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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. Hello Everyone!




    Just a little update. Yes, I know I said it would be done by the end of April (curse me and my awful assumptions), but I have been extremely busy with exams and whatnot, and haven't had the time to really do it. My exams finish this Tuesday, so after that I will get it finished as soon as possible.




    Thanks for your patience!


    Exams are way more important, i'm sure everyone will understand ::' Good luck and relax, just take your time :thumbsup:

  2. Jagex will insert the option to report players by right-clicking them in the short future. I created this thread to discuss the possible effects of this option and to see how others feel about this.


    I thought of a few pros and cons for the the option and I myself think that it will be a bad idea to implement it.




    Pros: Easier to report. This also means that more people who break the rules will be reported so the game will become a better game with less rule-breakers.




    Cons: Wannabe Moderators. These guys will be a big problem overall. If they are given the ability to report on a large skill they will most likely do this. This will be a major setback in playing-experience as a lot of people will be unfairly muted or even banned because of this; Jagex has a tendency to give out black marks to players who simply make jokes or adress eachother in a certain way which is understood by the adressed player, but someone else overhearing them can now more easily be tempted to report them, as Jagex has already stated some time ago that making valid reports will increase the chance of being selected as a P-mod.


    An example of this system in action is the clanchat "Forsakenmage". There are WBM's in there who will report everyone if they say something that can be taken out of context. As a result various players will refrain from going in this chat.




    IMO this new option will only work by taking out the cons, which can only be done with a far better way of distributing black marks. This will however require a lot more people to look at all the reports(of which the amount will only increase), which is to expensive if you compare it to the pros it gives.


    Maybe the new offence system will prove to be better, but they will need to show this first




    I'd like to hear your opinion on this topic so don't hesitate to post ::'




    [hide=a few pics]These are taken in a German world. "Regelverstoss melden" is translated as "report an offence".








    The screen when you hit the option[/hide]

  3. If it is triggered by death, it should be possible, but probably not based on the weapon of your opponent. IF they change it, it will most likely be one animation again, just different from the current one.




    Maybe a solution would be some sort of shop, or free choice of a few animations, so not everyone dies in the same way.

  4. Are you aiming at the pvp tricks? would be nice if you eloborated your post, not just say, "I think it is, you should know why..."




    IMO it's not a bug or a glitch, but it is abuse of the system. you can't ban people for finding imperfections in a system which they made imperfect themselves.




    *NOTE: I have never used the pvp trick, nor do i encourage it, I just don't find it a bannable offence.

  5. in most cases, faster kills > cheaper equipment. i've heard people say that the results get better with every upgrade, from bronze to rune, so i'd say rune knives are the best thing next to rings. Obviously the best things like morrigans javs are to expensive, but you get the point. Aviansies' drops are good enough to make make up for most extra costs.

  6. I usually (like 90% of the time) use a guide, because i don't get that much fun out of the quests then others. The only times i didn't use a guide was when a quest was just released, like Olaf's quest or the obsidian one, but this only happens occasionally.


    i have used a guide for every quest i have ever done.




    i thought all players did? :geek:


    Most players do, they just don't admit it :P

  7. This happens in other situation too, like in battle, when you teleport and get hit, you'll see the damage when you arrive at the teleport location. This has most likely happened with the transfer too: your partner got the healing at exactly the wrong time, giving him the healing effect when he got sent to lumbridge(or what other location).




    I'd think this can be very annoying if it happens, but it won't happen all that often if you cast the spell a bit earlier.

  8. Guys, let's not flame him any more. He should have gotten the message by now.




    Either improve the guide or simply remove it. If you put a bit more time into it, maybe you can have a good general armoured zombies guide.




    yes, i can accept that




    but there are already 2, both infinitely better then this, um... what do you call this??????? :oops:




    the point is, there is enough info on these, and this doesn't add to it, so its unneeded.


    I guess you're right, at least he put a little effort into it, although not enough to run a spelling checker. I'd say this guide gets a 2/10, because it is worse then current guides on the subject, bad spelling and IMO layout.




    But hey, he gave his best.

  9. It will be for a very short time, because Pvp is a hype again atm, but will be done less in a few weeks, and herblorists will buy herbs at a higher price too, making the herbs and seconds follow the potions. Also, when items go up like this, merchants will start buying them, which drives the prices up a bit higher, but will cause a big crash in the end.

  10. I don't think you can get it back if it says Maggie gives it, because she is near the legends guild now. Btw was it the only item you could get from the halloween event, because if it wasn't it probably counts as a quest reward as you can still get it now if you do the quest and Diango won't give it back.

  11. If you want money with woodcutting at a minimum focus, then yews are fine. For fishing i'd recommend monks over sharks for at least better xp, and i'm fairly sure the money is better too, i'm not sure, but it should be close.

  12. On the bright side, it doesn't take up much room out of your 496 spaces.




    It does seem a bit pointless though.




    lol...true...but apparently 496 bank spaces isn't enough in p2p....especially for people who have to bank EVERY SINGLE ITEM...... new idea, why not just wear it...it offers quite a good stat boost, and it'll stop the rest of us from hearing the whining...lol


    Read the post, he hasn't finished all quests, so can't wear it. Zaaps offered a good suggestion though, if you, for some reason, find it difficult to bank it, just alch it.

  13. I can now exclusively reveal the new quest's level requirements:




    * Level 41 Hunter.


    * Level 54 Firemaking.


    * Level 54 Strength.


    * Ability to defeat a level 100 enemy.




    What could you have to do in a dwarf quest that involves Hunter, Firemaking and Strength? You may begin your wild speculations now.




    We have to wrestle a lvl 100 dwarf, then capture him with a net and set him on fire :twisted:

  14. 3rd one will give dragon pickaxe.[/speculation]




    Im glad Mod Mark told him to up the requirements, these sound more fair then level 20 ones. ::'


    Dwarf graphics rework will be nice aswell, they really need it.




    Other then that, good to see how the progress is coming along.


    Mark's always telling me he wants a quest with 80+ requirements, maybe 90+ sometimes.




    Would be awesome, the higher the better ::' This would actually make the quest cape something.

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