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Modified my sig. is it better? is it worse?


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The ice is much better, in my opinion, though now I think the background may be a little too dark - there should be some light cast from the fire, right? A part of the tree should at least be visible. :)








The beginning of the fire stream is a little shoddy, in my opinion, because it's just one straight line coming from a little bubble thing in his hand.








Where the ice hits the 'F' in 'For', maybe you could have it spreading a little further to maybe the 'O'.








The robes don't really feel too robe-like, but fabric (esp. robes) is difficult to pull off. In the future you may want to try your hand at putting a few creases and such into the fabric, as at the moment it kind of feels like he's in a rubber tube thing...








The stars still need a little work - it kind of feels like you copy-pasted one star all over the sky - it's a bit lazy, to be honest, as you're pretty much saying, "hey, all the stars that you can see in the sky are practically the same distance from me". Have a few stars dimmer, a few stars brighter, but not all of them the same. :)








I preferred the background from the original, actually - you could make things out in it, because there's light from the fire. Now it seems the only light the fire is casting is toward the character.








Not a bad job, keep it up. :)


Pixel Artist - Former Player Mod - Former Tip.It Mod

Not taking sig requests - sorry!

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WOW nice ice effect man... looks transparent... its really nice imo (ive never been able to do ice) Flames look good also... However if you really really want the killer sig i think you do... I really suggest rethinking your anatomy... If you want i could give you some sketchs but quite frankly your anatomy does need an overhaul...








Also, I'm not sure how old you are but the phrase "I will come for you" probably isn't somthing you want in ya sig... (could refer to something sexual) I would say somthing like I will hunt you...








I would also rethink that sky... here is a link to a freaking awsome sky tutorial.... @#$% me i can't find it... jeesh wonder what happend to it... I would head over to rsc they have a whole board of tutorials for pixel artists... :thumbsup:



New sigzor^^

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2nd one looks better overall. Just a few things that I don't really like...




-Stars look to much alike, just like Faelenof said.




-I think that the text is a too big and would probably look a lot better if you actually made it yoursel and made it blend into the picture a bit more if you know what I mean - seems a little plain because it is a pixel sig after all.








Other that that it's pretty cool, keep it up.

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The shading of the character is lot better in new edition. The fire's head is better, but the 'body' is bit worse. Maybe a little bit of more detail.








The ice is lot better. the transparency fits it nicely.








Text is better in the new one and the colors are lot better.








Nice update.



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"I will come for you" probably isn't somthing you want in ya sig... (could refer to something sexual)"








that made me literally ROFL. well im 15 years and i dont wanna "molest" anybody so donr worry. im a good guy. :^o lol but well, i really cracked my head thinking of an intersting phrase. nazgul will remember that i had the same he has in his sig but took it out because i felt like i had ripped.




o and the word "for" has little ice because with more ice it began to be hard to read








and yes, my anatomy isnt good, but is it that bad? i thought it was ok lol... ill look if theres a nice anatomy tutorial or the like...








and the robes look like a rubber thingy? i would have never noticed that... not even now. perhaps a suggestion on how to make a better texture?








and well, i know that i need to practice pixel, but the ice makes me feel proud \' lol


Click my main sig to see my fakes :D

Proud to be Mexican, yay!

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