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Posts posted by Prankster_King



    Didn't gandorf's idea trigger a thread lock? :shock:








    And btw, why did you de-flag the message you quoted from me? (Just Curious!)








    Hmm, I think I may poke jaklumen about sticking up a link to all the old posts so everyone can read it. :-k








    I've already pmed him about that. No reply... He's either busy with life in the real world, or has chosen to ignore me. ::' I haven't checked the thread made by gandorf recently.. I'll check it in a moment.








    Okay, two things, and I am not trying to be angry or take anyone's head off:








    1.) The posts that belong to gandorf were originally in this thread, prior to the lock...








    2.) Why did you dodge my question about the de-flag? Please PM me with an answer on this or poke me in-game if needs be...








    ~Mr. Devnull








    Answer to 1: I have seen a thread about deleting accounts. It's called "Deleting Accounts--Good or Bad". We were both reffering to different things. ::' I wasn't able to read the posts that were posted prior to the locking.








    Answer to 2: I didn't mean to doge your question. I've been extremely caught up in matters outside of Runescape, and have only had a chance to skim through these posts. As for the answer to that: I was editing the first post, and decded to delete it since there wasn't any spam or repeating comments (due to the cleaning). When there are more and more posts, I'll return it. (Only if I can get a link to the former posts...)








    I'm still waiting for a reply from Jaklumen about forming a link to the former posts... I might have to give him another nudge to get his attention.

  2. Spam has been removed from this thread.








    Please stay on track.








    Thank's for unlocking the topic. :)








    rofl no they wouldn't.




    Jagex could just use a constant.








    I recon that sitting down on benches etc should restore energy quicker, and perhaps sitting on the ground does to, but not as quickly as seats and benches, and it takes a second or two to get back up.








    (Like in classic, sleeping bags restore fatigue slower than beds.)








    You're right, they could make it a constant. I didn't think of that. :roll:












    This is the Quick Code for the topic in the Runescape Forums: 24-25-760-33022480

  3. Didn't gandorf's idea trigger a thread lock? :shock:








    And btw, why did you de-flag the message you quoted from me? (Just Curious!)








    Hmm, I think I may poke jaklumen about sticking up a link to all the old posts so everyone can read it. :-k








    ~Mr. Devnull








    I've already pmed him about that. No reply... He's either busy with life in the real world, or has chosen to ignore me. ::' I haven't checked the thread made by gandorf recently.. I'll check it in a moment.












    To the person that said noone uses cosmics: I do, D V Devnull does, and alot of other people do.





  4. Ive already agreed to your idea before the topic was cleaned (which I am quite happy about due to the fact that it runs quicker and smoother, so nice job on cleaning it. :mrgreen: ) But I am just posting my thoughts again with a few more ideas which I think Prankster_King thought was a good idea.




    We definity need a bit more bank spaces and I would just be happy to have 12 more extra slots for all the Random event stuff, and even more importantly my merchantng items. I don't know how many times I have had to sell all my ores, bars, and fishing equipment because of the lack of space in my bank. And then finding out a little while later that I could of sold it for twice the price which I had sold it for just to make some space. I also can't save up too many items in bulk to sell for a bigger price do to the small bank size. :x :XD: :evil:




    Here's my idea:


    Delete all accounts that are under combat lvl 10 and overall lvl 150 if they are not active (used) within a year and a half (about 16months). By doing this it would clear up a lot of memory usage for jagex free up some usernames and allow F2P to have a few more updates and a bigger bank.




    For more information on this check out the topic I made @:








    Post your comments on it their on that topic don't take up space of this topic as it is different from Bank Space.




    Well you can add me to the list of supporters and I sent in a copy of the message to jagex. I might do it again in few weeks. :thumbsup:




    Also my idea is still inthe proccess of prefection so it still needs a little changes to it. :boohoo:




    I saw your idea. I think it would free up alot of space that could be used for other updates.

  5. I totally agree. How could Jagex forget such a simple thing? But I think we should be able not only to sit on benches, but EVERYWHERE. Then ppl could sit around a fire and tell ghost stories! We should all send this to Jagex now.




    Being able to sit everywhere would mean a whole lot of programing. They would have to change the programing for every little square you can stand on. That's much more work than they'll ever do. I think that they would just let us sit on benched and chairs, for now. :)






    I've sent a message to one of my friends (that's a member) and he'll be posting my idea for me in the RS Forums. I'll post the Quick Find Code as soon as he posts it and gives it to me.

  6. I noticed that the topic description under Robin Hoods Workshop says "Fletching Materials". But it in Robin Hoods Workshop, you can also buy/sell Bows and Arrows. Shouldn't the description say something more like "Buy/Sell Fletching Materials, Bow, and Arrows" or just "Buy/Sell All Ranging and Fletching Related Items". This would make alot more sense, and would prevent and confusion as to where to post topics relating to ranging.

  7. I was so shocked when I found out that the Capes of Achievement were for members only. I was certain that Jagex would allow f2p players to get the capes for f2p skills. They give out the capes to members for reaching level 99 in a skill.. What about all of the f2p players that reach 99? Don't they deserve a reward? Most skills are, after all, f2p.

  8. You could also use a Tan or Dark Cavalier for your hat if you're a member. If you're not a member, then use a Bobble or Laderhosen Hat.




    Off Topic: I made that siggy in the reply above mine ^^




    huh... what's a Bobble?




    About the topic, Lenderhosen hat isn't your best choice, it's your ONLY choice in F2P.


    I think he means "Bobble Hat" from the last Christmas update.




    What exactly does this have to do with "F2P Player on a Budget"?

  9. i agree but it might have the same bench glitch like in POH's that would be funny seeing people running arround while still sitting down expesially in the wildy :lol:




    Bench pking ftw! :)




    I think it would be great if you could sit down at a bar and drink beer. ::' Randox mentioned sleeping in beds to restore energy. I don't think that Jagex could allow people to sleep in the beds (various reasons that I won't get into). But, it is possible they could make your energy restore faster when you sit down. It would make sense.




    Also, go Exaimine any bench or chair. Doesn't it say something like "Sit back and relax..."? Why does it say that if we can't actually sit down? :shock:

  10. In the world of Runescape, Benches, chairs, and stools are scattered. They just sit there, gathering dust over the long months... Well, let me ask you a question. What are benches, stools, and chairs for? For sitting on of course. So why cant we sit on them in Runescape? I know it can be done, since they have chairs you can sit in in PoH. What's the point of having chairs in Runescape, if your character can't even sit down, relax, and enjoy the scenery?




    Runescape Forums: 24-25-760-33022480

  11. I agree that there are alot of dead accounts floating around that take up valuable memory space. The best thing Jagex could do is delete accounts that haven't been active for a yearand a half. I don't think the level matters very much. There are alot of level 50+ accounts that are dead as well. That is most likely caused by people becoming bored with Runescape, or finding another game to play.

  12. We know that there are some changes that might need to be made in the Archive of Wisdom. It's something we're looking into at the moment and trying to decide how best to do. :)
    My guide wouldn't be deleted, would it :ohnoes:












    I doubt they would delete anybodies posts. :wink:

  13. Jobs can be posted and found in the correct Market Forum. I don't think a seperate forum for jobs is needed at the moment.


    True, What about a Jobs stivky - or wouldn't that work?




    A Job Sticky wouldn't work very well. People would post job ads, or "looking for" job ads, and wouldn't get a reply. Then they would post it again. Some may even go to the extent of posting it over again. This would cause spamming, and the thread would get chaotic.

  14. =\ actually, my friend was sending a complaint about rs in f2p.




    he said that if you don't give f2pers new stuff like armor, i will spread a rumour that runescape is boring and tell his friends to make multiple accounts to blow up the system.




    of couse he was just bluffing =D>




    a while after that they made




    wizzy g




    wizzy t




    d hide g




    d hide t




    :thumbsup: so it pays to send complaints :XD:




    I seriously doubt that his complaint actually pushed Jagex into making more timmed items. It takes months of programming to make even a minor update. Chances are, they were already planning to add those before he complained.




    My apoligies for the late reply. I have been fairly busy recently. Thanks to everyone that is supporting this.




    It has also been brought to my attention by Jaklumen, that another alternate possibility would be to pay a fee of $20 for more bank space and slightly reduced adverts. This idea is very plausible, and I would deffinately reccomend it. I'm currently in the process of editing that idea into my first post. Also, I will request that the earlier posts be re-added, or a link be provided to them. Many strong points were made in those 25 pages, and it would be a shame to lose them all.




    Once again, I thank everyone for their feedback and comments.

  15. This is a very good idea... I strongly support this.




    Though it is a good idea, Jagex would have to take some extra measures to make sure people do not misuse the "profile". Someone could easily insert profane names, or add seddicitve comments. Due to this, I reccomend adding a "Report Profile" option. This would allow Jagex to examine the players profile, and determine wether it should be removed.

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