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Does Runescape use rapid moving frames?


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Like any video, TV screen, or any motion image of any kind, they all use frames that move at a minimum of 15 frames per second, (fun fact: dogs can detect each individual screen, but can't see red to green of the primary colors :P), anyways, does this principle apply to Runescape? And for that matter, to internet GIF's? Or is this obsolete, due to the motion controls in Runescape? And Runescape is just like scrolling a screen instead?




BTW how does this work with small windows on computer monitors. Because they are embedded into a full screen, and are only a small window, how exactly do they use rapid moving frames without effecting the rest of the screen?


Me doing staff.

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Bad forum decision. :wink:




BTW to the mod who moved this. The moderator rules clearly state you state who you are and that you are moving this.




You should reread the Tip It Moderator rules. You should've saved the link. :wink:


Me doing staff.

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Are you asking if the entire game window updates simaltaniously, or line by line like an old CRT (cathode ray tube) TV. I belive that al new monitors likely update the entire screen at once (refering to LCD monitors, not CRT monitors).




It might depend on your minitor type.




To find out, try video tapeing it and playing back in slow motion, will only work if the camera displays mroe FPS than your monitor outputs though.

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Are you asking if the entire game window updates simaltaniously, or line by line like an old CRT (cathode ray tube) TV. I belive that al new monitors likely update the entire screen at once (refering to LCD monitors, not CRT monitors).




It might depend on your minitor type.




To find out, try video tapeing it and playing back in slow motion, will only work if the camera displays mroe FPS than your monitor outputs though.




I was referring to CRT. But what I meant was, do videos (online gifs, banners, anything that moves on your screen automatically) and games like Runescape use the CRT frame by frame method?


Me doing staff.

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Runescape is a Java game, so it does not use frames by frames. Only macromedia does. I think... :uhh:




You should go read up on how video works. Moving images use still frames that change quickly enough to look like a fluid motion.

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you would be describing flash...which is what most cheap and cartoon looking games are made from.. you know the ones where the bad guy pops up and you click on it to shoot him...

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yes. the computer screen is moving. a still pic, not animated, scrolling at all, is not... at least not as fast. there are thousands of pixals in 1 computer screen, they move so fast, that something can move, such as the Emoticons<<<<<<<< and not be laggy and/or not move at all. dogs can see it, but just slower than it is, it is a clear picture, yet its like scrolling..... has any1 seen some1 trying to videotape their tv/computer? the reason that it looks like a black strip moving on it, is it is showing a slower version of the pixkels moving, changinc color.


^Click for my Newgrounds page!


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Yes ofcourse runescape uses moving frames, thats how the illusion of movement is made.




In RSC you could see the amount of FPS (Frames Per Second) in the top corner of your runescape screen, this was later removed. I think it was locked at 27-30 fps.




- Back to casual f2p scaping due to limited time (university and girlfriend <3:) -

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To elaborate a little more, a monitor has a refresh rate. It is the refresh rate that you see when you video tape a computer monitor.




The video camera might be capturing 25 FPS, while the monitor is refreshing at 60 FPS. The difference in the frame rate is what causes the scrolling lines to show up.




So to answer your question - yes, RS uses moving frames. In fact, even if your just staring at your desktop or a white pallet in MS Paint, your screen is constantly being updated thousands of times a minute, even though you might not noticbly see it.




With older CRT monitors running at slower frame rates, some times if you set them across a dimly lit room, and look at them on an angle, you can actually see the screens refresh rate (noticed this at a lot of LAN parties I use to go to, very distracting lol)


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