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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. [spoiler=quotes]

    Alright, can we just agree that the admins made the most logical decision and the demand made by Jagex is stupid?


    Definitely. At least on my part- these are my thoughts exactly.

    I agree. This discussion isn't even between the whole of Tip.it anymore, but between Jagex and a few members which I shall not name.


    If I may, let me rephrase that. The issue is with Jagex. Some Tip.It'ers take good notice of that issue.



    I agree, the issue is with Jagex. However, I can sympathize with their stand on this. From their point of view, they are purely helping the fansites. By listing them and give them several benefits they want to direct as much people as possible to them. As a company, it would not be wise to direct a large group of customers to a third party site which advertises a competative product.


    Unfortenately, for us, this means that in essence they are saying: "if you want these benefits, you need to follow the exact rules we lay down", which in my book means that they are effectively controlling at least the largest fansites, and making them even bigger. The platinum sites will be more than happy with the extra support because it will make them much more popular, but this gives Jagex the oppurtunity to give them certain restrictions, with the biggest one probably being the ads.


    I agree with tipit's decision on this one though, but it's a shame that one of the best sites isn't recognized as such because of issues irrelevant to its quality.

  2. My game is working again <3

    Strange, mine is still not working.

    The RS log-in screen now loads. You can't yet log into the game though, or the lobby.

    Yeah that's the case, so it's not working :P

    now it says: no reply from log-in server, please try again later.

    Sounds like they'll be back up in a min.

  3. So if we are only playing the "tip of the iceberg" with the highest person being level 30, do you guys think it is fair to be judging the skill so early? I mean, it would be like judging summoning when you only had acess to the level 30 and below familiars (which suck for high levels).

    You shouldn't underestimate the simplicity of a lot of people. A lot of people WERE judging summoning on the first few days it came out with people only using the first 40 lvls or so. The same is happening here. Just don't take them too seriously and get a good level yourself, then judge it.

  4. I just did 5 lvls solo and it is pretty doable, but it's getting harder, so i can imagine that a team is required within a few lvls. I don't see how that is a bad thing though, just get a decent team like with BA. It also seems to me that it was intended to be a seperate game, but implemented within Rs, but because of the sheer size of it they made it a skill.


    Love the rewards <3:



    I'll say one thing.



    Fire Adze.




    I personally wanna reach level 92 in fming. For this reason.


    I think every skill is usefull, without fming you wouldn't have bulleye-lantern and would blow yourself up using candles.

    *some caves do that*

    The thing about the adze is that the only reason to get it is to further train your firemaking level.


    Personally I think of it as just another less important skill. I've trained it for a bit till 80 something while being f2p for requirements mostly. Some quests need a decent fm lvl, but for the most part it's a useless skill and the game wouldn't suffer one bit if it wasn't there in the first place.

  6. Looking back at some of the first pages, it has now been 1 year since manipulators bought out phats. People were all concerned that they would be stuck with them after a crash...1 year later and they still haven't crashed (thanks a lot PVP rewards! :wall: ). They still appear to be going strong. At this point, with a HUGE portion of phats stuck in the banks of hoarders, is it even possible for the phat market to crash? They cost so much in the GE now that, even if new 'epic' items are tradable (and buyable for GP which is unlikely) , it should only require a hoarder to sell 1 partyhat to get it. If there are say, 200 people who would sell off a phat for this item (again assuming they do this via the GE and not street price) is this even enough to crash the market?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is that, since phats are so valuable GE price, that you only need to sell one to get anything you want which means that these hoarders will never get rid of enough of their phats and the buyout will continue. Am I right in assuming this? Or is there somehting I'm missing?

    In theory, 200 phats sold over the GE shouldn't hurt the market that bad, but they will probably be sold within 1-3 days after the new items come out. Depending on what people are getting them, this could lead to a lot of threads and pics popping up showing that they've become buyable over the GE, causing a panic. The market is unpredictable like that.


    I believe that the phats will crash, or at least have their street price devaluated a lot when the new lvl 80+ weapons and armour appear to be buyable, which I doubt like you.

  7. There will probably be armour or potions that will boost your max life points, since that is the whole reason for the hp -> lp conversion. But I do think that is will be standard armour, which is the same for everyone and won't work with an enchanting chart or w/e, so you don't have to worry there. I agree that it's a great game, but I for one do like the continuous changes. They keep the game fresh and I like coming back to it after a few weeks. The thing I like the most about Rs is that there's something for almost everyone. You can train combat for PvM or PvP, but you can also neglect combat and focus on skills, or focus on obtaining as much cash as possible. You can even do all of those things if you want to.


    I don't mind if they are starting to look more like other mmo's either, as long as the game is improving, and within the last years, it has definately improved. The only real setback that changed some of the core-gameplay was the removal of free trade, but you can't blame them for that.

    Enchanting armor has its usefullnesses: it allows them to "upgrade" armour without making new armour/new drops (and thus making the old droppers obsolete).. - This is something I still am wondering how they're going to solve: before any higher hits can be introduced to the game, health-increasing items/potions ought to be standardized.. But what would happen to the armour like barrows/bandos/armadyl as it is today? - It will simply be useless (no armour can protect you from being 1-hitted currently, if armour would allow you to, they would be immediatelly be best).


    If we could enchant the old armour to give a health-boost it allows old armour not to be "useless"...



    Also notice runescape already has lots of enchantments (apart from the old jewellery, there are now bolts, "rings" (+i) shields (sigils could be considered enchantments of the bss)..

    However a better explanation would be "armour has a definite stat set", no random differences within the same armour piece..


    WHich RS still doesn't have. I would actually like such a change. I also play the "single player" game diablo (where I trade quite a bit).. The main fun is actually hunting for the best boosting items, and I like the hunt for that a lot! So I believe armour with "random" stats (either through enchantment-increases, or because of simply random armour) can be fun, and allows for a much wider variety of game styles.

    I'm afraid that the 'old' armour like bandos and armadyl will become the modern versions of rune and blue/red d'hide; cheaper armour that won't be used a lot, just by people who can't afford the higher level armour. They could prevent this in different kind of ways, but some of them won't be popular, like a degrading system which won't make it a viable training armour, but it could give the current armour a future.


    As for the current enchantments in the game, i agree that they do exist, but not to the extent as the OP is referring to. I think he is talking about a system in which you need certain requirements or funds to upgrade armour and weapons to different levels(like the mentioned (+15)). The current enchantments in Rs are limited to a normal version and an enchanted version, no further variations.

  8. There will probably be armour or potions that will boost your max life points, since that is the whole reason for the hp -> lp conversion. But I do think that is will be standard armour, which is the same for everyone and won't work with an enchanting chart or w/e, so you don't have to worry there. I agree that it's a great game, but I for one do like the continuous changes. They keep the game fresh and I like coming back to it after a few weeks. The thing I like the most about Rs is that there's something for almost everyone. You can train combat for PvM or PvP, but you can also neglect combat and focus on skills, or focus on obtaining as much cash as possible. You can even do all of those things if you want to.


    I don't mind if they are starting to look more like other mmo's either, as long as the game is improving, and within the last years, it has definately improved. The only real setback that changed some of the core-gameplay was the removal of free trade, but you can't blame them for that.

  9. I would say it is lega. All the above cases where it's been said illegal, those are strictly for the TRANSFER of items. However, if you notice, he is NOT transferring the item. He is buying the item. So neither of his accs gain or lose money.


    It is still transferring through a middle-man. And it's still against the rules.


    It's still not a transfer so much as it is a trade. Think about it.


    Let's say the egg is worth 50m. So both of his accounts would have 50m. After the transaction, both accounts still have 50m. He gains no net advantage. A Transfer would be if one account had the egg and the other had no money at all, and the egg went from one account to the other.


    Of course, in reality, he does gain an advantage since the GE had Easters underpriced. But that is Jagex's fault to relying on a system that isn't perfect, so it is not his fault.


    However, they do still interact. Anyway, the easter is transferred from one account to another, and the money goes the other way. It is illegal, so you shouldn't do it if you don't want to risk it, but i highly doubt they'll find out about it.

  10. Same goes for smithing :thumbup:

    that sir, just blew my mind.

    *imagines doing it with overloads*

    if i weren't so busy with school i'd think of more possibilities...

    You can only get one more overload per inventory, so it's really not worth it. You can make them at about the same rate making 4 per inventory (vs. 5 using yak).

    Useful for those that boost to get the lvl to make Overloads. Seeing as once they can bank the boost might have dropped back down.

    Maybe for the first one, but I'd think that it takes too long to fill up the yak after you've done the first, and since you can only use it for one overload per inventory, it's not that useful for overloads as skills like smithing and prayer.

  11. A lame fake theme park announcement... dissapointing to say the least.

    I actually thought it was really good. It's just a shame theres no in-game content to go along with it.

    I don't really care about the in-game content, but this isn't that good of an april fool's joke to me.


    I don't mind it of course, it's just a little fun, I just don't think it can compare to, say, the cabbage BTS. They've lost their touch on these kind of things.

  12. So if I understand this correctly, you will be able to get membership without actually paying for it? Instead, someone else buys it for RL money, and then you buy it from them for GP?


    If this is how it works, then how will it counter RWT at all? They can't remove the trade limit and bring back the old pvp loot system, so I don't see any use for this.

  13. I prefer PP, the xp is decent, even at my lvl and it doesn't kill your wrists. But I believe I read somewhere that blackjacking is faster until 91, so if you don't mind the constant clicking you should do that.


    Nice sig btw.. :blink:

  14. For overall training and combat, use barrows. Dragon is just for showing off IMO, it has worse stats, and the costs of repairing barrows is very low, especially because you should only use the plate and legs parts. For a helmet use the helm of Neitiznot and for a weapon use a whip, or sara sword for strength.

  15. Almost everything in Rs is based on some kind of fairytale/folklore/myth. Like Camelot, dwarves, elves and most other monsters. Most the quests are based on something else, take Grim Tales for example, there are a lot of fairy tale characters represented in this quest.


    Of course some references are more subtle than others, and Rs has some originality too. The Mahjarrat storyline is pretty original i think (not sure though).


    And don't forget the dozens of Monty Python references :twss:

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