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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. And notice how it says "may or may not" that means you have to distinguish the sattire. Although somethings may be satirized others may not.




    And there is reason to think that someone out there honestly believes this [cabbage]? I don't see where the hell someone sees the author taking herself seriously in all this mess.




    Give me some proof that the author actually believes this. I want to see it. There's no reason to take this article seriously that I can see.




    Or the blogger is a total [developmentally delayed] person, disprove that ;)




    on-topic: of course I don't believe it's true, but you can't say for sure it isn't.




    Are they boosting the quest points or numbers for specific reason?


    I doubt it, but if they are it's because the community puts too much investment into 50-100-150 and now 170.





    They could be boosting the number to get to the maximum trade limit, which is based on total qp's

  3. D claws aren't really used after the specs(I think) so the aren't really dominant weapons by your definition :P. Anyway, IMO rangers still have a decent chance in pvp, but mage is only usefull for support ( vengeance, or ancients for rushing) so you won't see a lot of mage only fighters in pvp. Mage being used for support with melee sort of ruins the triangle, but it would be really hard to restore the triangle, as an update could overpower mage very quickly.

  4. dusties slaughter you without facemask, so i'd say no, but you can try it with melee pray on, don't know if they hit through that.


    They hit 14s through prayer, and drains your stats to 0.


    then i'd suggest to the creator of this topic that he doesn't dharok them ::'

  5. Jagex will never be able to one up the cabbage-themed behind the scenes.


    Excactly, it was soo funny seeing all the rants pop up on the rsof with liek wtf we wantz real updaet!!




    maybe they'll let Diango sell you a sail boat or something, just like with toy horses :) but i don't think it'll be something special that actually has a use, just something fun like the d plate and kite :P that's more in the spirit of april fools anyway

  6. How is not training the DIY way a bad thing, it's not like the money you use for training a skill just falls out of the air, you actually spend time getting the money which is needed to train a skill, IMO there isn't a lot of difference between the two. If you want to train smithing, you go mine some ores first, then smith them and make money from the products. If I want to train smithing, I go make money for the ores, and then buy and smith them, while losing some money. Then i go train mining when I feel like it, because i still want the xp, but i can sell the ores and make some profit from that, which is more then i lose from smithing.


    We both end up with smithing xp, mining xp and a small profit. Probably your pure profit would be bigger, but that is because it took you a lot longer to get it.




    It's an MMORPG, where people have a choice of how to play, I don't see how you can get upset if someone takes a different road.especially when it's technically better :P

  7. well chaos tunnels would be a longer walk lucky for me i can do full blue dragon crafting O_o and red vambs


    Ok lets say you're in Edgeville, walk to the GE, jump ofer the Wilderness ditch, go north find the first entrance to the chaos tunnels near some bandits. Climb down the rope you're in a group of spiders, walk south and use that portal. Now if you don't get teled to another portal you should be at the green dragons. It may seem kinda long typed out but once you actually done the trip you can get there in a matter of seconds. Oh and to get away you can either House teleport ->Mounted Glory to Edge/ Castlewar tele with a RoD->Glory to Edge/Or just straight Glory to edge.




    Only fast way for blue dragons is to have 70 agility and use the pipe in Taverly Dungeon.


    There's an entrance just outside bounty hunter which leads to a room with a portal directly to green dragons. With a games necklace, i think this is faster then edge.

  8. If you are talking about aviansies, barrows legs, a dfs and a fury should give you some good range defence. If you're getting hit to much, take a barrows helm/neitiznot.






    :mrgreen: =P~ is that good of bad? wich one ? 291k good moneyy,


    but post better sutff. :wall: :shame:




    So you're saying HE has to post something better, while you are spamming this thread all over? At least if you really want to quote someone, remove the picture. :roll:




    to unspammify:




    That's 500k in points from 1 task <3 <3:

  10. If you have enough supplies you should go back up the ladder a few times so you can do maybe 4+ chests a trip with a little luck. You're pretty lucky with you drops though, getting a dh axe in the first few chests. getting coins from the chests is normal, and i'd say the chances of a barrows item is about 1 in 16.

  11. would useing fire bolt with chaos gauntlets (i think thats wat thier called =/) be a efficient enough?




    Yes, fire bolts are a great way to kill them if you use the chaos gauntlets. Maybe slayer dart comes close, but idk how accurate that is on metals, so i'd say go with bolts, as darts are twice the price

  12. Wait.... Another thought question though.... How do you guys explain the person that was on my friends list when I logged on, and when she got on, she said hi to me and started talking like I knew her..... :?




    could be someone from waay back :P happens to me when I turn my private chat to on instead of 'friends'.

  13. I would skip some steps to avoid some extra costs, but it looks good (except for the last 2 lvls i wouldn't use blues, just other charms.




    Using the charms probably usually isn't your biggest concern though, it's getting them ;)

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