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[hide=What happened recently? A small scimmy pk!! not much but its my first pk as a tank ranger!]


I got 64 range and went for a lil pking! i found a partner and we fooled around in lvl 1 wildy, this guy fought me and alot of ppl were around me talkin and ect, he was not hittin alot, but anyways i was ownin him and then my buddy came bak from bankin and we owned him, i got the kill, and also shared with him as well


sorry for no kill message






[hide=Newest Picture! 66 Ranged!!!]










Since you have read this far, you must post now or else you shall feel the wrath of orange!




My words of wisdom


Try your hardest to achieve the goal you wanted to achieve the most in life, then the goal is bound to succeed.








I have alot of goals to accomplish as a f2p, will change when i become p2p








Defeating Rulerdavid in a DM - After i achieve 80+ range






-My cash to 20m - currently 3.9-4m in items


How? I will be merchanting with ores and bars




-Range to 70 - currently 66


How? Training at lesser demons or moss giants on crandor, lots of sniping spots so i shouldnt get hit alot, and also thx to rulerdavid now i have a snipin spot at ankous!


[hide=Old Level Up Pics]


Oldest to newest
































[hide=Race To 70(68) Range! M 4 G 1 C A have quit the race!!]


This is a small race to 70 ranged, new racer!


Me -












Beginning Stats


PS. I hate skilling so dont flame about my low craftin/wc/fm and ect.






Current Stats


Sorry that some of them is not shown in the high scores, those are either unchanged or only progressed by a little bit






[hide=Journal & Trade Log]


[hide=Trade Log]


In this section i will try to keep tracking of the items i sell, big buying trades and other interesting stuff


Item(amount) - Player that bought




Nothing much today, i didnt get to log on much either




Iron ores(1800) - Russellhonda


Coal(3000) - Inh0ltz


Coal(3000) - Majorpaine09




Didnt really sell anything today




Coal(2450) - Lord Aharit




Dont comment about today.. couldnt even log on




Iron ores(2000) - rockranger1


Coal(6000) - rockranger1




Dont really know.. didnt log on really much except bought some coal, no business today =(




Some random stuff to ppl in world 1.. wasnt really payin much attention at everythin.. couldnt really log on alot yesterday cause of my internet connection -_-"


[hide=May of 2007]5/31/2007


Coal(2000) - chppy wood7


Steel bars(1000) - futureprofit


Iron ores(6200) - Rulerdavid




Coal(3000) - Coty530




Sold quite some stuff to random ppl in world 1


5/28/2007(wow, todays a quite nice day for tradin as u can see)


Iron ores(2000) - Springfieldx


Coal(3000) - random ppl in world 1


Iron ores(1000) - random ppl in world 1


Iron ores(1000) - Lilpyro747


Coal(1350) - Gartakk


Iron ores(800) - Vivimancer


Coal(1000) - D_K_77777


Coal(1500) - Lilpyro747




I dont think i sold anythin today.. didnt really play much except trained my range and stuff, bought some stuff though




Iron ores(5000) - Rulerdavid


Iron ores(2000) - Peterrabbi66




Iron ores(8000) - Rulerdavid


Iron ores(1000) - Peterrabbi66


Coal(4000) - greenmelf


Iron ores(4200) - oblizio


Iron ores(5000) - Outlaw Ruby




Coal(1000) - vivimancer


Iron ores(1000) - Peterrabbi66




Iron ores(10000) - cj spinz


Steel bars(2000) - cj spinz




Iron ores(2000) - Martinb10


Iron ores(2000) - sm1 i forgot lol




At niagara falls today so no trade log




Iron ores (1000) - Gaikjinsama


Steel bars(2000) - Ark95




Coal(9000) - Waterblast06(ZOMG TYVM, BOUGHT AT 190 EACH)


Iron ores(8000) - Tunaman456




No trade log today >_<... well i did sell 8k airs and full rune at world 1...




Coal 3000 - kindercrow




Steel bars(2000) - Some random ppl in world 4


Iron ore(10000) - Sirius0678(TYVM)




Iron ore(6300) - Sirius0678


Coal(4000) - Identitysama


Iron ore(4000) - Identitysama




Iron ore(3200) - Ruler David


Iron ore(11000) - futurefrofit


Coal(5000) - futureprofit


Coal(5200) - futureprofit


Iron ores(3078) - shutuporeles(110ea^_^)


Iron ores(5600) - some random lvl 111 guy(110ea ^_^)




Iron ore(5000) - futurefrofit


Coal (5700) - futurefrofit[/hide]






Wasnt able to play much today, gained about 10k range exp and thats it, bought 500 coal so nothin much interesting




Sorry for not updatin for so long, had a pretty nice day, sold quite some stuff but had a conflict with a buyer =(, o well i guess that always happens


overall a pretty nice day, i went skillin for a bit and crafted 1k minds for future uses and wc lvled up to 42 ^_^




Overall a pretty nice day, i got 66 range, went pkin a lil bit and also some skillin, got 42 wc and raised about 8 lvls of my total, not bad! and also bought 7900 coal from a mod, he offered 175 ea but i gave 180 ea, oh well, also i aced the music piano solo! horray!




Overall a pretty normal day, made a new mate and now we are racing to 70 ranged!! Nothin really interesting at school happened and didnt really sell much stuff, earned about 5-10k exp today, not bad actually, didnt really get to log on much buts its the best i did!




Bad day.. couldnt log on much at all cause of school stuff




Bad day... first i didnt log on really much cause i had to go a classmates house to do a *bleepin* project that took about 3 hours, then when i did log on i got killed in wildy, didnt really sell anythin... bad day...




Omfg today was so hilarious, i went to the library and my friend was there as wel, hes lvl 74 and we decided we should fite each other no armor, we had 3 matches, the first 2 matches he pwned me cause hes 60 defence and my ranged really suked, but the thid match was soooo hilarious!!! when he came in i binded him and did a little rangin, 8 damage and he came up to me, slashed a 12 with scimmy, then i range, i hit a 12, then i range again i hit a 12 again, then i pulled out 2h and suprisinly i hit a 15, he was like screamin at me!! good fight! came home and did a little rangin, almost 65!! ^_^




Bad day cause of my failure internet connection -_-", trained up some stuff and also sold some stuff as well.. didnt really gain any levels and ya... bad day i know


[hide=May of 2007]5/31/2007


Leveled to 64 range and got some kills as well, to top it off its not a bad day at all ^_^




Well... i went to a friends house to do a project, didnt finish but progressed quite alot, pretty fine day as i can say, didnt get much range exp though =(




Well, couldnt go on rs much cause i had like TONS AND TONS of homework! oh well... managed to finish all of it




Wow.. ppl can be such ignorant noobs these days.. i was sellin 1k steel bars for 600k and this guy offers 500k, then i said 600k, then he offered 550k, and i said 600k price firm and he called me a loser.. wat a noob -_-".. he cares so much about a game that he calls ppl losers, and then he trades me and and put up 2.8m -_-".. wow im so surprised -_-"... i only had 400k at that time and whole crapload of ores, i showed to him and he called me a loser again -_-".. then he said my main got full sara *laughs* wow full sara, how surprisin, like i havent seen any of those bragger noobs, then i added him on ignore right on the next second and i happily continued my day..


well, to top it off its not so bad at all, had a few tests at school and stuff, then when i came home for some rs i sold quite alot of stuff.. (see my trade log, probably sold the most amount of items this day)




Its sunday so...


Started off the day with a little bit of rs, got myself to 66 hp


then i had to go my classmates house to do this commercial project -_-"... which didnt really progress cause they were all fooling around, wasted about 2 hours of nothing -_-"


then i came home for some more rs, got 66 ranged and chatted with my friend on phone, we were talkin about how noobish the scammers r these days (lol) and thats about it.. played chinese chess with my grandfather and ended up losing cause i was tired -_-... to top it off i have to say this day stinked...




A very nice day actually, i achieved 3 ranged lvls all together today! *cough cough*i was no-lifing*cough cough*, anyways i had many great trades and also thx to rulerdavid for teachin me the snipin spot in ankous!




A very nice day today ^_^, had many good trades, achieved 58 range, 71 strength and 65 hits by accident... and also i got my second skull scepter since my old one was destroyed, had several tests at school -_-" but other than that its an really awesome day!




A quite nice day at school! and also bought/sold quite some stuff today... got yelled at by my parents because of somethin i dont want to tell *rolls eyes*.. and thats practically it, gained some range exp and yea.. nothin much *hehe*... well at the final surprise of the day is that i achieved 57 range!




Achieved 56 range today! and also i sold 10k iron ores and 2k steel bars to cj spinz, TYVM! and also i bought some stuff and thats about it, nothin really interestin at school except i got 3 tests in one class for french -_-"


other than that, its a nice and ok day!




Achieved 55 range today! and also sold/bought quite some stuff... buyin from world 1 is torturous i tell u... i wouldve smashed my computer if it wasnt for the 5k iron ores i bought lmao... also made 2 new mates whos also gonna be a pker soon, not a bad day for my taste




This is written in 5/20/2007, i wont be able to log on today because im goin on a trip with my parents and my friends to niagara falls... oh well i hope its gonna be fun *rolls eyes*




Achieved 46 rc and 54 range today.. too lazy to post pics soo =P


Also went to Joes_So_Cool's 60 mining party, well thats about it i guess




Well, i started off the day with some smithin and rangin, got to 53 range ^_^!!!!


Zomg i can wait for nuclear man to log on anymore, so i flushed out his order and sold it to sum1 else~






ZOMG! Nuclear_man2 is making me stuck on my items... i really need to sell em all or else ill get no business for days...


the picture of how i desperately need nuclearman to come on..


*pic currently not working*


and also i achieved 45 rc today






Well, just like a normal merchanting day ^_^, nothin special except i met a few scammers and i felt sorry for ppl that said they had to quit, achieved skull scepter in full inventory of salmon in less than 20 min which is a pretty nice record for me =P




Wow, a really nice merchanting day, reached about 3.2m now thx to all the trades, sold 10k iron ores to Sirius0678 and 2k steel bars to some random ppl in world 4, also achieved 52 range ^_^




As usual i came bak home and played some rs, trained up mage to 55 and also sold/bought alot of stuff, looks like a good day ^_^


55 mage pic:






Well, after school i went to the 30 minute orchestra meetin and came home and opened rs to play for some time, just a normal merchantin day where everythin goes normal, then i was bored and bought 1k chaos and some fires and now i just got 54 mage!!






I went to play tennis with my dad this morning... >.<... man my leg hurts so much... i played like 2 hours... ow its still cracking >.<




but my joy came bak after i sold SO MUCH STUFF today!! and i also got a new perm buyer of iron ores, and hes buyin 15k a time!! 1337ness!!!






Z0mg today was the worst day eva >.<@@!! First there was nothin fun at the library for like 5 hours... died on my pure 2+ times... lost my key when i came home and now my dad is shouting at me for losing it <.<


ive bought some stuff to restock my items... man today was just boring and noobiness... -.-




Yay!! Its the start date of the blog!! Just got 60 attack today in stronghold, w00t!! and surprisingly, alot of ppl nowadays seems to be mining *wonders*, i was just buyin coal to restock up my stuff today and i was expecting a whole bunch of "27 coal" trades but i got alot of trades with 100+ ores, and i got alot new permanent sellers as well... o.O mmm... the market is always changing




Omg! im going to the library tommorow so i wont be able to edit this for some time!! curse it -_-"






[hide=Random Pics and Parties!]


I took this pic at fally when i was tradin with my pure cause i dont want to leave my trainin spot to trade =P


wow, a lvl 126 in world 1 fally?






I just took this pic when im bored lmao, also its in world 7






Birthday party of davidtang12!!@@






The 60 Mining Party of Joes_So_Cool
















[hide=Special Thanks To -]


Shutuporeles -


Donated over 500 lobbies when i was noob


Futureprofit -


Hes my life saver! Always there when i desperately needed to sell my stuff


Lor Sien -


He's one of my best steel bar smelter! Smelted over 3000 steel bars! Doesnt charge the extra 100 gp per bar that i offered!


Ryantos -


He's one of my best steel bar smelter! Smelted over 5000 steel bars!


Rockranger1 -


He's also one of my best steel bar smelter! Smelted over 5000 bars in less than a week


Sirius0678 -


My permanent iron ore buyer! hes also a really nice guy


Davidtang12 -


My best friend irl, hes lvl 90 and really funny sometimes


Rulerdavid -


For being an awesome friend and also teachin me how to snipe at ankous =)




If you donate/help me in any ways then your name will be on here!






[hide=Ending Words]


I just want to share my rs moments with you guys and this is made to encourage me to complete all my goals, thx for reading this~! and if you can plz take your time to post~!



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good luck.. some nice stats and cash for f2p


My lvl 90 and lvl 48, c1oud and waf1le, hacked, lost about 28 mil overall .



A Man Died - 100% F2P -Skiller/Pure Ranger

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good luck (youll need it to make that much in f2p)

stupid forums lost my dragon count , well atleast i know i got a d chain from a dusty!

99 Fletch, Late 06

99 Mage, late 07

99 Strength, 29th June 08

99 Hitpoints, 21st August 08

130/138 cmb

sooo close

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The best of luck an awesome blog u got going here!


if u ever get any steel bars im in dire need to buy some = )




Check and give me some support on my blog! Click linky!


alright ill post now :D

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w00000000000000000000000000t s00000000000000000000000 happy!!!




sold alot of stuff today!! got a new perm buyer of iron ores!! SELLIN 15k IRON ORES BY FRIDAY!! WOOOT TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVA!! 1337ness

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Ohh your merchanting, I though you were making steel bars or mining or somthing. Good luck, merchanting in F2P is pretty hard but I bet you can do it, keep it up!


ty.. u too on your blog to greatness if im not mistaken?

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heeeeeey, nice blog, and i kno how it is to get 10m when u get it :wink:


its worth it!!! :D




gl with ur goals ::'


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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heeeeeey, nice blog, and i kno how it is to get 10m when u get it :wink:


its worth it!!! :D




gl with ur goals ::'


ooooo, wonders how the 10m will look like... lol




gl on your goals too, got any new lvls so far?

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