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Posts posted by Prankster_King

  1. Very nice idea there. Perhaps there could be three different pouches sold in general stores, each holding a different number of tools.
















    Cloth Pouch: Holds 1 item




    Bear Fur: Holds 2 items




    Leather Pouch: Holds 3 items








    These could also be made by crafting them out of cloth, bear fur, and soft leather. (You'd need a needle and string of course.)

  2. Please note I'm not saying this should happen (which is how several of you sound like your thinking). I opened this topic up to discuss the effects of such an action. Just state what you think will happen, and debate on any issues you don't agree with. You don't need to tell me whether you think it's bad or not. ::'








    Nadril, the rune armour prices have been the same because there hasn't been any changes in the market demand for them. With an update such as this, there may be a drastic change in one of two directions. Of course, this is all assumptions. No one can really know what will happen unless it was implemented.

  3. Superb article discussing the more annoying aspects of the game. I enjoyed reading it.








    I'm very much dissapointed with the way Jagex has veered the game so much to the needs and safety of younger children. Personally, as I believe it's the same with many older teens and adults, I find it annoying. It would be so much more exciting if there weren't caution messages on every street, and restrictions on the most meager of things. Jagex has done a poor job in focusing their attention to things like 3rd party software, rather than focusing on the bigger issues at hand (i.e. macroers, luring, scamming, lack of pmod powers, etc.).








    5th post ;p

  4. Bufoman, I'm guessing you didn't mean to post that here? ::'












    Acula, there are just a few flaws I see in your argument. First off, I don't think a very large percentage of members became members because of the bank space. If I ever became a member, it would be for the vast increase in quests, skills, and mini-games. Secondly, not everyone wants to waste $5 on a game, especially if it's just for a little more space to store some random event clothing.








    As for us taking up space, you're quite mistaken. Our servers are paid for by the adverts we sit through every day we play. No one knows the exact sum of money it makes for Jagex, but it has been said by them that the money maintains the F2P servers. Period.








    Jagex is a business, as you all know. You should also know that Jagex wouldn't keep the F2P servers running unless they made some sort of profit. It's my belief that they make this profit from the adverts, which also pay for server maintanance. It would not be so out of the way, or cost so much money to add 12 more bank slots to the F2P bank. Jagex could regain any lost money in possibly a weeks time at max.








    You also say you don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just pointing out the part about "get off your [wagon] playing runescape and get a job?", could very much be conceived as an insult. You might want to look into that claim that you're not trying to offend anyone. ;)

  5. i personally don't see any economy changes. if anything i would ruin pk clans and pk trips but that is about it








    I listed several examples of economy changes in the post above you. :roll:












    Keep an open mind when you think about it. If you do, you'll easily see that such an action could change Runescape in far more ways than you think.

  6. all i have to say is...




















    First of all, putting your message in big underlined letters doesn't get you noticed any more than regular font. Secondly, I've heard this same argument over and over and over again. I'm going to stop responding to these repetetive arguments from now on, until someone can provide concrete evidence as to why F2P shouldn't get a little more bank space.












    On another note... I'd like it to be known that I have a martial arts camp from 10:00am to 2:00pm that day. I don't believe it will effect my attendance, but in the case it does, just continue with the rally as planned. Simply wait in the top floor of the bar until the exact starting time, and start typing those bank space messages! If I can't be there in the very beggining, I will be there soon after the start at the latest.








    See you guys at the rally. ;)












    Days Until Rally: 17 days!

  7. For those of you that are not sure how the economy would change, here's some food for thought. In F2P pking, the main goal of a pk trip is to get rune armour. A vast amount of people buy sets of rune armour for pking, and often times extra sets. The current price is about 200k for a full set of rune armour. With the change of all multi areas becoming non-multi, the demand for rune armour could go one of two ways.








    A) The demand could decrease, as pking would be more dull. As it has been mentioned, there would be alot pjing and tagging. People might find this annoying, and just stop pking. The price for rune would decrease, because the demand reduced.








    B) The demand increases, because pkers want to be as protected as possible in any 1 on 1 battles they face. They want the maximum protection so that they can out last the other opponent. With the increase of demand, prices would also get higher.








    Another economical change could include the runes most used when mage pking. If the wilderness became single combat entirely, people would want to have the upperhand in a 1 on 1 fight. Some people would view maging as a solution to this.








    As you should know, mages are very powerful in the wilderness. They can have very high hits depending on their magic level. If the demand for runes increase from all those people that want the upper hand, the prices could increase.








    But, there's also another alternative to this. Though mages may be powerful in their offence, they have very weak defence with just some flimsy robes. Alot of people might not want to use magic, because an enemy with a rune skimmy would slash them to bits faster than they could cast spells between eating so much. People might turn away maging, and the demand for runes would decrease. With the dropped demand, prices would decrease.












    Do you catch my drift?












    As for what I said when I mentioned the part of "Runescape ending entirely?", this is what I was trying to imply.








    In the game of Runescape, there are four main things that people do for fun.








    A) Skilling




    B) Pking




    C) Trying to become rich




    D) Questing








    Skilling can be entertaining for a good while. But to some people, just clicking a whole bunch could get dull. They might turn to pking for the excitement involved in lurking through the wilderness, hunting for that elusive set of full rune or stock-hold of runes from an unweary mage. The terrain and suspence in pking is very enjoyable to people that know what they're doing. I peronally know alot of people that only pk, just because they enjoy it far more than any other part of the game.








    There are also alot of questers out there, that plow through their quests for the vast enjoyment of the plots and storylines. But what happens when they finish all the quests? Granted, new quests are released every month, but what about that in-between time? Perhaps they choose to go pking. Would pking really be as enjoyable without being able to team up with your clan, or a group of good friends?








    The same thing goes for those Runescapers that are trying to become one of the few Runescape Billionares. They might need to take a break once and a while from standing around in Varrock, typing an endless stream of trade messages in hopes of getting a few K from merchanting.












    I'm sure that pking wouldn't entirely be ruined if the wilderness went entirely single. One on one fights are very much enjoyable, as you get a nice chance to chat with new people as you bash in their armour with a rune warhammer, or throw fireballs in their face. But you must also take note of how enjoyable group pking was, and how profitable it could be. When pking with a group of your friends, you have a chance to just hang out with them, and fool around some. And you also have the chance to use teamwork in chasing down that shiny new set of rune, that is running away as fast as he can.








    Simply put, pking is a fun and profitable experience. What would happen if a vast chunk of that enjoyment went away with the rest of the multi-combat areas?

  8. I got to thinking today, and thought about what would happen to Runescape if the entire wilderness became a Single-Combat area. What would happen to all those clans, and pking groups? How would the Runescape economy be affected? Would Runescape end entirely? Tell me your thoughts on this matter.








    *Go to the following link for examples of what I mean when I say "economy changes" and "Runescape ending entirely?": http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=4394568#4394568

  9. ^No more spam pl0x.












    As for who will speak to any Jmods (if they show up). Jagex already knows I am hosting the rally, thanks to the pm's and the messages posted in the Pmod Forums. Most likely, if the rally is succesful, they will pm me first. Once pmed, I will talk with him about whatever he brings up on the matter. It's likely that he will send me a message to my inbox, from which I can send a more detailed reply. This is the same tactic they used in the Clan Support rally.








    I'm not so sure about whether or not they will talk with anyone else about it. If they wanted to, they could just look through this thread. As you should know, Jagex Moderators don't just go pming random people, for any reason. It' usually for official business, or a talk to some rally leader who's caused a stir in Runescape.








    If, they do wish to talk to other people, I will list thenames of the people that have been most active in arguments in this thread, or have played RS for a long period of time (more items to store). I'm not going to post an actual list right now. Currently, we should only be worrying about making this rally succesful.


    Some f2p people post up your banks, I want to see them.








    First of all, I'd like to point out that "bumping" your own post is spam. Secondly, posting ones bank could result in account theft (though it's not too common, some would like to stay on the safe side). It wouldn't be the first time that people have used a picture of what someone has in their bank, to "recover a lost password". Telling Jagex what's in your bank is one of those details that tells them you're the actual owner. Someone could fake it if they knew what you have in your bank. ;)


    Make it a rule that only pmods can report for, then if they see someone clearly being harassed because of their level, items, etc etc, they could report the person, then it wouldn't be abused and would work :)








    yeah maybe but there isn't that many player mods out there








    Actually, there's a bit more than most people think. Pmods normally just don't talk unless they have to, so that they don't attract attention to themselves.








    Personally, I don't quite agree with this new report. As it was said above, alot of people would abuse such an option. There's also the possibility of someone being banned by mistake. Perhaps some young fellow forgot to turn their chat on while trading with someone, and didn't see them say "I don't want to trade". So, they kept on trading, thus being temporarily banned. Jagex would get alot of complaints due to such faults.

  12. Penguingeek, I do not believe there will be many mutes. All of the pmods I've gathered have been given a complete summary of what we're going to be doing. I told them to only warn (mute if need be) the people that flame or spam things like "@@22@2@22@2@". As long as the supporters only say one message per 10 seconds, it should be fine.

  13. What a dumb suggestion, you honestly think Jagex will EVER make any favors for f2p people except when it comes to random events?








    Actually, random events take up alot more memory than 12 more bank slots would.. Plus, they are much harder to make.








    If it wasn't for p2p people, then f2p wouldn't even exist, that's why f2p relyes on p2p, not on the fact that they play and don't give nothing in return.








    Not entirely true. Adverts pay for much of the maintanence needed for the F2P servers.








    If Jagex would start making favors for f2p people then what would the p2p ones say? "oh I'm such an idiot, I payed for membership but they were making favors for f2p anyway, so it's pretty useless from that point of view"








    Erm.. I seriously doubt that all the members would get all worked up, if F2P was given a little bit of much needed bank slots. We're talking about a measly 12 new slots here... That's not much at all, but it's enough to get us through.








    So no, I don't think ANYONE should encourage people to play f2p (wich in a certain way, making more bank space fof f2p does encourage them), insted people should be encouraged to be p2p








    Lol.. No comment. :roll:








    ....unless you don't wan't RuneScape to exist anymore... in the long run, making favors for f2p will end this game. -.-








    The game won't end if F2P get's 12 more bank slots.. :XD:




  14. Albosky, my apoligies for the flame fests going on. I'll post another warning against flaming in my first post, in hopes of preventing future flame wars.








    Holierthanu1, I'm asking you to stop posting in my thread... You're comments are nothing but flames, spam, and aren't actual arguments against more f2p bank space. Posting here again will result in an instant report (from me). I don't want to see this thread locked because you decided to be immature in your rants. End it, now. I don't want to ask you again. <.<








    To everyone that has been posting here, in arguments against the flamers that often pop up, I ask a simple favor. Please don't stoop to their level, and flame right back. This thread is begining to turn into an un-needed battle zone with all of these flames going back and forth. If someone does come in, posting negativity against the thread supporters, please let me deal with them. I don't want anyone else getting into trouble because of some little delinquent that decided to post his/her rants. Please do report and extremely bad cases of flamage to the mods, and let them handle it before it gets out of control.








    To supporters, I look forward to seeing you at the rally. ;)

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