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I hate rc pkers too.. Once i get my mage up I'll own them all with waf1le~




good luck with 60 rc. Get 70 rc after you get 60. GOOD CASH! ::'


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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So I think I'ma do 20 Barrows runs today, and the either:




- Work on 80 Ranged (for Fight Caves)


- Get 50 Runecrafting




I would definitley be able to get 50 Runecrafting today, but I really want a Fire Cape, so I think I'll go with training my Ranged. If I played enough each day I could prolly get 80 (4 levels) by the end of Sunday, and maybe attempt the Fight Caves on Monday. Thoughts? Ideas?





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I have a pretty big update to post (WARNING: Parts of this post include things that happen in what I like to call "Real Life". It is a bit scary for some of you who don't know what it is or whom have never experienced it. Parental discretion advised).








So I've been pretty happy in terms of RuneScape; things have been going very smoothly for me. Yesterday I got to 77 Ranged from Fire Giants, which puts me 1 step closer to 80 Ranged :D. I finally found someone to let me use their Gilded Altar, and got 6 Prayer levels within 1 hour (<3:), and then went to bed around 12. Woke up at 4 this morning (explained later) and start playing around 5. Decided to train my Defence on some Fire Giants (no one was there!), and got quite a good amount of XP. Hoping to come home tonight and get 80 Defence, 70 Prayer, 83 Hitpoints, and 102 Combat.




Real Life:




So recently I've been pretty depressed (since abou Saturday). There is this girl Becky that I am heavily involved with and on Saturday night her friend Jordan told me that "she didn't like me anymore". I tried doing things to get it off my mind, but I still couldn't. So after about 3 days of being severely depressed over the thought of nevr being able to be with her, I finally called her and asked if she would hangut with me so we could talk. After a while I just couldn't take it, so I called her back and started talking to her about it. We talked about what was going on for about an hour, and I guess that her friend was lying. She had just been stressed out with school (no doing so well and a big [wagon] project due Friday). I guess I had kind of gotten a mixed message along with what I thought was true. So it made me really happy to find out that it wasn't true, which essentially made my day. Then to add to that my mom bought me Crackdown (HELLO HALO 3 BETA), and then to top it off (like a cherry on ice cream beeyatch), my parents bought me a car (funny part is I only have my temps). So basically, my mood went like this in the past 3 days or so:




Depression --------------------------------------------------- King of Teh World




Saturday ------------------------------ Tuesday Afternoon --- Tuesday Night




I'm super happy as of now. I get to see Becky Thursday, and starting tonight I get to play the Halo 3 Beta for the next 3 weeks. Ahhhhhh my life is wonderfulllllll. <33333

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What!? You mean to tell me that RuneScape isn't real? :shock: That's crazay :uhh: *experiences severe trauma; rocks back and forth*





Anyway...That sounds great! First car, wow. That's huge :o (free) first car = Oh so rad. Even if it's a Rust bucket (like mine is). lol.




Grats, man. Glad things are going so well for you. :)

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What!? You mean to tell me that RuneScape isn't real? :shock: That's crazay :uhh: *experiences severe trauma; rocks back and forth*





Anyway...That sounds great! First car, wow. That's huge :o (free) first car = Oh so rad. Even if it's a Rust bucket (like mine is). lol.




Grats, man. Glad things are going so well for you. :)




Thanks for reading Ant, much love <3:.

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So today was yet another great day. First off, got really dissapointed when the Halo 3 Beta got delayed for the Crackdown owners (had to wait 12+ hours for it to be fixed), so that kinda sucked. But on the good side I got 2 goals accomplished today. I got 70 Prayer earlier today, and then 80 Defence later tonight. Then Bungie FINALLY fixed the problem, downloaded it (took about 45 minutes), played a good 3 games, and I can already say it's amazing. Can't wait to play more tomorrow. Nighty night <3:.

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