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Enipeus' Blog (1B+ Bank Screenshot)

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Do some barrows or gwd <3:

(840th To 99 Farm. Achieved on February 13th, 2008.) (2942th To 99 Crafting. Achieved on September 9th, 2008.)

(23671th To 99 Magic. Achieved on January 17th, 2009.) (46913th to 99 Hit Points. Achieved on March 20th, 2009.)

(30680th to 99 Range. Achieved on March 21st, 2009.) (66351th to 99 Attack. Achieved on July 8th, 2009.)

(2856th to 99 Herblore. Achieved on August 21st, 2009.) (45985th to 99 Woodcutting. Achieved on November 15th, 2009.)

(6119th to 99 Smithing. Achieved on December 24th, 2009.) (98100th to 99 Cooking. Achieved on January 1st, 2010.)

(63214th to 99 Defence. Achieved on January 30th, 2010.) (122697th to 99 Strength. Achieved on February 11th, 2010.)

(15249th to 99 Prayer. Achieved on March 21st, 2010.) (34209th to 99 Fishing. Achieved on July 7th, 2010.)

(9259th to 99 Summoning. Achieved on July 29th, 2010.) (51712th to 99 Firemaking. Achieved on September 6th, 2010.)

(109036th to 99 Fletching. Achieved on September 28th, 2010.) (15821th to 99 Slayer. Achieved on February 3rd, 2011.)

(11652th to 99 Construction. Achieved on June 18th, 2011.)

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is there anything else i can do besides raise skills ? lol
Get a Fire Cape :-k

Youtube user name: birdman258 200MCook 200mPrayer MakinWines MyF2pSkillers

Going for Level 99 Magic & Level 99 Smithing!!!

Going for 200M Woodcutting exp!!!!!!!

0346-0077-6360 Mario kart Wii

I hope that you are Reporting the Bots! Please Report Bots.

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lol do some combat, or if you love buyables that much go for farming ^^


farmings a great idea,its the biggest buyable skill you can get or you could get the 99 cook,fletch,firemake 99's which are considered the "easy ones" compared to the others.




or you could go for all the glory and get top 10/5 rank in prayer.you were well known for youre prayer rank and perhaps you should get it back =P~

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lol do some combat, or if you love buyables that much go for farming ^^


farmings a great idea,its the biggest buyable skill you can get or you could get the 99 cook,fletch,firemake 99's which are considered the "easy ones" compared to the others.




or you could go for all the glory and get top 10/5 rank in prayer.you were well known for youre prayer rank and perhaps you should get it back =P~


heh no one rarely even seems to take a second look at me for my prayer rank or at least not out loud :P but i still am tempted to go for some more prayer ranks :o

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then go annoy other players :)




lol enipeus, remember, when you showed me the smithing emote... at draynor and...


everyone was asking where you did get the blue phat, you said "wise old man" and they all entered in the house right away.


was funny lol <3:




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then go annoy other players :)




lol enipeus, remember, when you showed me the smithing emote... at draynor and...


everyone was asking where you did get the blue phat, you said "wise old man" and they all entered in the house right away.


was funny lol <3:


yup :)

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