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Posts posted by SanNo1

  1. I saw someone get 99 construction in some random place. Definately not a player owned house.




    Is it possible to flatpack or train construction *WITH PLANKS* anywhere other than a player owned house?




    Or tell me how he did it plox










    I dont think he would've gotten a genie lamp or book of knowledge randomly with 50+ people around him




    people often keep an item that gives xp when they get close to 99, so they can get it in any place they want.


    there are multiple items that can do this, like the book or lamp you get from randoms, or lamps/tomes you get from quests. there are also xp lamps you get from the varrock museum and im sure i missed some ;)

  2. Sorry for the preplexomg question though the main concern was escaping from the law alter, or somehow keeping the orb while still being able to stay on the island.


    If anyone remembers how they got through this part of the quest could they tell me?




    didnt paw claw just say that u need to use it on the altar on entrana?

  3. what i've heard from other people is that it is because jagex mentioned some higher level'd armor to be released with the pvp, so everyone is selling their current armor while they can. it makes sence but i would expect the prices to go up again when it is released, because people will want a Gs and good armor for when pvp would come out

  4. i'm just wondering, but if you wield a bow without any arrows, can u still attack them? it works with thieving, so it could work here and solve your problems ::'




    (and the brackets are actually the forum censor)

  5. it never becomes unusable, it degrades wich will make it hold fewer ess, but u can just repair it at the mage in the abyss ;)




    i think its about 18-20 uses before it degrades, but i dont know if there is an exact number

  6. As alphakodes said, staying far away from a wyvern to where it can only use the longrange attack but not the breath attack will result in it not being able to hit anything but 0s.




    Range Prot means a certain ONE of his styled moves does no damage. I think this would count he doesn't have a range attack. Trust me, I'm CERTAIN Wyverns have a ranged attack, and I have much experience in killing them.




    this is true, wyverns definately use their ranged attack when you are ranging them, i don't know if they still use it while you are in melee range though (like miths)

  7. Couple of questions




    Subway, can you read minds? I've been considering both of those.


    Is the 400k an hour the price of the natures when sold or price when sold minus cost of ess?


    With the graahk, is there an item that gives infinite teles close to a bank?


    If I were to mine my own ess, doubtful, the best place is the mages guild right?


    If I end up using Edgeville to bank, what's a good number of glories to use?


    For Barrows what's a good spell to use till I get 55 slayer?




    i think the 400k is with the ess still incuded, since nats dropped a lot :s, good items to use for teles are dueling rings, but glories are good too. i personally use 20 glories, but anything 10+ is fine.




    a good spell for barrows is fire blast or any wave spell, but sallies work great too ::'

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