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Posts posted by Beaumonde

  1. As far as rock climbing boots go it's over and done with and Jagex isn't going to do anything about it; we just have to remember that most likely, in the long run, it wont have that big an affect on the economy.


    I did love the second article though, nice little insight into the Times.

  2. I'm debating on what to spend on for GOP tokens...


    Talisman staff, ess, or water talismans? :unsure:

    Talisman staff is a waste of money at 10,000 tokens, if you bought 10,000 rune essence instead and sold them on the GE for 82 gp each (current market price) that's 820K for an item that's basically for show. Water talismans are 50 tokens so for 10,000 tokens you get 200 talismans which makes for 1,223,800 gp which is the most money you can get.

  3. As for the economy article, Jagex needs to do something to deflate prices and take gp out of the game, 'nuff said.


    And for Dungeoneering, I'm not sure I would agree that all RS players "blatantly reject" it, but I do agree with some of the authors points about it being a tad disappointing.

  4. you completed that floor no matter in which complexity also counted you been to that floor.

    however, i notice that, in order for you to unlock the next floor, you had to lvl up when completed the last floor else you will had to redo the previous floor even though your lvl already reach next floor.

    Happened to me too, I traded in points for exp and still had to redo the previous floor before it unlocked the best floor for my level.

  5. The objectives box says that "leveling your Mining will increase the rate at which you get ores from rocks." Does that mean how fast you get the ore from the rock, or...? Because an increase in rate, I would assume, would mean something like getting 5 coal per minute (exaggeration?) rather than 2, which means you get the ore from the rock faster than before.

    The increase in rate refers to the fact that you will have a higher chance of getting the ore every third swing (you can only get an ore from a rock on the third swing in the animation). It's less about a decrease in time and more about increasing the probability you'll get the ore.

  6. I think if I were to go wildy, i might just stick to runite ore, but hob mines at pvp world seems like a good idea too.

    For me, I mine iron ores at Rimmington using the cabbage-port + bank deposit box method.


    After like 30-ish inventories I earned 250k! :blink:


    I'm honestly not that sure if runite ores are that worth it anymore... but I don't have 85 mining yet so meh.

    At the astronomical price they are now (17.1K at the time of writing) it's more then worth it to switch to rune at 85.

  7. Whoa whoa wait what Hitler?!

    I knew someone was going to make the Hitler comparison lmao.

    When I read the first two pages and found no Hitler reference I knew I had to act.


    That was much funnier before it was on Reddit and everyone figured out what it was.


    </Off Topic>


    After thinking about it I think Jagex should just delete the safe list, if they aren't going to actually support the sites on the safe list then what is the point of a their half-hearted endorsement.

  8. I'm completely on Tip.it's side here and agree that as long as Jagex's demands aren't over the top we should try to stay on the safe list, but let's travel back to WWII if I may and have a little talk about history. At the beginning of the pre-WWII period Neville Chamberlain was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Chamberlain is best known for his appeasement policy when it came to Hitler. This is a quote from Wikipedia:

    In Europe, Germany and Italy were becoming bolder. In March 1938, Germany annexed Austria, again provoking little response from other European powers. Encouraged, Hitler began pressing German claims on the Sudetenland, an area of Czechoslovakia with a predominantly ethnic German population; France and Britain conceded this territory to him, against the wishes of the Czechoslovak government, in exchange for a promise of no further territorial demands. Soon after that, however, Germany and Italy forced Czechoslovakia to cede additional territory to Hungary and Poland. In March 1939, Germany invaded the remainder of Czechoslovakia and subsequently split it into the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and the pro-German client state, the Slovak Republic.

    The idea of appeasement was that Britain and France gave Hitler anything he wanted, within in reason, with the hope that each demand would be his last. After Prime Minister Chamberlain signed the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany, he returned to Britain with news that war had been averted and that the Sudetenland would be Hitler's last request. Obviously Hitler wasn't satisfied with just the Sudetenland, and later took the rest of Czechoslovakia and then Poland before Britain reacted.


    Now I'm not comparing Jagex to Hitler, or even saying their intentions are bad in their request, but you have to wonder when they will decide they have enough control. At first to get on the safe list you had to remove gold advertisements, which was totally reasonable (they are against the game rules), but now they also want competitor ads removed. The questions here are, is Jagex justified in demanding even more control then they had and whether this will be Jagex's last demand if we continue the historically flawed policy of appeasement.


    This also goes to show you that even the new and improved and "open" Jagex led by MMG can still be the money hungry tyrant it was in years past.

  9. Does anyone have any ideas for figuring out how much money you can acquire in game before it stops influencing your happiness?


    Well for me, around 700m. If I were to guess, a player who has 100m ish or an ags should reach the flat out happiness point. Unless it is a main account which would be around 300m. That's when they realize it's freaking 10 fold in terms of game hours to archieve further items like purple/ higher phats / ely/ divine OR the pursuit of further 99s.


    For me, keeping this impossiblity in mind got me off RS as well as not having membership... UNLESS there is extra exp events then I would reconsider.

    I just had a whole other idea, it really depends whether you're F2p or P2p as F2p has less items and less space to store less items. So in general F2p's number would be much less then 300m or probably any of the other numbers you mentioned.

  10. Does anyone have any ideas for figuring out how much money you can acquire in game before it stops influencing your happiness? I'll also confess that I was shocked the real world value was $30,000/year, I feel like I would be unhappy making that amount of money, but I guess that's my perspective.

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