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Everything posted by pansynator

  1. Goodluck. The last couple are going to be hard to achieve. Why not start heading towards 80 or so, before working straight to 99. You'll feel much more pleased reach it. Yeah, check out my blog! :) Havn't had a reply for weeks :( (it's in my sig)
  2. 120k for full rune? I got the full rune.
  3. This will answer alot of questions. Why does everyone assume Zezima is female?...
  4. Home, family computer. Every now and then on my laptop, but i can't get around to buying a mouse and the censor pad is very frustrating.
  5. Depends, If you set goals and are determined on reaching them, then the game could be endless. But if you just play as a hobby or something to do, then the game would start getting samey once your stats have reach 80+, you've completed all the quests. Which anyone could complete from level 50 combat.
  6. Yep, thats why i feel it's better to avoid telling them at all.
  7. Hey. I've started working on a story. It is not a Runescape story as i think they're getting samey but it is set in the same sort of NoAge time. No flaming please. Thanks. PS. I will edit in newly written scenes when they'll completed. ************************************************************************ Dain wiped the sweat from his brow. He was exhausted. He had lost all concept of time and had forgotten how long he had been working. ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¦Ã¢â¬ÅYou will be finished soon, then you can restÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  8. One pic to go! Ok, seeing no one has been correct in their guesses for it i'll give some clues. ~Look at the rocks in the top left corner. Where have you seen them before? You all would have passed them often enough. If that doesn't help... (i'll put it in riddle form as not to give it away) ~ It's a little east of a Lady who's lost her cat and not far away from a house that contains a chicken. Please tell me the exact location as i have given alot of clues.
  9. Thanks guys for your replies. These people were correct and edited your guess in the game: Rcty, Dragonwizerd and killer_bowey. The rest of you, your answers weren't completely wrong, though did need more explanation. Thanks all!
  10. Eragon. Was pretty good, though, slightly clique with alot of the same corny dialog, and speeches as all the other hero defeat villain/ no age movies.
  11. If you can take the time to write such a detailed story, i'll try to find the time to read it. I hope it's good. I printed it :? 20 pages. So i can read it in the toilet :D
  12. Your first guess is correct. The second requires you to tell me where abouts the shot is taken. Lumbridge river is large, after all. Well done.
  13. Silentsurf what you've said is partly true, though the definate answer would be ideal. Good job :) Very good Jean, you're correct and provided more information! :thumbsup: Go you!
  14. Hello all, This is a pretty fun game, the idea of it is to guess where abouts the picture taken is located in the world on RuneScape. A few of them will be a bit obvious but there will be also those that require, maybe, you to go searching around for that particular area. All shots in this game are f2p (non-members) so that everyone can participate and are set in low detail (so, in the case of a above-ground-level picture the ground won't be visible, giving the area away). Also, the chat box, inventory and ingame mini-map is not shown, to make the game more challenging. Be sure to say where the picture is taken. Eg. North-West of Varrock Town Square, by the Yew Trees. All pictures will include a small clue/ hint that will help you figure out the area. More pictures will be added every few days or so. Enjoy! : Pic 1: Outside White Knights Castle, Falador, south of the eastern bank. Discovered by Silentsurf. Pic 2: Discovered by Rcty. The gap in the stone fence the leads from barbarian village, to falador. Pic 3: North of Doric's hut, west of falador by the evergreens. Discorvered by Dragonwizerd and killer_bowey. Pic 4: Discovered by tmottbg, the big, white house a little west of the eastern entrance to the dwarven mines, Falador. Pic 5: Pic 6: High Tower in Barbarian Village (North Eastern side) discovered by jeansntee.
  15. Very nice guys. A special thanks to Suzanne_Vega for putting so much time into her/his post. :thumbsup:
  16. Banned for having the worst excuse to ban someone else.
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