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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. I'm too lazy to read it but I kinda know what it's about. If you want more bankspace pay 5 dollars an hour








    So you spammed my thread without even reading my first post?... Well isn't that nice of you to tell us. Reported for spam. ;) (Also, I don't think you pay 5$ an hour for membership. :lol: )












    I'd just like to clarify is, that this rally is for F2P Bank Space.. I created this thread for the lack of essential bank space in F2P, and while P2P might need more space too, that's not what this thread is about. If you wish to protest about your P2P lack of bank space, you're free to make a rant thread of start your own P2P rally. But this thread is for F2P bank space, and it will remain that way. Please do not come in here just to say that P2P needs more space too. I know that. Both sides are in dire need of bank space. I have taken the liberty of begining this thread for the F2P side, not P2P. Please make your own thread about the p2p lack of bank space rather than posting about it here.












    Komodoman: I'd appreciate it if you sent me a pm with the names of any pmod friends that are willing to help out. We need all the support we can get to keep the spammers down. :)

  2. Ah whatever. Just bump this thread whenever needed, which shouldn't be often.








    And about the rally...




    1. It would help if you said it was a Saturday. Most people can't look at a date and figure out what day of the week it is.




    2. In the letter to Jagex, you said world 96, but you say world 61...? And since world 7 is the Tip.It F2P homework, may I suggest using that world, although it might be full...?




    3. Make it clear that your RuneScape name IS NOT Prankster_King. Most people don't know that, despite the fact that it's stated right under your avatar. Adding some other people to look for would be handy too.




    4. If there's space, maybe add something in the letter to Jagex about spamming, and WHY you're sending them the message. Which is so hopefully a J-Mod will attend to keep down spam. And so it'll be noticed more. (People tend to notice J-Mods more than average players)




    5. Bufoman, get your P-Mod friends! Tell them to come to help keep down the spam! ::'




    6. W00T! Rally time! :D








    I have fixed the world problem, and the world will be 96.




    I will add that my username is Blackbear778 shortly.




    Sadly, there wasn't much space in the letter for me to work with. The letter I have posted now is the best I could come up with.




    I'm currently in the process of getting p-mods to come to the rally and keep out any spammers.








    I hope to see you all at the rally. ;)

  3. X_T_H_X wrote:




    You stupid kids don't deserve more bank space. If you want it so badly why not open up a bank account, put some money into it, transfer it to paypal, and buy members? Or is that too complicated for you so you have to depend on your mommy?








    My brother is f2p meet me in the wild jerk! And Never call f2p "stupid kids" again. YOU ARE THE STUPID KID NOOB!!








    Don't flame in this thread again.. It is immature and completely uncalled for. X_T_H_X apologized for what he said, as you would have seen if you paid a bit more attention. If I see you flaming again, you will be reported.












    To Penguingeek: It would have been a double post if I repeated "Thanks for your support" right after my first one. ::' It does not matter if I have to bump the topic if it goes dead for a few days.








    The rally date has been posted! Be sure to try your best to attend it! We need your support!

  4. It is true that Jagex has pushed Runescape Users into such fear of downloading programs of any sort. Personally, I think they are overdoing it a bit. It is, after all, only a game... It's not like your having your Real Life bank account hacked. But anyways- I feel sorry for your position. I know that has a programmer, you want your games tested and feedback. I personally love testing new games, and giving feedback to the owners. I find it enjoyable to see what other people have come up with. ::' Someday I hope to make my own mini games for other people to enjoy.








    I reccomend joining a smaller community clan, where you can really get to know the other people there. Once you get to trusting each other, I'm sure they will be happy to try out your games and such. Granted, not even I would download something from a random person off the street. It's not just the Runescape hackers that I'm worried about, it's the real viruses scattered out there.








    Try looking for a community clan to join? I'm sure if you posted an ad out there, someone will come along with just the right community clan. ;)

  5. i sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo agree!! also, is ther any way to prove som1 is macroing???












    u got so many supporters, i think u should start a support list. good luck!








    Jagex usually checks the ip of the account for many multiple accounts, and for another assortment of details. I'm really not sure of it all, and probably never will. ::'




    If they did this, people would expect different types of bones from all of the monsters. I'm sure that Jagex would like to keep it simple, and leave it all as the same type of bones.












    what do you have brain for??








    What do I have brain for?... Please translate that into a language I can make sense of..








    people who have no brain can not make sense out of anything!! You like it much better!! i am sure!! :shock:












    To everyone eles:-








    Thank You for your support! :D 8-)








    No, I don't believe I like the idea.. At all. :-#








    As I said above, there's just no point in a type of update like this.


    If they did this, people would expect different types of bones from all of the monsters. I'm sure that Jagex would like to keep it simple, and leave it all as the same type of bones.












    what do you have brain for??








    What do I have brain for?... Please translate that into a language I can make sense of..

  8. You're annoying.








    That's my opinion. Don't post your ideas unless you can handle people's opinions that you don't agree with.








    You can't say I'm not entitled to it.








    And don't get me started on immaturity.








    And never call me lad again.








    Ok lad, let's just get a few things straight.








    Your "opinion" was just a post calling all F2Pers "stupid kids". And yes, I can handle other peoples opinions, but only when they're actual opinions, and not flames and spam.








    Don't get you started on immaturity? Please explain further on where you're going with that... I stand by my post, as I consider flaming and spamming to be immature. A good, well thought out argument would be mature. Calling F2P "stupid kids" isn't.

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