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How to Make a Fake Runescape Chat Box


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Hi I'm Gein6. This is my first guide I've wrote so go a bit easy on me. In this guide I'm going to show you how to make a fake runescape chat box.








Things you will need:








Microsoft Paint




A little bit of experience on Paint












1. First you will need to download the Runescape Font. The link to download it follows http://members.home.nl/maxthedragon/downloads.html








2. Click download and save it to "C:\Windows\Fonts". Congratulations you have successfully downloaded the Runescape Font.








3. Here is the blank chat box with lines to help you line up your text. Above the chat box is a mini tool kit is there for when your done with your text you can blend the colors in so it makes it look real. Don't color over you text.
















4. Open up Paint. Now copy the image above into paint. You should now have the blank chat box and the color key in Paint.








5. In a white area in paint make a Text Box. Click and drag to make the text box the width and size that you want.








6. With you text box made. Now lets select the runescape font. Do this by right clicking in the text box. A list should appear like the one in the picture




























7. Click on where it says text tool bar. It will bring up a tool bar with it showing the text style ect. Bring down the list of fonts. If you installed the Runescape text right under the "R" in the text list you should see "Runescape Font"
























8. First type the name of the person that is Playing Runescape even though they aren't. For me I would use my RS name "Gein6"








9. Before you place the text box you want to make it so in the chat box you don't see the white around the text instead you want it to have the text only. To do this you want to click on this (picture showing below).
































10. Drag your text box with the name of whoever is playing to line up with the bright blue lines at the bottom right of the text box.
















11. Now for the text that will be going in the upper chat box you want to do the person name with ":" added to the end of their name. Then make another chat box with what the person has said using the color blue.








12. After you have what the person has said aligned you need to recolor the spots where it is lined up at. You do this by clicking the "Pick Color" in Paint right next to the eraser. Now look at which line you are going to recolor to match the chat box. Click the color that matches the line. Now Click on the paint bucket. now click on the line that you are going to recolor. The line should be gone and the box will look as if you took a screen shot of it.








13. You can also add a scroll bar onto your painting. Here are the scroll bars.




























14. If you wish to add a scroll bar. Click the select button on paint and make a rectangle around which scroll bar you want. Do the same thing as you did on the text you want to put and and make it to where it only shows the text box and not the white around it. Move it over on top of the old scroll bar.








15. If you did all the steps correctly your text box will look something similar to this.





















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Sorry, but Bloodveld has already done a complete Fake tutorial already, including the chatbox part.
















How can he know, when it is on a totally different site?








RuneHQ has also done a fake tutorial. Nobody cares either.




















Anyway, good guide. :)








Considering Bloodveld is a regular poster here and his website is in his sig, it isn't too hard to track down, anyone who reads his post and signature could get to his site...



[Tip.It Mod][Retired][Add your Steam name here!]

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i have not looked at the guide on runecrypt. all of the pics were screenshots on my computer and then edited using paint and posted on here. I took a look at bloodvelds guide it is different from mine. I also have not seen a guide to make runescape fakes on tip it forums.





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dude, i think this is way to much work..... just type out your txt and use transparent background so you dont even have to touch or blend any colors. ive done it quite a bit. AND i use paint








That is what you do. Make you text transparent. You only are colorblending the lines that you used to line up your text. If the lines weren't there how would you line the text up to make it look real?





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http://www.runecrypt.com/forum/index.ph ... opic=39902








Well well well! looky what i found here! scroll down and youll find the fake chat box....








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