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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. People who claim that the update was unnecessary have obviously failed to read every statement released regarding the update. The only arguments i've heard against it so far are opinion based, like:'I don't like the name!' or 'the hit splats look weird'. Try to look at all the oppurtunities this update has opened in rebalancing the combat triangle and then form an opinion.

  2. So what he pretty much does, is the same as if I hold down a button on my keyboard, and creates several of the same signs?


    "...................." In one click, instead of "." "." "." "."

    If that is macroing, then it would also be considered macroing when people spam "@@@@@@@@@@@@" right?

    Although the above example would classify as spam, and be banned anyway thoughl.

    I believe it does exactly this.

  3. As far as I can tell, he holds down the button on his mouse to which he has assigned the '5' button to. Now I don't know the exact definition of the word 'input' in English, but it seems to me that the mouse is giving out multiple inputs. As hes been said before, the player and the mouse are effectively creating the same input, so the player is giving out multiple inputs and the game is responding with multiple outputs. The mouse, and thus the player, is clicking several time so I don't think it's against the rules.


    And to the poster wanting to if you need a num-pad for this, you probably will because you need a way to designate the button to the mouse, which is most likely by pressing it once. But if you already spent $40 on a mouse a few $'s for an external num-pad won't hurt you.

  4. Herbs seem to be crashing already?


    Logically the should be going up to max 2 times their price for the weekend...


    Quite concerned here as I have about 50M of herblore supplies I'm planning to use, which will get me about 1.2M herb exp in about 90 minutes :)

    I wouldn't worry too much. They'll drop a few days and go back up after that. That's my guess at least. If you wanted to sell them and buy them back in a few days you're most likely too late.

    I decided to buy the herbs I needed now that I'm able to buy them. Could've saved some money by buying tomorrow, but idc..

  5. Can anybody access the blog which they say will explain why they did this? Because I am getting redirected to the blog page, I am using a proxy though so that might be why.

    Same here, I think they haven't uploaded the blog yet.


    The 5th block comes in handy and i love the auto-chime function if it works correctly.


    Also I really like the idea of the lobby, now you don't have to enter your pass each time you want to switch worlds :thumbup:

  6. I honestly doubt that there will be any long-term effects caused by this weekend. Raws will spike and finished products will hit a minimum after the weekend, but in a week or two everything will go back to how it was, with some people who profited from the spike, some people who lost from prices going down, and a lot of people who gained maybe a mil of free xp.


    I really can't see the price of say, herbs remaining at their peak, just because there might be another one of these weekends in 5 or 6 months. In due time, there will be a same situation as the current one, and prices will peak or drop for a short period of time. Afterwards, the hype will be gone and everything goes back to the way things were. All this talk about 'ruining the economy' is BS.


    In the end it will do exactly what it is meant to do: give people a lot of bonus xp in one weekend. Whether this is positive or nagative can be discussed, but the economy won't suffer that much from it, definately not in the long run.

  7. To end the reset discussion:

    Your continued support and feedback during the War of Legends Beta has been invaluable and much appreciated.


    The feedback has allowed the developer to optimise the gaming experience and we are continuing to improve the game on a daily basis. Due to these improvements, we are happy to announce that we are not planning any more resets during the Beta, and we will also not be resetting the servers at the end of the Beta period.


    We will continue to run the game as a Beta for a little while longer and will update the community as we get closer to the end of Beta period. We do have a few tricks up our sleeves that we want to implement before we officially call an end to the Beta period.


    Thank you for your ongoing support, it’s been incredible!


    Yay Jagex :thumbsup:

  8. Standard mage equipment with an anti-fire shield is all you need. The hexcrest is probably worth it, but difficult to obtain at the moment. For spells I would suggest fire bolt with the gauntlets as it's relatively cheap. Just make sure they can't get to you and you won't take damage if you drink anti-fire potions.

  9. The logical course of action would be to permanently block Strykewyrms for the next 6 months or until the new drops' prices depreciate by 500%. Only then will there be at least 1 Strykewyrm per player.

    I don't have this problem at the desert wyrms. Most of the time there are only 2 people here (including me) and from time to time there are 3. More than enough wyrms per people.

  10. Now that they have revealed just how useless it is... Do you think they may add more rare drops?

    I mean just revealing it out of the blue isn't jagex's style from what i have seen.

    I have to say that you got a point there. They have given out 'some' info on the ROW, but never the exact effect like they have now. And it exists for years now. I wonder if they have something planned. tbh I don't think they have, but it could be nice if it were true.

  11. I wouldn't call Labour bills mandatory to play the game. They are great and offer a big advantage, but they are obviously not meant to be used for months. I guess people are complaining about them because they got used to building 5 things at the same time.


    I do agree with the no-reset arguments though. They shouldn't erase everyones progress if they don't need to. I'm fine with resets if they are necessary to counter bugs, but a reset for the sake of a reset doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

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