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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. I've decided to announce the upcoming creation of a F2P Bank Space topic in Zybez.net. As time goes on, the word of this campaign spreads, and more and more supporters are gathered. Already we have seen evidence of the ever increasing buzz, as references have been made to the F2P Bank Space issue in Tip.It articles on multiple occasions. Our recent rally has also gotten the word out to those that may not use Tip.It. With a new summer, comes a new step in this campaign. I have decided to create a similar bank space topic in the Runescape Community forums, in hopes of drawing more supporters from another source. When the time comes for the next rally, I hope to have both Tipiters and RSC users there, and helping to support our campaign. Jagex has been quite keen on not mentioning anything on the existance of this campaign, and pretending to not have heard of it. I have already been told that Jagex is well aware of the campaign, and was aware of the rally. We have been heard, but that doesn't mean they will take heed to us. If we are to be succesful in this campaign at any point in time - whether it be in a month, or another year - we need as many supporters as we can gather.




    Now after saying that, I'd just like to mention a small word to the people that have been with this campaign from the begining. I will soon be taking my leave from Runescape. I am unsure as to how long I will be 'retired', or when I will actually leave. I will be online enough to continue the campaign as best as I can, but for other matters, I will be online at a bare minimum. I ask that you keep this thread going, and once I post it, keep the RSC thread alive. I will try to be in the forums as much as possible, but there will be times when I may not be on for many days at a time.




    I thank all of those supporters that have posted in this thread, and ask that you all keep a wary eye on my first post. Before long, info on the next rally will be posted.




    To those that have been keeping a clean debate, I thank you for not flaming/spamming. I will try to respond to you if I get the opportunity.





  2. I'd have to say no.. Pking with large clans (like my own clan, TDM) would be utterly chaotic. Think about it:




    A decent sized pking clan can get about 100 opts at a pk trip. The first mess of that would be having to form long chains when following the leader, because they cant all be following right behind him.




    The first negative to that would be the fact that long chains always give away the number of people in a pk group, which would be a big red sign saying "danger!" to any other pkers that are out. Chances are, when they see that long chain running at them, they'll log out. That would greatly reduce the number of pk's that the pking group can get.




    The second factor would be dd'ing, as it was mentioned above. Dd'ing is a vital part of pking, because it gives a false pretense of the size of the group, thus giving the group the act of suprise when an unwary pker wanders up, thinking he's got an easy kill. But if the collision idea was implemented, people would have to stand around in a large mass of white dots, which pretty much says "Hey! Look at us! We're going to eat you for breakfast if you come over here!". There goes another kill for the pkers, right with his rune.




    Also, there's wars to worry about. If you've ever been to a large clan war, in which both sides mass 200+ opts, the first thing you'll see during battle is a long chain of people attacking the same person. The entire concept of piling an opponent would be ruined if people couldn't all be in attacking range with melee.




    Mages and rangers in pking would become vastly more popular, because they can attack from different distances, thus allowing more people to attack the same person, since melee requires a close range to attack. This would affect the economy of Runescape, most likely by lowing the cost of rune and melee weapons, and increasing the cost of runes, arrows, and dhide armour.






    As I hope you can understand now, this collision idea would cause utter chaos in clan pking. :XD: It was an interesting idea, but it would cause far too many disadvantages for clans for Jagex to actually implement it.

  3. Alas, 'tis be time for a small speech from your humble host, Prankster_King.






    10 months ago, I made this thread. 10 months ago, I first brought this campaign into existance... 10 months ago, it was but a few pages big... Now look at it.




    I offer my big congratulations to everyone that has helped to keep this thread alive, and the debates burning. It was thanks to you that this thread has reached




    100 pages!




    Though you can't see it, I'm giving you all a standing ovation.




    And what better to put the icing on the cake, than being claimed to be this weeks Hot Topic? :D I personally don't think there is one. ::'




    In my 10 months of leading this campaign, I have seen alot of flaming, spamming, and harrassing... But I've also seen alot of good, strong arguments, and equally strong debates to go with it. I'd like to thank those that didn't come in here and just start flaming or spamming, and thank those that stayed in here and kept the debates going strong.




    Our recent rally was a great one. I'd like to thank everyone that attended -- you guys did an awesome job. I know that alot of people have been asking when the next rally will be. Hell, I've had to keep my chat off half the time, just to keep from being bombarded with pm's. Well, I'm more than happy to tell you that the event is being planned for some in July. I'll have info on it posted up in my main post as soon as I get it all organized, so make sure you keep checking this thead. ;)




    Once again, a big thanks to each and every one of you. I offer my sincerest apoligies that I've been so inactive lately. I should be back and kicking in the thread again before too long. ;)








    ~Prankster_King [(The dude with the iron fist) Lol, thanks to whoever posted that comment. It really was hilarious ::']

  4. Lorsung, I don't have the time to argue with you right now as you may want me to have. Real life calls, and I only have the time to skim through the posts in this thread.




    As for the entire "respect" aspect; What the hell are you talking about?...




    Let me see if I understand this correctly.




    You at first respected what I was doing, and tried to start an intelligent argument.




    That's great. I wish that more of the people that posted in here did that.




    And then you go on to say that because I didn't give a hint that I read your previous posts after you posted them, I lost your "respect"?




    Lol, need I remind you that I can't be on these forums 24-7? I did read them, but that was after you had made that little "I won" post.




    And so now you have shunned the idea of more f2p bank space, just because I couldn't respond right away? Or that I only had the time to skim through your posts, because I actually have a little something called a life? Bud, you really make me laugh.




    If I for some reason sound like I'm getting a bit annoyed, it's probably because I am. You've got to see this situation through my perspective:




    For 10 months, I have had to argue with countless p2p'ers as to why f2p could use a bit more bank space. During those 10 months, I have had to repeat my answers to the same old arguments every day. Just take a moment to try to imagine that... Every week, I have at least one flamer pop up that needs dealing with. Every day I get an argument that I need to reply to. I'm constantly assaulted with spam and pointless posts that needs dealing with. I've got to tell you, that gets pretty annoying and irksome. I doubt that you can full understand how I feel about it right now, as I seriously doubt you've had a thread such as this last for 10 months, during which you have had to deal with the things I've had to deal with.




    Now, that was just the start of it. The real sourse of my annoyance and stress comes from real life issues. I'm not going to go into it right now, because it's honestly none of your business. I can tell you though, that it's gotten me pretty stressed out recently, and kept me tied up. I am unable to thoroughly scrutinize every single post made in here, and take five minutes to type out a well thought out answer. If I could, I promise you I would, but I can't, so I'm not going to attempt to.




    You can keep your bloody respect, because I honestly don't need it right now. It's been a long day, and I'm not going to put up with you right now. Maybe in the future I'll have more to say to you, but for now you can just forget about getting an "intelligent" argument from me. If you really want to know what I'd say to you, just look through those 93 pages of arguments in this thread. I guaruntee you it's all there, because I've said it all before.




    And also... Where exactly did you get your most recent statistics? They don't look like anything familiar, which leads me to believe you thought up random numbers off the top of your head. Please tell me if I'm wrong. :roll:

  5. Ok if everyone's waiting for me to post my third arguement, I'm flattered, but don't. Someone's gotta post eventually. Try to fight me, tell me what you don't understand about my arguements. Maybe I've won and people are seeing the light, I don't know, I'm just here to not have people try to get more for free.




    First of all, I'd like to ask you to not spam my thread with meaningless posts such as this.




    Secondly, in response to why somebody hasn't posted to argue with you -- People do have lives, you know... They can't just stare at the computer all day, just so they can reply to you whenever you post your little arguments.




    And no, you haven't "won".... Lol. You really crack me up, thinking that just because you've repeated an argument that's been said ever since the making of this thread, that you "won", and that our opinions would suddenly change. Wow, I've gotta tell you... That statement just made my day.




    I think the entire part of this that you fail to grasp -- even though I've said this at least two dozen times (quite literally) -- is that encoding 12 new bank slots would require so little effort, and so little cost, that it could be easily paid for by just a few days worth of adverts, if not one day. If you want to see a further explanation of what I mean, just look back in the bloody thread. I'm not going to repeat myself for yet another random guy that thinks he can "win" a debate. (Lawl)

  6. Let me ask you this... Is two more rows of bank space, which could be done in a days time, really too much to ask?... Just think about it for a moment, before you go bombarding me with the whole "you dont pay, you dont deserve" statements. Now, because I've said it so many times before, think about the incredibly small amount of time it would take to do this, and compare it to the time that Jagex spends on a single, simple, graphical update. Compared to even the most minor graphical updates, encoding 12 more bank slots could be done at a snap of their fingers.




    Now you should have some understanding of how little time and effort it would take to do this.

    This is true, Blossom2581 showed that it would cost Jagex under $500 to give all players another row or two of bank space, but Jagex still won't do it. Jagex would rather pressure people to join members, which allows them to make millions of dollars, than pay $500 and give people less reason to become a member.




    Lol?... How many times do I have to say this? People don't get membership for a little more bank space! They get it fot the quests, skills, armour, weapons, mini-games, and increased map areas... Compared to that, no one cares about 12 new bank slots when they're buying membership. Please stop repeating that lame argument, that I've adressed at least 50 times.




    Now, think about all the arguments that were made, saying we should just buy members. Answer me this; why would any sane person spend their money, no matter how much or how little, just to get a bit more bankspace? Every year, Jagex does some sort of update that benefits F2P, that doesn't necessarily help P2P any. Rather than some big, drastic update like the Stronghold, would it be too much for Jagex to add 12 new bank slots to the ever-so-small f2p bank?
    Security Stronghold was a big update for free players, it didn't add a need for bank space because the weapon that you could get at the Stronghold was weak (comparable to a bronze scimitar), and the boots could be worn. I believe that the Stronghold of Security was very important because it could teach newer players about the dangers of scamming, with a little incentive.




    Like it was said several times above, the sceptre is used for teleporting, and alot of F2P'ers carry it as a P2P'er would carry a teleportation tablet. And since you can only store one completed sceptre, people have to store the seperate parts and pieces, so they can put it together whenever they need it.




    I don't think so, and that's why I've started this campaign. Jagex has been seemingly turning a blind eye to the need of this one particular update, even when it's so incredibly simple to do, that could greatly benefit F2P and P2P alike. That's why I've come to show them how this minor update would be appreciated by both F2P'ers and ex-P2P'ers, and how much it would benefit the old time players of Runescape - who just dont have the time to waste their money on membership - in storing their ever increasing horde of items.


    Increasing free players' bank space would please everybody except Jagex, because it reduces the pressure on free players to pay for bank space. The only thing that Jagex seems to care about is making money.




    Erm, yeah.. Please read my first statement in this post.






    You also said that it was mentioned that it would only cost Jagex about 500$ to make such an update. Let's say that's true, which it may or may not be, since it probably does sum up the general cost of it. Now, if you would please remember this little fact, the owners of Jagex are billionares... They're richer than most people could even dream of. What would $500 be to them, compared to the thousands of millions they have already? That would be like a man with $100, giving away a nickel. It isn't that much. Just the adverts pay more than enough for this meager update.






    As for the weekly rallies idea, I'm unable to plan anything like that until I get these real-life issues straightened out. But don't worry, there will be more rallies.

  7. Let me ask you this... Is two more rows of bank space, which could be done in a days time, really too much to ask?... Just think about it for a moment, before you go bombarding me with the whole "you dont pay, you dont deserve" statements. Now, because I've said it so many times before, think about the incredibly small amount of time it would take to do this, and compare it to the time that Jagex spends on a single, simple, graphical update. Compared to even the most minor graphical updates, encoding 12 more bank slots could be done at a snap of their fingers.




    Now you should have some understanding of how little time and effort it would take to do this.




    Now, think about all the arguments that were made, saying we should just buy members. Answer me this; why would any sane person spend their money, no matter how much or how little, just to get a bit more bankspace? Every year, Jagex does some sort of update that benefits F2P, that doesn't necessarily help P2P any. Rather than some big, drastic update like the Stronghold, would it be too much for Jagex to add 12 new bank slots to the ever-so-small f2p bank?




    I don't think so, and that's why I've started this campaign. Jagex has been seemingly turning a blind eye to the need of this one particular update, even when it's so incredibly simple to do, that could greatly benefit F2P and P2P alike. That's why I've come to show them how this minor update would be appreciated by both F2P'ers and ex-P2P'ers, and how much it would benefit the old time players of Runescape - who just dont have the time to waste their money on membership - in storing their ever increasing horde of items.




    Once again, before you post here -- think. Don't just repeat an argument that has been nulled.

  8. ...


    Well, this applies to p2p too, so I guess no one has any right to ask for updates.

    P2P doesn't ask for updates from Jagex, Jagex gives them to us because otherwise we'd stop paying Jagex.




    Lol? Have you looked in the Runescape forums recently? If you look in the Suggestions section, you'll see a whole lot of asking for certain updates. :roll:

  9. Things that are more important than improving f2p bank space include


    Banning Autoers


    Improving the Log-Out feature


    Creating new member updates


    Free to play space will always be on the B side


    f2p space may be needed, but it is definately not important


    Need I remind you that adding 12 more bank slots wouldn't be some month long project for Jagex to do... They could probably encode 12 more slots in two days, if not one day. It wouldn't take much effort.


    And just curious... "Improving the Logout features"? Please explain further...


    Banning autoers is more important than free bank space because many of Jagex's paying customers are concerned about it, and member updates are more important because they bring more people to P2P. It doesn't matter if more free bank space would take Jagex 5 seconds, they will never do it because the lack of bank space pressures people to get more of it by paying Jagex.




    Jagex is already working very hard to crack down on autoers. True, member updates are important, as members do pay. That's why you get a ton of updates every month, now isn't it? Are you really so greedy for more updates that you wouldn't want a couple staff from Jagex to encode 12 more bank slots for F2P? It sure sounds that way to me. Members get an update at least every other week... Isn't that enough already? And last time I checked, very few people, if any, joined members for a bit more bank space... People get membership for the quests, weapons, armour, skills, items, and mini-games. Compared to all of that, a bit more bank space doesn't matter. Why don't you stop trying to horde all of Jagex's attention and updates, and allow them to take a few days to encode 12 new bank slots for F2P... It's not going to kill you.

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