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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. You stupid kids don't deserve more bank space. If you want it so badly why not open up a bank account, put some money into it, transfer it to paypal, and buy members? Or is that too complicated for you so you have to depend on your mommy?








    Lad, that's called a flame, not to mention spam... Great job! You've just showed us how immature you are. :thumbsup:

  2. what's the incentive to giving free members more bankspace? none








    jagex probably won't do any updates to f2p
























    For one thing, Jagex has already given F2P updates, so don't go saying that they won't give any updates to f2p.








    And as for your immature outburst of "PAY YOUR FLIPPEN 5 BUCKS A MONTH", I think we've already been over this several times... We arent going to waste 5 bucks a month over a game, and certainly not for a little more bank space. Please.. End the spam already.



    why not 2 and a half rows?




    Because we are not trying to push our luck. :)








    ~Mr. Devnull








    hehe yeah...but personaly i think now after seeing a f2p bank properly that finishing of the half row and only that is nothing...








    Actually, 12 spaces would finish off that half row and add one more row. :wink:

  4. I applaud to your interesting and unique ideas. The roaming ncp's and monsters, with the occasional interaction, would make the game so much more interesting. The moving mining rocks is a very unique idea. I support that one because of its further prevention of macroers.








    The warring kingdoms would be quite fun to watch. Perhaps the black knights could raid Falador every once in a while? They could simply start walking from their castle, then charge the White Knights Castle and engage in combat. That would be extremely entertaining to watch, and RS players could even assist in the battles to whicher side they chose. The knights would continue to yell at one another during the battle, until the black knights are defeated.








    That same general idea could go for when Varrock Guards assault the Bandit Camp in the wilderness. :)












    You have my support. Keep up the good ideas.

  5. yeah as i said it's just an updated look so they would still come from level 3 treasure trails and they would still be the same prices as they are now.








    Actually, the price would go up considerably. This is, after all, gold armour with god trimming. Prices will skyrocket.








    I don't think the new god armour should be gold colored, as it is too closely related to guilded armour. Either that, or it shouldn't replace the current god armour entirely. Why not make it a new guilded trimmed god armour instead? If this has already been mentioned, my apoligies.

  6. Just to clarify a few points...








    There is not enough room in our current F2P bank to store all of our essentials, along with the numerous items we need for trade, skilling, and pking.








    Not everyone is going to pay $5 a month just for a game.. I'm sure this has been said two dozen times before.












    I'm short on time, but I would like to say one more thing. I am drafting an entirely new "speech" about why F2P should recieve more bank space, and will be posting it in the next week or so. This version will have the latest updates and arguments, and will hopefully end this anti-F2P argument.

  7. hummm.....looks like hes on zammy <.< *mumbles*zammy scum*mummbles*








    Psshh, what are you talking about? He's most certainly on Saradomin's side..








    Funny bug though, even if it's common. ::'

  8. The Wilderness is meant to be a dangerous place, where everyone runs the risk of being killed. That risk is a factor that can't be changed, and shouldn't be. The reason the put certain things like the rune rocks in the wilderness, is so that it is hard to get. Let's say they did make this new system. The price of rune ore would massively decrease because it would be so much easier to get without the threat of pkers. A small change like this could effect the economy and general game-play by alot more than you think.








    The simple fact is, the wilderness is meant to be dangerous, and always should be. That's what makes it exciting to go in the wilderness.








    *Edited with a look at recent posts*:








    Err.. Stop flaming him please. There's no need for it.

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