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Attack? On Varrock?

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That's part of the history of runescape. :notalk:










Do you guys know any parts of the Runescape History? Varrock was attacked from the North by some random things. Can't remember what, though...




Thats a nice observation and all, but the necromancer attack already happened, possibly in the 4th age. The reason why varrok is always prepared for an attack is that it is in a very 'dark forces lurk nearby' place, with morytania to the east, protected only by a holy river (werewolves supposedly have been known to get past) and of course the wilderness to the north.


There, that's what I was looking for!

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Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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That's part of the history of runescape. :notalk:










Do you guys know any parts of the Runescape History? Varrock was attacked from the North by some random things. Can't remember what, though...




Thats a nice observation and all, but the necromancer attack already happened, possibly in the 4th age. The reason why varrok is always prepared for an attack is that it is in a very 'dark forces lurk nearby' place, with morytania to the east, protected only by a holy river (werewolves supposedly have been known to get past) and of course the wilderness to the north.


There, that's what I was looking for!




Ummm, I still haven't done a lot of quests, so I may lack a lot of background info, but wasn't the whole attack on varrock the story of arrav?




I don't know if you read it, if you didn't, go do it, the story is worth it. ;)




The reason why varrok is always prepared for an attack is that it is in a very 'dark forces lurk nearby' place, with morytania to the east, protected only by a holy river (werewolves supposedly have been known to get past) and of course the wilderness to the north.




And because Zemouregal wasn't really defeated, his attack was only delayed. And when he comes back, so will arrav, on the dark side of course. :P




[hide=Legend of Arrav]Before he could think further, a blast of sorcerous energy struck Arrav in the back.




Zemouregal stood over him as he crawled through the dust and mud, crippled with pain.




'Fool!' The mahjarrat said in a hiss. 'You have surrendered yourself to save your home, but nothing can protect it from me. In time I shall return. The decades pass like moments for those of my tribe, and nothing can defy our will for all time. But when I return, you shall lead my armies. You shall be my greatest champion; you shall suffer with the knowledge that though you hoped to save your people, you shall instead be their doom.'




Tendrils of oily smoke crept from Zemouregal's hands and twisted over the broken ground to Arrav, clutching him tight in their grip. For a few moments he struggled against their power, but finally he was still. Pale and quiet, Arrav, the greatest hero of men, was dead.




We remember Arrav for his sacrifice. We remember that his fate was not of his choosing, and we remember him as an example to all of us; for though he was stronger and faster than any other mortal, his strength of spirit and his compassion can be that of any man. We remember Arrav, too, because we must always be prepared for his return, sad though it shall be.






And for those people that don't know, the necromancer is Zemouregal. There are many bits where it tells of his army, but I think this little piece will suffice.




[hide=Zemouregal necromancy bit]'Your doom is upon you, foolish weakling,' Zemouregal said then, 'your shield may save you from my magicks, but your home will drown in blood. Even now, your people are being slaughtered and shall rise again as my slaves.'[/hide]




omg! leading tgo archaeology skill to dig up varrock!!!!!!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!




When I read this I burst out in laugther. :lol:

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Well I was in the mists of typing up a big long answer, but reliefs answered for me!


Thanks! :)




But in a bit of a different context for the answer; we also did not know about Zemouregal (I think, I really like RuneScape History and try to learn as much as I can) and his attack with Arrav until the 29th when they released the last two chapters of "The Legend of Arrav."

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"Even when the odds are against you, even when the chance of victory is bleak and your situation looks hopeless, take a look at the horizon, and think back to what you have learned. You'll be filled with the confidence to take on the world."

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EDIT: yes.




This has to be the most pointless thing I have ever seen.


But boy is it funny.




As for the attack on varok...It could be possible but it will be interesting to see what actually happens...That is, if it happens :D

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well we still have this background image to go off 2, see'ing as this really had nothing to do with the museum update maybe its still in the future? zemo coming back to finish varrock with an evil Aravv and all the other dark forces at his side?




zemo in the middle




*sheildless and evil* Arrav to the left




seem to go with the history pictures we just got too. same sword/helm for aravv. zemo seems to have the same sytle of leg armor. (high detail bright makes it better 2 see)




ya just wanted to post that, i didnt say there was a new skill get off me b4 u jump on plz.

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necromancers skeleton, so i don't think he is comming back...




necromancers cant come back from the dead? thats no fun why bring skeles back to life but u cant bring your own back! :|

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Some points to consider (Please let me know if any of these are just parts of quests I haven't done yet) #-o




-What about the guy near fally/sarim/rimmington who claims to be a necromancer?




-The most recent update... The new ensigna in Varrock looks similar to the Zammy emblem.




-The advisor to the King (even before the update) said something along the lines of being there to ensure the followers of Saradomin are protected first and foremost




-The church in Varrock is now a Chaos Alter




-While getting Kudos points I kept seeing the stress being put on the fact that followers of Zammy were in Varrock first




Could there be some kind of internal Zammorak uprising in Varrock? Am I just a fairly new p2p (Just started playing again 2months ago after a 1.5 year break) who is missing quests? Am I insane for thinking this thread could be a real posibility?

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-The church in Varrock is now a Chaos Alter





always has been.




this is part of the rune crafting mini quest.




and pinman, what was the point of even posting cause it doesnt look like you even read much.

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I've seen both of these suggested.




1. Summoning, or necromancy, has been suggested many times, MANY MANY times.




2. Attack on Varrock. Now this one goes way back, longer then I can remember. I was surfing the RSOF once and I read up on a suggestion called "Protect the city". It was a suggestion that a certain time of day a mob of monsters would be unleashed on a city. Kind of like Tower Defence from Warcraft.




Now, I thought this was a totally hardcore idea, and quite fun. I think you've latched onto two possiable updates rolled into one.




I certainly remember a similar update being suggested aswell, ages and ages ago, most probably in classic. It would certainly be fun if implemented correctly. I believe the old suggestion said that for a week a year, or what ever, the city would be attacked by monsters on certain worlds, and at the end of the week it'd be back to normal, with a reward or something for those who participated.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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necromancers skeleton, so i don't think he is comming back...




necromancers cant come back from the dead? thats no fun why bring skeles back to life but u cant bring your own back! :|




Head on over to the Necromancer's tower and talk to the assistant. He will tell you that the Necromancer always resurrects himself after being killed for the umpteenth time by a passing adventurer, but it takes time to do so. I think that's why often necromancers often have, let us say, less 'substance' (For example, skeleton bodies) than most people, because I think this ressurection buisiness has a slight degenerative effect.

~ W ~



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