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Vold's Goals! - 89 Rc, 85 Smith, 91 Farm - PURES RECOVERED!

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hope it whas rlly fun there :)


Post now a pic of you and your friends headbaning :XD:


And you still got a voice?


All good now :P Though after the concert i wasn't sure if I had one or not.. couldn't hear myself not sure if it was cause i was deaf or had no voice :P All good now except im a bit sore :anxious: :XD:




Dont have the pic, one of the guys we met at the concert took it he'll send it to me after ive got him on msn


Runescaper since June 2005


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sounds great,im off to a muse gig in a few weeks and i cant wait since the last one i went to they were electric \'


i love live music


Yeah :P Live music owns it all. It's what surprised me most, the gig was seriously awesome they made the music sound pretty heavy was really great to just head bang ;)


Have fun in yours =D!






Think I'm off for now.. gonna go sleep or try to. Only slept 5 hours last night + quite tired overall =P


Runescaper since June 2005


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sounds great,im off to a muse gig in a few weeks and i cant wait since the last one i went to they were electric \'


i love live music


Yeah :P Live music owns it all. It's what surprised me most, the gig was seriously awesome they made the music sound pretty heavy was really great to just head bang ;)


Have fun in yours =D!






Think I'm off for now.. gonna go sleep or try to. Only slept 5 hours last night + quite tired overall =P




You must have long hair if your a head banger lol :roll: I try to head bang but it doesn't work out that well...(I have short hair :wall: ) and a lot of the time I hurt my head and my brain I don't get how bands can head bang that much for so long without a rest! God! :XD: Anyways get back to smithing nubcake I'll hopefully see you soon on rs as though I'm thinking of returning and making a blog to maintain. Good to hear you had a good time buddy :P





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sounds great,im off to a muse gig in a few weeks and i cant wait since the last one i went to they were electric \'


i love live music


Yeah :P Live music owns it all. It's what surprised me most, the gig was seriously awesome they made the music sound pretty heavy was really great to just head bang ;)


Have fun in yours =D!






Think I'm off for now.. gonna go sleep or try to. Only slept 5 hours last night + quite tired overall =P




You must have long hair if your a head banger lol :roll: I try to head bang but it doesn't work out that well...(I have short hair :wall: ) and a lot of the time I hurt my head and my brain I don't get how bands can head bang that much for so long without a rest! God! :XD: Anyways get back to smithing nubcake I'll hopefully see you soon on rs as though I'm thinking of returning and making a blog to maintain. Good to hear you had a good time buddy :P








lol you get used to the pain and the adrenaline rush makes you like not be able to feel it anyway ^^ but after a couple of hours everyone's head does get sore, i remember at a metallica concert i went to last year, when i was leaving, i couldnt walk because my head just went...BAM...BOOOOM...every step it took xD i know the feeling dude XD


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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sounds great,im off to a muse gig in a few weeks and i cant wait since the last one i went to they were electric \'


i love live music


Yeah :P Live music owns it all. It's what surprised me most, the gig was seriously awesome they made the music sound pretty heavy was really great to just head bang ;)


Have fun in yours =D!






Think I'm off for now.. gonna go sleep or try to. Only slept 5 hours last night + quite tired overall =P




You must have long hair if your a head banger lol :roll: I try to head bang but it doesn't work out that well...(I have short hair :wall: ) and a lot of the time I hurt my head and my brain I don't get how bands can head bang that much for so long without a rest! God! :XD: Anyways get back to smithing nubcake I'll hopefully see you soon on rs as though I'm thinking of returning and making a blog to maintain. Good to hear you had a good time buddy :P








lol you get used to the pain and the adrenaline rush makes you like not be able to feel it anyway ^^ but after a couple of hours everyone's head does get sore, i remember at a metallica concert i went to last year, when i was leaving, i couldnt walk because my head just went...BAM...BOOOOM...every step it took xD i know the feeling dude XD




But seriously after like 15 seconds of doing it my head feels like it will snap off of my neck, literally. I don't get how people do it, I just you just gotta feel the rock live the experiance :roll:

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You must have long hair if your a head banger lol :roll: I try to head bang but it doesn't work out that well...(I have short hair :wall: ) and a lot of the time I hurt my head and my brain I don't get how bands can head bang that much for so long without a rest! God! :XD: Anyways get back to smithing nubcake I'll hopefully see you soon on rs as though I'm thinking of returning and making a blog to maintain. Good to hear you had a good time buddy :P








lol you get used to the pain and the adrenaline rush makes you like not be able to feel it anyway ^^ but after a couple of hours everyone's head does get sore, i remember at a metallica concert i went to last year, when i was leaving, i couldnt walk because my head just went...BAM...BOOOOM...every step it took xD i know the feeling dude XD




But seriously after like 15 seconds of doing it my head feels like it will snap off of my neck, literally. I don't get how people do it, I just you just gotta feel the rock live the experiance :roll:


Note to kohe: we went to the metallica concerts this year, not last year - i think all the headbanging is getting to you mate - rofl




15 secs? Well then you haven't lived the real thing yet :XD: I'm basically gonna tell you what kohe said... at the start you'll prolly feel something then you just get used to it. But DANG when your band starts playing? dude you dont even remember where it hurts until you get home and you wake up next morning all sore... adrenaline > pain. But yeah it was pretty rough and I had a great time except for the part where i had NOTHING to drink for almost 2 hours at the concert :shock: cause i was at one of the first rows and didnt wanna lose my spot so we just stayed there. Other than the thirst, and the casual knock in the head from the mosh (which tbh you only felt for a few secs) it's all part of the fun :D


Runescaper since June 2005


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You must have long hair if your a head banger lol :roll: I try to head bang but it doesn't work out that well...(I have short hair :wall: ) and a lot of the time I hurt my head and my brain I don't get how bands can head bang that much for so long without a rest! God! :XD: Anyways get back to smithing nubcake I'll hopefully see you soon on rs as though I'm thinking of returning and making a blog to maintain. Good to hear you had a good time buddy :P








lol you get used to the pain and the adrenaline rush makes you like not be able to feel it anyway ^^ but after a couple of hours everyone's head does get sore, i remember at a metallica concert i went to last year, when i was leaving, i couldnt walk because my head just went...BAM...BOOOOM...every step it took xD i know the feeling dude XD




But seriously after like 15 seconds of doing it my head feels like it will snap off of my neck, literally. I don't get how people do it, I just you just gotta feel the rock live the experiance


Note to kohe: we went to the metallica concerts this year, not last year - i think all the headbanging is getting to you mate - rofl




15 secs? Well then you haven't lived the real thing yet :XD: I'm basically gonna tell you what kohe said... at the start you'll prolly feel something then you just get used to it. But DANG when your band starts playing? dude you dont even remember where it hurts until you get home and you wake up next morning all sore... adrenaline > pain. But yeah it was pretty rough and I had a great time except for the part where i had NOTHING to drink for almost 2 hours at the concert :shock: cause i was at one of the first rows and didnt wanna lose my spot so we just stayed there. Other than the thirst, and the casual knock in the head from the mosh (which tbh you only felt for a few secs) it's all part of the fun :D




Well I tried headbanging for a long time now my head freaking hurts :( I think I'm gonna take a long rest.....Lol jk :roll:

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Well nice to see you had fun. Too bad us scapers dont get any concerts. :(




I dont really get your point...rofl




anyway demon, you dont really need long hair at most of the concerts i've been to most of the people are either 20 or so OR 50, its quite funny to see those old metal heads...without hair...xD so yeah, you dont need hair to headbang - and dude at gigs like machine head and stuff like that pain = gain, without pain its just not the same XD


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Lmao anton :P Thanks guys! Btw wouter prolly wont play till thursday or so, got a big test coming up and untill the i'll be a bit busy :(




Btw here are some pics of the concert :XD: :XD: Enjoy!




Didn't put it in my title so it doesnt get eliminated, so it'll be a nice surprise to all you usual readers of my blog, who dont need a new title to check it out ;)














that last one is me with the NOFX tshirt, my best friend and two chicks we met at the concert. The pics were all taken from a friend of theirs =P[/hide]






Btw duel arena update sounds nice :o If any of you go check it out be sure to put some pics up here so i can see how it is :P


Runescaper since June 2005


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That wasn't rubbing it in, was it? XD





Oh no mate, not at all. And LOL at Kohe.


<3:<3:<3: There's more next year and then it'll be your turn to make us jealous untill the summer festivals reach europe =P




oo sounds like you had fun queen noodle :-w ::'


now gets a move on with teh smithing or I eat j0o :twisted:


Eeep! You know I'm not moving my butthole till thursday right? :anxious:




Hallo ich heisse helga und ich liebe posex


WtF :-k rofl translate that (*cough* i dont speak german duhh *cough*)


Runescaper since June 2005


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voldeh, sorry for not posting mate havent been on forum much lately (at least not really looking on them) also been very busy!




well heres post, and plz come back memb i miss ya there :pray: i wanna do more dk trips with you again :D


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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voldeh, sorry for not posting mate havent been on forum much lately (at least not really looking on them) also been very busy!




well heres post, and plz come back memb i miss ya there :pray: i wanna do more dk trips with you again :D


Ohh :( It's ok then mate glad you popped in :P <3:<3:




Well I did mean that there are now concerts in Geilnor but, it didn't work to well. :uhh:




Still lots of <3:


Lol noodle <3: :-w


Runescaper since June 2005


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Vold is lying he wasn't at a concert he was wearing his rl bunny ears














no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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