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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. Rioting against Jagex is not going to get you the bank space you desire. Lets think back to the Swiftswitch riots.....




    Many people rioted, spammed and absolutely lagged the server. Now think, as a result, several thousand were banned or muted.




    So you think rioting against Jagex is going to get you that bank space? Not saying you shouldn't get it, but rioting won't solve your problems :|




    Yes I realise that last rally no one was banned, but thats because Jagex didn't even notice your rally




    Actually, Jagex DID know about the rally. They knew about it when it was first announced. I made sure of that, with some help from my pmod friends. They chose not to do anything about it then, and I seriously doubt they'll do anything about it now. If they wanted to ban anyone about it, they would have banned me a long time ago.




    And no, riots don't work. I guess it's a good thing then, that this isn't a riot. This is what's called a rally. There really is quite a difference...

  2. Thanks for the support. It really does help when members, who aren't a bunch of stuck up snobs, post here and show their support.




    To Frankie: We have already had one rally, and no bans were issued. I doubt it will change this time.




    Besides, if they really wanted to ban someone for it, it would have been me, and they would have done it a long time ago. :P

  3. I support this to an extent, I have to admit that restricting bank space is a problem for me.




    I hit 85 Mining recently and started doing runite runs into the wildy. obviously i dropped all my valuable stuff into the bank and oh....






    random costumes are my big problem:


    leiderhosen (3)


    Zombie (5)


    Mime (5)


    Frog (1 i have tokens)


    Desert (only 1 so far)




    Dont know if anyone has suggested it but why can't we combine random clothes with the holiday drops ie use diango. then if you drop them you destroy them and diango can give them back.




    would be useful to P2P (who have low construction or no house) would be a godsend to F2P and dont have to adjust the bank limit.




    It has been suggested before, and I'm sure Jagex has seen the idea. But for some reason, they refuse to do it.

  4. I'll try to come at the rally[ies]. By the way, are yo going to type in a different color for important informations? Such as "We are now going to lumbridge!"




    I probably will, just to make any important messages I maye have stand out more. But the problem we had in the last rally, was that alot of people tried to change their text color also, and tried to take the lead of the group. That's why I've told everyone to turn their public chat to friends, and to have me added. If I do have to announce something, like we're relocationg, I will repeat the message several times, so that it shows up clearly in your chat box.

  5. This is all to bad because they listed that they wont be accepting any suggestions for bank space!




    Ok, let me take a stab at trying to understand you... You said in your first post, that you support us... But then you go on to say that we should just shut up about it, because we're never going to get more bank space? What kind of funky supporter are you?.. :shock:




    And please... Use regular font, for Saradomin's sake.

  6. the problem is you don't try to keep your bank space under control. if you drop all your worthless things like random event clothing, sell stuff that you don't need, like trimmed armor, and sell the things you get from skills or use them before you move onto something else you'll have plenty of space. check out my guide at http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=670459, and you can get plenty of extra space.




    For some reason, many non-supporters seem to think that we should all drop our random event clothing. Perhaps to you rare few, random event clothing is insignificant, but to a vast majority of the Runescape population (especially among F2Pers), random event clothing is extremely valuable.




    I'm going to tell you this in the perspective as a Runescape citizen that's been F2P throughout his RS career.




    Random event clothing is like a sign to everyone else, saying how long you've been playing Runescape -- much like holiday items are. If you see someone in a full set of random event clothing, who's random event is extremely rare (such as the mime), then you can tell they've been playing Runescape for quite some time. There are currently three outfits that say "Hey look, I've been playing Runescape long enough to get this full set!": Lenderhosen, Camo, and the rarest of all, the Mime. Even I have wasted away hours of cutting yews, or smithing bars, just in hopes that I will get that ever elusive MOM, while he's in that "Lets-take-some-narb-to-the-mime!" mood. A set of full mime clothing would have been my greatest treasure -- not for value, as it isn't tradeable, but for its meaning.




    Why would I just throw that away? Why should any of us throw away these pieces of clothing which are extremely hard to come by, for a pile of arrows, or some cool armour -- who's only value is in gp. Random event clothing has so much more worth than gold pieces, and to throw it away would be a shame.






    To Penguingeek: If you could send me a pm with further details on that BBCode idea, with replies to arguments, please do. I'll try to get all of that arranged.






    And last but not least, THE NEXT RALLY!




    It has been decided....




    Starting on July 28, we will be having weekly rallies on every Saturday! Get your crazy clothes on, and your keyboards cleaned... We're going to be striking Jagex in waves.




    The above information is all I will be posting for now, just to give you all a heads up as to when it will be. God knows you've been spamming me for the date for over a month now. :P I will try to get all of the finalized info in my main post in the next few days.




    Mark your calendar!




    We will be a force to be reckoned with.

  7. Lol, removing the yew trees would only do two things:




    1) The bots would just go back to mining ore, or cutting willows.




    2) That would be putting alot of very, very, angry F2P'ers in Jagex's lap.




    Removing the yew trees wouldn't really help anything in the long run...

  8. What a relief it is to see that my thread didn't explode while I was gone. ;)




    I'm back for a little while, but will be leaving soon for the beach. I'll probably be only be around for the next two days, but after that, I won't be back until I come back from my appointment with that strip of golden sand, and a Chinese back massage... *Goes into dreamy state*

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