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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. Okay, I see the different stones. I'm going to buy the ancient one. However, because its members will it still show up in f2p?




    yes, you keep the gravestone even if you turn f2p ;)

  2. A whip with the best armour defensive wise, you can wear.




    And of course, an Anti Dragon shield.




    Take 1-4 Dragonfire pots, a super set, an anti poison, 1-4 prayer pots and the rest food.(Sharks or Tuna Potatoes)




    Good luck.


    I'd rather not take my whip my first time, and could i use initiate and use protect from melee?




    yes initiate/proselyte works good(i think even better in your case:P)


    you'd better take oyur whip, as it is way better then any d weapon and will protect anyway.

  3. Maples will loose you money; Maples are provided in the MTK for over 100 a piece and GE offer is in the 90 gp range. wouldnt suggest it




    theyre 45-50ea on the ge actually;) and i think it was like 55-58 at Mtk, so you'll still lose money on the maples, but you make it back with seeds+nests.




    personally i have 10 on fish and 5 on flax atm ::'

  4. i would leave one brew and take another ranged potion, but you oculd also switch a sup. restore for one, because you ended with 4 left. doesnt really matter which one you leave though, but you definately need 3 ranged pots ;)

  5. im only 70 summon, but im pretty sure you can use the scrolls in duel tournaments as long as you have summoning turned on.




    i would think that the effectiveness of the healing will depend on the monster you are fighting, especially at question b, as a lot of monsters in the chaos tunnel dont require that much healing i think that a titan will heal you enough and do a good deal of damage at the same time.




    now im not really sure about this, but i think that titan pouches and scrolls use blue charms to make them, so it might be a little hard to get a lot of them, so i would probably use a bunyip in most cases where it isnt really an issue when i get 79 summon(shouldnt take to long :P)

  6. with the new item lending system, I've seen those words about 10 times in an hour.


    I think this will have a horrible effect on the economy for rares for starters.


    you can no longer tell if somebody is experienced at the game by looking at them(lets be honest, if somebody has a partyhat, you can tell they're long time players, that, or account traders)


    having a party hat no longer makes you special, theres no more acheivement in finally buying your nice blue crown. as a level 60 next to you has one too, you dont get the same buzz you would if you were the only one around(which, a lot of the time, you were).




    why did jagex put party hats and santa hats in the item lending list? didn't they realise the negative effect this will have?








    Sorry, I disagree with all of this. I never thought anything positive about people with party hats, and I will continue to think that way because I couldn't give two [cabbage] about who is wearing one.




    I will agree the constant asking to borrow stuff is highly annoying and has gotten me to the point of wishing it was never implemented. I hope for the sake of all of our sanity, like quick chat, all of the constant talk about it will go away after a few days...




    the point is that you could tell that the people were experienced player, because you eaither had to buy them a long time ago for a cheaper price, making you a long time player, or you had to spend a lot of time gathering the money used to buy it, making you a pretty experienced player. you not thinking anything positive or negative abouth them doesnt really have anything to do with that ;)




    on topic: it might seem a big threat to the economy at first because of the hype, but i think that it will die down eventually. and bgs started rising all of a sudden when item lending came out, when it dropped 1.1m in the day before it came out :P

  7. What do you think will begin to move, or has been, very sharply. Do you project any to go up? Do you believe they will level out at the end of the item lending craze? I am just trying to make a general discussion about the economy in RS.




    you cant really say if the 'general economy' is moving up or down, since a lot of items differ a lot in price changes, IE weapons and armor like barrows and wihps will steadily fall in prise, with maybe the occasional rise, but a lot of raw materials like yews or coal for example will steadily rise in price over time.




    atm, i think that godswords will rise for a short while, till the supply get bigger then the demand and the price will fall again. i think that it would take a while for gwd items to stabalise.

  8. so it's true that scamming wont go away completely :P




    IMO, dumbing down of the the hasn't really stopped with this update, as about all of the methods to scam involved the scammed to not really pay atention( IE not looking at the trade window or walking in the wilderniss etc.), although in this case, he cant know for sure if the lender is really giving his item.




    This scamming only applies to members right..? Because F2P can only trade 3k at a time?


    f2p can also junk trade, but i dont think it will happen a lot in f2p because they dont have really usefull items to lend out. maybe the occasional player who want to lend a phat or so, but not much more.

  9. i always thought that would rise after item lending came out, so i bought one yesterday(day it came out) i had to buy for a little above trade price on ge, but i see that they rose again today, and hope that they will keep rising. :pray:

  10. The damage that your familiar deals does not count towards your slayer in the long run




    It's a bit hard to explain, but combat familiars provide no help to slayer whatsoever




    Suppose that your familiar deals 20 damage to each 100 hp red demon




    After 5 kills, your familiar will have dealt 5*20 or 100 hp, and so has killed the equivalent of 1 red demon




    Thus, every 6 kills that you and your familiar do, only 5 are counted for slayer




    Has always been like this for as far as I know




    i dont think it works like this.


    slayer xp is given in 2 parts, 50% for the one that does the most hits and 50% for the one that does the last blow, so it would help kill the demons considerably faster, and will get you the same xp as long as it doesn't give the finishing blow.

  11. probably wcin, because like you said, fishing only offers lobs and yews are better then those. mining gets nice from addy, and youll make a nice amount if you mine and bank coal from when you can mine it. IMO you should get anything up to at least 40 or so, just to have some f2p stats.




    i find making money using skills in f2p a waste of time though, because the only thing thats the same as in members price-wise are yews and mining, but its a lot faster in p2p since its usually a LOT less crowded.




    so in short :P just try to get your skills up if you plan on staying f2p, since you probably wont be needing a lot of money soon ;)

  12. and what about if you never did Tut Island? (started before it was released)




    i think you will be able to collect the reward.


    If that doesn't sound like your cup of tea, any player will be able to collect the new Tutorial's reward - two experience lamps - whether they have completed it or not.
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