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No Drop!

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So, I've heard a few people in the wilderness drop their whip, weapon, anything etc, to get it back later when they can't protect it. This is UNFAIR!




So my idea is, when the player is skulled, the items they have dropped will also be visible to the person who got the kill.




Short, I know.






If this is in motion, would a Moderator kindly lock it.


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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So, I've heard a few people in the wilderness drop their whip, weapon, anything etc, to get it back later when they can't protect it. This is UNFAIR!




So my idea is, when the player is skulled, the items they have dropped will also be visible to the person who got the kill.




Short, I know.






If this is in motion, would a Moderator kindly lock it.




wouldn't it be hard to get their that fast??? i guess most people wont make that, so the items will come on the ground, that way the one who killed will see them. The killer should just wait, and will see for the armor from the other one that he has more items, and cant save all. so just have to wait :)


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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When pking in edgeville, people drop whips, when they die, run to the bank to get a glroy amulet then pick it back up...


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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The Spawn time of something isn't very long, So if you pk someone who drops their stuff, just wait around and re-attack them when they get their. I haven't sene people do this yet, but if you attack them and then they can risk dying again, and if they have auto retailiate on then they won't be able to pikc it all up when being attacked. Just wait and pick'm up yourself and pwn the person again. (big suggestion, get a group of people ready to atatck them, this way the chance of survivial is limited)

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Well, what is someone runs in w/ just rune pl8 and legs, w/ auto retaliate off?


They just grab their precious whip and run. Also if you get a large group together to kill the returning person, what if its not a multi-combat area? And anyway, there would be mass backstabbing as everyone fought over the whip. Odds are, you wouldn't get it...



Politics,n. Strife of interests masquerading as a conflict of principles. -Ambrose Bierce

Barrow drops:

Verac's Helm

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The Spawn time of something isn't very long, So if you pk someone who drops their stuff, just wait around and re-attack them when they get their. I haven't sene people do this yet, but if you attack them and then they can risk dying again, and if they have auto retailiate on then they won't be able to pikc it all up when being attacked. Just wait and pick'm up yourself and pwn the person again. (big suggestion, get a group of people ready to atatck them, this way the chance of survivial is limited)






1. t doesnt't matter if they die again they are unskulled


2. this concerns edgeville, where it's not multicombat

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So, your basically incuraging (sp, I know) more people to become Abyss Pkers? I'm just saying this because, if Abyss Rcers won't be able to drop their glories, more people will start to Pk Abyss Rcers to get free glories.




Sorry, but no support.

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I think ThruItAll means a person in a clan drops their weapon when they die, and a clan member kindly picks it up

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Maybe their could be back-stabbing, but grab what you can and teleport if so. As far as the unskull, I mean ataqck and kill them before they get to that spot. Who cares if they are unskulled? They won't be safe so. Ya. If this is a big issue though, As i haven;t seen it. I do support and agree, the person who killed should get the stuff either way. The perosn deserves to lsoe it for fighting someone they couldn't beat.

1/= '/0(_) C4/\/ R34D 7H15 7H3/\/ '/0(_) J(_)57 G07 />\/\//\/7!!!!!!!!!!




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