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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. If going purely for speed you could consider blocking abyssal demons, steels, wyverns, dark beasts, living rock creatures or possibly ice wyrms(idk how slow these are exactly).


    The rest you basically stated. Use a cannon on all cannonable tasks, use overloads and turmoil non-stop and use a steel titan on tasks in a multi-zone like specters and waterfiends.

  2. I used to keep offers in the GE for battlestaves. You can only buy a few every 4 hours or so, but by the time you got all skills 70+ you'll have quite a few. This way I paid about 3,5 - 4gp/xp. The downside is that it takes a long time to get the staves.

  3. Depends on where you are training. At bandits you can wear a god item to keep them agressive and a lack of a bandos item keeps the bandos monsters in gwd agressive. Otherwise, I don't think there's an item that extends the duration of mosnster's agressiveness.

  4. As you said, the spear would be better. If you manage to get one that is. If you have the smithing level, play a medium sized dungeon with someone else and high-alch about everything you find so you'll be able to afford 4 gorg ores, so you can make the spear. Or, of course, if you're lucky you find a gorg rock.

  5. Maybe it's the thieving thingy.

    Some sort of The Hobbit-like encounter with this Ruby Dragon, where you have to steal it's treasure(s).

    It'll be an expansion to dungeoneering. You team up with a group of dwarfs and explore dar underground halls. At level 99 you get the ring of power which lets you become invisible to all monsters.


    And yes, the above posted picture is the one I was referring to in my earlier posts. Sorry for not being more clear, but I couldn't find it anymore. :oops:

  6. Sounds like FTP3 to me.


    Get hyped.

    I wasn't really kidding. A friend said some good arguments for why he though it to be ftp3. I can't remember them that good but it had something to do with dragons and some pic with their release schedule on it(which could very well be fake).


    Anyway, don't worry I won't get hyped 'cause I'm not that into quests :P


    I voted no. Not because I participate in it, but because I don't have/see a real problem with it.


    i disagree merch clans are as much a threat to runescape as RWT was.

    By saying that you're showing that you have no idea what the problems of RWT where.


    Anyway, I said that I didn't have a problem with it, because the only ones who think they get scammed by it are people who don't know what they're doing. I'm not saying they deserve to scammed or something, but jagex shouldn't cater too much to these people imo.


    If you look at it, it's like a big gamble. The most people who lose money know it's possible, and didn't sell on time. It's the risk they take by investing in these items.


    Also, people tend to only look at the negative aspects. I've often seen people claiming that it is bad for the economy, without any arguments whatsoever. There are, however, also positive effects. It gives people ways of making more money than usual. For example, when d boots are stable, you can het about 300k per drop, but when they get merched you can get up to 540k for a pair of boots, almost doubling the profit per hour. This is mostly why I don't mind it. It also allows you to get items like prayer potions cheaper than normal after a crash.


    The only annoyance is that some items become unbuyable for short periods of time. Annoying, but it's a bit harsh to ban something because of this,


    You do not look at where the money is coming from. The extra money you're making is coming from Billy, a hard working player in the middle years of his account's existence. He's worked over hours, Billy has, just to be able to afford some decent armour. He put all his cash in the Grand Exchange and hoped for something awesome to come out, and it did! A brand new pair of shiny boots.

    But what's this? A week after he bought his new boots and parading about in them, one of his friends told him he just got the same boots, and he paid 200k less for them!


    Now this may not seem harsh for you since you're obviously too short-sighted to look beyond your big pile of cash made from all those Billys out there. But try to understand that it's not all rainbows and butterflies as you clearly think it is, not for everyone to say the least.


    Most of the money isn't coming from 'Billy', that's just your general idea. The money comes from the people who participate in the merch and are buying out all the items. If Billy was smart enough he should either leave the items alone for a while or make money from the merch by producing the skyrocketing items.


    In your example, you say that Billy bought the boots for a very high price, this won't immediately happen, because the item is bought out. So if he really wants it at THAT moment, he has to overpay big time, I agree on that. But if he just waits a few days/weeks he can buy the item for even less than he would pay for it in a normal way. If he decides to buy the boots for 500k because he thinks they are worth it, he gets his money's worth. If he thinks they aren't worth it he shouldn't buy them.


    We aren't living in 2003 anymore when it was hard to establish prices for the average Billy. Anyone has acces to the GE graphs on the site. If you're going to spend all your hard-earned money on a single item, I would at least suggest you to think about it first.


    I voted no. Not because I participate in it, but because I don't have/see a real problem with it.


    i disagree merch clans are as much a threat to runescape as RWT was.

    By saying that you're showing that you have no idea what the problems of RWT where.


    Anyway, I said that I didn't have a problem with it, because the only ones who think they get scammed by it are people who don't know what they're doing. I'm not saying they deserve to scammed or something, but jagex shouldn't cater too much to these people imo.


    If you look at it, it's like a big gamble. The most people who lose money know it's possible, and didn't sell on time. It's the risk they take by investing in these items.


    Also, people tend to only look at the negative aspects. I've often seen people claiming that it is bad for the economy, without any arguments whatsoever. There are, however, also positive effects. It gives people ways of making more money than usual. For example, when d boots are stable, you can het about 300k per drop, but when they get merched you can get up to 540k for a pair of boots, almost doubling the profit per hour. This is mostly why I don't mind it. It also allows you to get items like prayer potions cheaper than normal after a crash.


    The only annoyance is that some items become unbuyable for short periods of time. Annoying, but it's a bit harsh to ban something because of this,

  9. At first, I was like :rolleyes: then I read the article and I was like :eek:


    Personally, I didn't believe in Aliens until I read that - 100B Planets... wow.

    It's rather ignorant to believe that we're the ONLY living organisms in a mixture of 100 billion planets. I told my mum and she was like :mellow:


    But wow... 100 Billion planets? O_O

    100 billion galaxies that is, each with hundreds of millions of stars :!:

  10. Then you might consider it. However, I saw a post on these forums a while back claiming that whip + def is still better at bosses (at least graardor) than a gs. Except maybe for TD's where high hits count. Anyway, for bosses, you don't really need the SGS. A BGS should be sufficient, if not better, and should save you quite some money.


    Also, tassets aren't that great, they help but I prefer a V skirt. If I can suggest a third option you could get a proselyte body and skirt, or V skirt for some defence, SW cape and stick with the whip + defender and pray on all your tasks (preferrable Piety, but even +10 or +15% str helps). The cheap armour should leave you with enough money to get pray pots. It can get quite costly, especially with piety, but you do get better xp/hr.

  11. Option 1 IMO, get an EE for specs and you got the best of both. EE isn't even needen if you can summon bunyips. If it costs you all the money you have, I wouldn't suggest getting an sgs purely for specs on slayer tasks.

  12. [im]http://img717.imageshack.us/img717/1598/65rc.png[/img]


    may not seem like much to you chaps, but its a big deal to me. I DETEST rc. I hate it so much, i would consider making a "hostile combatant" do it torture. but it needed to be done (was sick of having to keep deaths bound in Daemonheim) Im soooo glad for peng points getting me close, lol


    also, 1 free internets if you can guess where pic was taken.

    Looks like ToG to me. :ugeek:


    And @wiveren1 I believe the crystal shield was already rendered useless long before this update.

  13. Hi, I'm Moskalski. I've been playing RuneScape on and off for the past 7 years. I was introduced to it by my younger brother, he's in OSUT for the Army right now, so he won't be playing for a while. I serve in the U.S. Army, and am currently deployed. I'll be home in roughly 2 weeks though! Haha! I get to see my kids and my wife again, it's been so long. Well, as far as RuneScape, I've had over 20 accounts. I've made mostly pures and hybrids. My first account was Vanathros. It was stolen about 2 weeks after I made the account, lol. My favorite combat skill is Ranging. My favorite skill is Fishing. I'm roughly CB Lvl 70ish now? I can't remember. I'll be playing soon, so if you want to chill or something, PM me. Bye!

    I remember you posting a thread a while back, how's it going? And btw, you're 20 yrs old with a 7 yr old son along with 3 other kids :blink: that's... quite special

  14. So do the slayer masters randomly give these new tasks or can you like ask them for it?

    They randomly give them. When you get a task there's a small chance of them offering a task. You can then either accept it or decline it. Declining doesn't cost you anything though.

  15. One other thing they could do is hand down 99 capes to the free players and make the 120s for members only.



    Then FTP would be a definate demo.



    Already the "tie higher" armour is first f2p (bronze - iron - mith - addy - rune), and ends with P2P (dragon)..

    What makes this a demo? - It's not like capes are ment to be the "end" or something: they are just to show you achieved a high level..


    Why should there be capes for 120ish stats? - Just updating the skill tables with new higher-level stuff would be fine..


    Just like runescape was!


    Because it'd be like "You have achieved the maximum level available in FTP, please purchase members to level further".

    The level doesn't have to be capped at 99, F2p can still level to 120 if they'd want to. They even can get the 99 cape, just not the 120 one.

  16. I don't quite understand how prestige works. Its supposed to be the cool way out in getting the fastest exp in dungeonerring. I tried resetting my progress to 0 and when I completed my latest floors, i still had a low average exp rate.... :wall:

    basically, you need to do all the floors you can, then reset and do them all again to get the most exp. If you do a room twice without resetting you won't be getting the prestige exp., which will dramatically lower your average xp.

  17. I actually think the lvl 120 cap is quite nice and it wouldn't bother me at all if they implemented it in other skills. It opens up room for future updates, but it's not yet needed at the moment since most skills don't have content up to all the way in the 90's, but they're working on that.

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