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Everything posted by pansynator

  1. I do report obvious macroers when i see them. But they won't be banned immediately after being reported so it's not much use at the time. In the long run, perhaps it does help. But though, i do report many daily, jagex hasn't sent me a message in my inbox confirming the ban for ages.
  2. props! silly people! props, as in err. i dunno wikipedia it!! gorshhhh. props = praise.
  3. :shock: Thanks! This must have been on page 5 or something. Thanks for bumping it :XD:
  4. Great blog. Pictures just make everything a whole lot better, Props. I GIVE YOU PROPS!
  5. Toolkits/ 3rd party clients, such as swiftswitch is banned. It has now been made illegal to use any such software. Swiftswitch, probably the most used 3rd party program is safe however. But still illegal. PS. There is skill calculators on the tip.it site.
  6. Well, the guy in al-kharid can tan multiple hides if you right click on the hardleather/softleather and click "tann x".
  7. To create an avatar you need to draw each picture individually first, the string them together using a program like flash. To string it with flash, i think go: File>Export>Export as Movie. Save the file as a gif. file and in your profile, upload it and you'll be having a cool looking avatar. If you don't have flash draw each picture on MS paint and send me them, i'll string them together for you. ~Pansy
  8. I'd like to, but for me, that's not an option.
  9. http://www.imageshack.us Thats a site that you can upload pictures and host them on forums/ sites. Heres a link to a sticki that should explain how to create a signature and how to host it.http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=431754 If your looking for a grunge/ abstract signature, like mine, i suggest using photoshop or something. If your looking for simplier ones, using MS paint should do the job. Hope this helps! ~Pansynator. PS: Why are you posting in this forum?
  10. If you move your money around in your inventory quick, where you moved your money will be another set of money. Ok that was worded terribly but try it.
  11. If your a male and receive a prince's outfit, and change genders at the make over mage, when you go to try on the outfit as a female, it will change into the princess outfit.
  12. SS and the use of Third party software should be legal. It isn't unfairly beneficial to the users and it follows all the jagex rules.
  13. It can be used as a pain killer, yes. But that's not why people have it. I'm pretty sure it hasn't been legalized to hospitals, but Green Peace is trying to make it legal.
  14. Then, why use it? Putting aside the physical and mental threats it can cause. It is also illegal. Enough said. It's no good. And will do you no good. I find it hard to believe that it is taking this long to argue a point. Whether or not you believe it is good, or bad, the fact remains it isn't healthy. Saying it will do no harm and won't change you is a lie. Sorry people.
  15. Even there they is macroers. I go there every now and then.
  16. Actually it's pretty close to the bank, and no, there is tonnes of macroers there, i would say it's the most macroer-active place in runescape.
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