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community service


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hello everyone, before i begin...lemme explain the background:




this past spring semester i pledged to the Fraternity Alpha Phi Omega. This fraternity is not like normal Greek Life. it is a Co-ed Fraternity and prides itself in doing community service for the college, the community, and the nation.




anyway, during this past spring semester we held elections for the new Executive Board. The person who won Vice President of Service realized that she cannot fulfill her duties next semester with so many credit hours (28) as VP of service requires the most time and energy of any other position.




so now there are elections at the beginning of next semester and i wasn't originally going to run because i just pledged, but someone on the current Exec Board encouraged me to run...so now i am.




now running for this position as a Sophomore, i am at a disadvantage to the two seniors that are running, but even if i lose it won't matter to me much...as i am going to help this position as much as possible.




SO now that's the background. now for my question. what would encourage you guys to come to the community service projects or hold a chair position for them? the chair is the coordinator of the projects and contacts whoever they need to to set it up.




so yeah...what would encourage you to be a chair and come to service projects if you belonged to this fraternity? any ideas would be great...and i could use any you have :D

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nice name.................i agree with ure name...........magekillr








Anyway what would encourage me to come to a community service project? I'd say probably show how advantaged you and like folk are that you can go to a university, get a quality education and have all of these great things compared to the lower classes of society. A bit of emotional propoganda is ok with me if it's not detrimental to those involved and for a good cause. :P

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hold on- a fraternity that ISNT devoted to massive parties, thousands of cans of beer, excessive drinking and stupid things? Blasphemy I say! hmmm, as far as actually awnsering your question, wouldn't anybody who joins the fraternity join to do these service projects? Im not exactly sure what your asking, are you talking about incentives for the people helping in projects or the organizers (you)

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hold on- a fraternity that ISNT devoted to massive parties, thousands of cans of beer, excessive drinking and stupid things? Blasphemy I say! hmmm, as far as actually awnsering your question, wouldn't anybody who joins the fraternity join to do these service projects? Im not exactly sure what your asking, are you talking about incentives for the people helping in projects or the organizers (you)




yeah but they typically do their minimum requirement and then that's that...and i need more people as "Chairs" (organizers)...the VP is like the Management and makes sure everyone is doing everything and takes on any "Chair" Positions that he/she wishes.




the last VP gave out like candy to everyone who did service that week and then awarded someone for "worker of the week" each week. i'm trying to think of stuff like that to make people wanna do even more service than they already do...




so basically i need more chair positions...cause right now we only have like 5 projects (do them several times over the course of the semester)...but with more chairs to organize we can have more. i also want to think of more incentive ideas like the ones mentioned to get the brothers of the fraternity to go above the requirement of 45 hours per semester :)

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hold on- a fraternity that ISNT devoted to massive parties, thousands of cans of beer, excessive drinking and stupid things? Blasphemy I say!


APO is actually a rather strange fraternity like that. My uncle and his dad (my father's uncle) are members.

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hold on- a fraternity that ISNT devoted to massive parties, thousands of cans of beer, excessive drinking and stupid things? Blasphemy I say!


APO is actually a rather strange fraternity like that. My uncle and his dad (my father's uncle) are members.




your uncle's dad is your granddad...


unless iyour uncle is your dads cousin

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Screw you I vote for the greens



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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