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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. as mentioned in the guide i wrote..cwars isn't completely based on skills..nearly any low level can score provided they bring the right inventry..just they dont prepare correctly. If possible i would like it for items such as traps to be included which low levels could put up though.








    Traps sounds pretty good... That would own. ::'

  2. Perhaps they could allow players to throw smaller rocks off the wall at players that are close by. They would simply right click on "Small Rocks", select "Throw", and the screen would change into a sort of targeting screen. You just use the arrow keys to look around and target an opponent, then click again to fire. There would of course have to be limitations as to how far you can throw. Small Rocks would cause about 5 damage or so, and would be a bit more accurate than the catapult. This would reduce the accidental squashing of teamates.








    An addition to Small Rocks would be using an Explosive Potion with the rocks. Then, once you throw them, they would explode on contact and cause more damage (7-9 damage).








    I understand that this is alot of damage for Small Rocks. Perhaps Jagex could increase the damage done by the catapult. You'd think being hit by a boulder would do quite a bit of damage.








    Perhaps you could even fuse two Explosive Potions with one of the Rocks for the catapult, thus allowing the larger rock to explode on contact. This would increase damage done, and increase the range of damage quite a bit. The one con for this idea, however, is the increased chance of hitting an allie. The best bet for you would be to aim only where theres an enemy, and no allies. ::'









  3. Very nice article. One of the best and most useful I've seen, as a matter of fact. Not a day goes by without someone begging me for free stuff. I'm level 81 (soon to be 82), and have full zammy. I'm constantly being flooded with trades when I go near a bank. When I click "Accept", they end up just standing there with an empty trade screen. When I ask them why they wanted to trade with me, they say "Free stuff plz! I was hacked!1" or "I buy ur legs! Plz sell!1".








    Beggars are like the vermin of Runescape. Everyone is annoyed by the too common "Phr33 st00f pl0x?", and constant trade flooding. I believe that Jagex should post an article similar to this (or the same one), in the Runescape Homepage where they list the recent updates. If not that, they should tell players that "begging isn't a good thing to do" in that little box at the bottom of the opening screen once you log on. If we're lucky, that might actually reduce the number of beggars, even if only by a fraction.








    Great article. Keep it up. :)

  4. To arrone: Good luck in posting in the Suggestiongs section of the Runescape forums. I doubt that any members will care, and most will probably flame you saying the usual phrases like "You get what you pay for". If anything good comes out of it, it will be that Jagex takes a bit of notice. Make sure you give directions to where this thread can be found.








    I have seen several people post their bank pictures. Those are some pretty good examples, but they arent the best. You have to put yourself in the position of an old f2per, that's been playing for at least a couple of years. They will have gotten many more random events than the average f2per, and most of the clothes are somewhat rare. Most people don't want to drop rare clothing that takes forever to get. So what do they do? they store it of course. And that takes up precious bank space that is needed for regular skilling. I am one of those people, and have that sort of problem.








    Like I mentioned before, it's not just random event outfits that we need space for. The majority of the skills are f2p, and with those skills comes alot of items needed to be stored and used. We need space for all of those as well as random event clothing and holiday items. Now, holiday items can be dropped/destroyed and regained later. I already know that, and I do it all the time. But there are times when I want to get them and store them for near future use, but I'm unable to. I have to carry around quite a bit. At all times, I must be wearing a full outfit of some sort, whether it be full rune or zombie. It's near impossible for me to store everything I have in my bank. Having to constantly clean out my bank to store all of my essential items, is just not nessicary. We should have gotten more bank space a long time ago, with the newer random event updates and Stronghold of Security. But alas, Jagex once again fails to recognize the need for more f2p bank space. I am going to conclude this post with one more message.








    Jagex can't ignore the need for more f2p bank space forever.

  5. My original opinion when I saw the topic was why would you want to sit on benches? But good idea about restoring energy faster... however why not just walk? Then you cover distance rather than just sitting still.








    That's true. But sitting wouldn't just be to restore energy. It would add to the games realism and quality. Why are there benches if we can't sit on them to rest? Why can't we sit down at a bar and order some beer or ale? Why can't we sit down in the Falador Park, and chat to some of our friends? Allowing us to sit on benches, chairs, and stools would have many peoples approval. It is one of those much needed updates, even if considered minor.










    Why are members getting more bankspace, why do they need it? Sure they are getting a new skill Hunting which I think that they deserve but more bankspace? I think not. I have actually seen many peoples bank pics on these forums and other websites like tip.it and they all have about two rows of space left in them, which should easily be enough for the new skill.








    Another thing is aarone4 said that F2P should be more careful with what they keep in there bank and get rid of some of their junk. Well what about P2P (members) why don't they get off their behind and go through their bank and get rid of all of their junk. They probably have 3 times as much junk then F2P have! I'm not trying to be mean to members but if you are going to tell us F2P people that we don't deserve it because we don't need any space they why should you need anymore space?








    If jagex is so scared to give F2P some more space then why give members more? If they don't want to give up as much space then why don't they just give it to people once they log on that ways accounts that aren't used anymore don't get space they don't need.












    Jagex always said that it was so hard to free up space for updates then why is it so easy for them to keep on giving Members more and more bankspace every couple of months? :roll:








    I just don't get it.








    ---gandorf61 :-k
























    W8 b4 u say that i thik we may b also gettin more, I THINK








    Nope. That's for members only.












    Keep us updated, Aarone.

  7. It has been mentioned several times that Jagex should just make random event outfits not count as bank space, or recoverable. It's true, that may help with some of our bank space problems, but not all. It's not just the random event outfits that we need space for. It's for all of the skills we have to train as well.








    To Aarone4: I apreciate the fact that you sent in a letter on our behalf. Perhaps Jagex will pay a little more attention to letters sent in by members. Please post their reply once you get it.








    To new supporters: For what seems the hundredth time I thank you for the support. :wink:








    To gandorf: That was the exact same automated message I got. :lol:

  8. I thank everyone for their support, and offer my apoligies for giving this late reply. I've been quite busy with Hallowen and such. Now, let me try to reply to the more important arguments and idea...








    A free teleport to Draynor: That would be great, but what about the trip back to where you were before? Why not just telly to Lumbridge and walk for 2 minutes?








    You get what you pay for: Look above for the reply by Penguingeek.








    You need to be more careful with what you store: We are careful... We have to be. Even if we store only what we absolutely need, we still run out of room.








    You don't need ores, bars and crafting material!: What is needed to be stored is different among different people. People that like to mine and smith will store an assortment of bars and ores. People training their crafting level will have to store numerous items needed for crafting. People that are cooking something (Let's say cakes as an example). Several ingrediants are needed for that. Then there's half finished products that they have to store. I think you get the general idea...








    On the matter of more members space (November update): I'm dissapointed. It's true, that they will need more bank space for the new skill Jagex is releasing. But we still need more bank space, and have been for some time, for all the skills we have now...








    To the guy that insulted everyone in this thread ("whining f2pers" as the insult): Please dont flame in my thread. The thread was locked because of morons like you... Also, try reading the first post.








    To supporters: Thank's gain for your support. Keep sending those letters to Jagex. :)








    Also, I think you'll be interested to know that I recieved replies to the letters I sent to Jagex 2 months ago concerning more bank space. Guess what it was... One of those automated messages saying the usual "why not consider becoming a member?". What dopes...








    I'll try to reply to everyone elses messages soon. For now, I'm sure Penguingeek and D V Devnull will be happy to anser your questions/rants/spam/new ideas/ anything I've forgotten. Thank's to you two for the help.

  9. I am so happy when I see tons of people wearing costumes and masks, all getting in the Halloween spirit. I see people going around, saying "Trick or treat", and playing jokes on one another. I always love it when people get in the mood for holidays. :D
















    Unfortunately, that's the best quality I could get the picture to upload in. Hopefully you can get the general idea of what's in it. ::'












    Happy Halloween everyone.



    Didn't gandorf's idea trigger a thread lock? :shock:








    And btw, why did you de-flag the message you quoted from me? (Just Curious!)








    Hmm, I think I may poke jaklumen about sticking up a link to all the old posts so everyone can read it. :-k








    ~Mr. Devnull








    I've already pmed him about that. No reply... He's either busy with life in the real world, or has chosen to ignore me. ::' I haven't checked the thread made by gandorf recently.. I'll check it in a moment.












    To the person that said noone uses cosmics: I do, D V Devnull does, and alot of other people do.












    Actually Ihave been a little bit busy and I don't ignore people. I just never got your message. I don't think it was ever sent to me or it didn't make it to my private message inbox because there is lots of space. :uhh:








    And what does everyone mean by my idea creating a thread lock?








    Sorry, I meant I messaged Jaklumen. ::' Sorry for the confusion.








    Yes, I removed the supporters list. Unfortunately, it was too much of a hassle for me to keep up with. Some day I might bring it back. :P

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