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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. I personally like it the way it is now. It allows me to see all the spells at once, and not have to scroll through them. It's much better for pking as well, being able to quickly select spells from all over the spellbook. I also believe that this update was meant to free up some server space for future use (correct me if I'm wrong). I think it was in one of the game announcements.









  2. I've heard alot of talk of quests unlocking bankspace. I agree, this is a good idea. But if Jagex is too worried about the bank space taking up memory, building it into a quest would take even more memory. Perhaps if we can hook a J-Mod at the future rally, I will go over all of the ideas and possibilities.








    Once again, thanks to everyone for their support. Make sure you keep an eye on the new "Announcements" section of my first post, and look for plans of the future rally.

  3. I take credit for starting both discussions...








    Recounting Supporters: I believe there were 500+ the last time you posted. Either count from there, or count the whole thing.








    Rally: Higher up on this page, Bufoman said he had a P-Mod friend. I then had an addition to that...If you haven't read it, read it, then we can start planning this out...








    I'll ask you to pm me links to these pages then. (If it's not too much trouble)





  4. Well this is very interesting... I come back to check in again, and I find talk of rallies, and recounting the number of supporters. ::'








    On the matter of "Recounting the number of supporters": Who would be crazy enough to go through and count all those people? :o Well.. Erm.. I would. I'll start right away. :) Also, about the recent cleaning, it never took affect. All of the posts were re-added after some queries on it from us loyal F2P Bank Space lovers. So it's all there. :wink:








    On Rallies: Oh I do love rallies.. And I believe we have enough supporters now to make quite a crowd. I think about it further and begin any planning and preperation needed. Please do pm me if you have any ideas, or can contact some people who might have importance to the cause.












    Yes, I do believe it is time for me to get back in the swing of things. I will try to keep up to date with the thread starting from this page onward. If there is anything on a past page that I should read, please pm me the page number (links are even better).









  5. Wow, I can see this thread has grown rapidly. Unfortunately, I cannot go through and read all of the posts. Chances are I won't be able to for some time. As you should know, I have been vry inactive recently, and I'm sad to say I will be inactive for a good while in the future. Some matters have come up in Real Life right now that needs tending to. I'm glad that people continue to post in this thread and express their opinions on the matter. I especially thank those that are on our side, and agree we should have more bank space.








    I am posting this same message as a sort of updated announcement that everyone should read before posting here.








    I will not be online much, in Tip.It, RS, or on the computer period for that matter. That means that you will not get a response from me until I log back in, which could be in very long intervals. Please do not feel hurt, or believe I am ignoring you, because I am not. I am simply inactive.








    I hope that this thread continues on while I am gone. Keep up the fight for more bank space, and to those "anti-bank space bubs", please keep the arguments clean. I appreciate the fact that you express your opinions. All I ask is that you:








    ~Dont flame




    ~Don't insult anyone in the argument




    ~And just keep it clean... Alright?








    Keep up the good work guys. I look forward to the next time I log in, and see that this thread has capped 100 pages. Someday, we'll get more bankspace. \'








    Sincerely, Blackbear778

  6. Quick Announcement








    As you may have noticed, I haven't posted in this thread in quite some time. I have been extremely busy with school, and Christmas events recently, and will be very busy for quite some time now. I'm going to leave D_V_Devnull, Penguingeek3, and Tetsyua in charge of further discussion, and reporting any flamers/spammers. I'ts possible that I won't check these forums for a week at a time. If I'm very unfortunate, it may be longer. I'm a busy man, and checking forums and playing games aren't on the top of my to-do list. My apoligies for any inconveniances. I will try to check the forums whenever I get a chance, but that's not guarunteed. I'd also like to ask everyone to not spam, not flame, or insult one another on trivial matters while I'm inactive. What do I mean by trivial matters? Spelling, grammer, stuff like that. Really.. There's just no point in it.








    Thank's to everyone that has posted here (except for spammers), and I appreciate your feedback. All I ask to those that wish to argue, is that you do it in a mature manner. I don't want to see some completely pointless flame war when I check back in.








    Alas, I have to go now. You may pm me with any concerns, or flames if you so desire. Note that flames will simply be ignored, for I'm not easy to anger by childish insults. If you do have that odd desire to flame me, do it in pms, not in this thread. Flamers will be reported if you start spamming up the thread. Let's keep these arguments civil, shall we? Now I must really be going. I've lingered here far too long, and I'm exhuasted from a recent Christmas Parade. Remember. Keep arguments civil.

  7. Advance apologies but.... hahahahaha!!








    The Bank of RuneScape has used all the revenue they gained from some very clever investments, and have added twenty-four more slots to all members' accounts!








    That's probably thanks to this thread. :lol:








    It's amazing how much people can spam these days... Don't spam here again. Do not post here unless you have a reasonable argument against this topic.
















    You say that adverts do not allow Jagex to rake in much money. I'm pretty sure that adverts in fact raise more money for Jagex than people think. Even if it's not alot, it would still be enough to add some more bank space.








    You tell us to "learn to adjust". We have in these 4-5 years, but it's getting to be a bit difficult with the new items Jagex is throwing out there. Not to mention the items for skills we originally have to store.








    No, we are not going to pay for membership behind our parents backs. Why would you even suggest that here..? There's no point in it.

  8. Dead bodies... LOL. I can see it now... Clan wars would be chaos, with dead bodies everywhere. :lol:








    No, not 5 minutes. reduce a bit.. More like 2-3 minutes. Also, about the "commiting suicide in lumby over and over again"; just make it so bodies disappear if someone dies more than once. That way there's only one body.

  9. Jagex wants sitting to remain a strictly p2p activity; they are afraid introducing it to f2p would reduce their members turnout.








    Lol..? Allowing people (both f2p and p2p) to sit on benches, wouldn't reduce the member turnout... Who's going to become a member so they can sit down..? ::'








    Hyperbabe: Your missing the point... It isnt just to regain energy faster. It's about having fun and increasing the game quality. Regaining energy faster is mainly just a bonus. Sitting down does, afterall, allow you to regain your energy in real life. Also, don't flame in my thread again. I won't hesitate to report you for spam.

  10. Advance apologies for being a killjoy, but the only way you can make Jagex give you more bank space is if you get an incredibly large amount of free players to boycott the game.




    Campaigning/complaining because you want more is only showing them that their techniques are working, trust me.








    At the moment, we have 320+ supporters and growing. In time, Jagex may heed our needs more than they do now.

  11. I thank everyone for their support. It has been said by many people that we should get even more than 12 bank slots. I don't think this will happen. We can't ask for more and more, and expect Jagex to comply to our needs. We need to start small. I personally believe 12 slots is enough to last a good while, as long as you don't get careless with what you store.

  12. The sceptre isn't meant for combat... It was meant to be an incentive for people to complete the Stronghold of Security, thus learning how to make their account safer. After they have done that, the only thing that most people use it for is teleporting. Many people use it while pking to save two bank slots in their inventory. It's really not meant to bash heads in combat. :shame:

  13. My own opinions on how the Clan section in Tip.It can be improved...








    I. Rearrange the Clan Recruitment forum by the CB Level Requirements. For example; 3-20, 21-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-90, 91-100, 101+. This would greatly help Tip.Iters that are looking for clans with certain level requirements. Clan Section organized by CB Req's > Unorganized, jumbled up threads with all sorts of req's.








    II. Allow the "Clan Name" that is listed in the users profile, link to the clan's website/forums.

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