, and it was a pretty standard wedding. Also, none of the other neighbours in our block have anything against them because they are gay. They are perfectly normal, and very kind people and it sounds strange to me that they shouldn't be able to get married.


    As for the marijuana part, if the use of it is well monitored and when it's only used for medical purposes It's alright with me.



    It's not just Christian, or Consverative. Its the people, and their willingness or lack thereof to accept different life styles. I've seen gay friends come out to their VERY liberal and Atheistic parents and got kicked out, disowned, and shunned. I also have two friends (one close by, one moved away) who came out to their Conservative parents, my friend's Christian parents stated God didn't say he died for some people, but all people's sins. And they love her just as much. My other friend came out to her Atheistic Conservative parents (tbh thats a wierd combination, I've never heard of an atheistic conservative >.>) and they said they won't stop loving her, but to never come back home. =\ I however have still not told my parents, because they want every [bleep] on Earth dead; praise Jesus.



    And weed is GROSS. I tried it once. Eww. It mighta just been bad weed though.

    I see your point, thanks for clearing that up, but it makes me wonder why those atheists are againsts gays. I mean, a lot religious people get told not to tolerate them, but an atheist should, in my eyes, be able to make a reasonable judgement. It's 2010, not the Middle Ages or something. Don't get me wrong, I know that there will always be people discriminating against gays, blacks, whites or whatever group of people you can come up with, but for a whole state, and even one of the most developed countries in the world to take actions so obviously based on discrimination is plain wrong. You should think that the people who make those decisions wouldn't allow themselves to be influenced by such an ignorant perception.


    And to be honest, I've never tried weed, so I'm not entirely sure on the effects and experiences it offers, so I'm not entirely sure what side of that discussion I'm on, but from what I've read, legalizing weed won't have the negative effect that a lot of people may think it'll have, but it will have negative effects nonetheless. If I were to be asked now I would say that it should e legalized with a certain age requirement (18 or maybe 21), just like with alcohol and tobacco. Treat people like adults and let them make their own decisions as to whether they will consume it or not.

  12. Sounds great. Here are a few tips:


    Make sure to be creative in your guides, but stick to what you think are the best ways and always make sure you motivate your decisions. Make guides with tips and tricks that aren't very well known, because elseway there isn't much point in making a guide on it. Don't be afraid to go into detail about certain aspects you find important, if some people aren't interested in it then they can skip over that part, but others might find it incredibly helpful in making the decision to actually use your methods of training. The best part about video-walkthroughs is that you can explain the moves you need to make in a few seconds by just showing it, but don't show too many trivial things that can easily be explained by just saying(or typing) it, as this can make the video rather dull and doesn't give anyone the impressoin that you're being innovative.


    I hope it's appreciated, and good luck with your guides, i'm looking forward to them :mrgreen:

  13. I'm going to make a gilded altar in my house, and wanted to know if there was any benifit to building marble burners over mahogany. The tip-it guide says that they both give the same %-bonus, so I was wondering if maybe the marble burners burned for a longer period of time or were purely decorative.

  14. We got most of the day off from school today :mrgreen: I have no idea why, but i'm not complaining :roll:.

    That test makes me glad I don't take chemistry :blink:

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