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Whast the best?

Guest 999ltuboy999

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Guest 999ltuboy999

Hello i am kinda a pixel sig maker and i use paint....








I want u to sell me what is the BEST!












I think paint is not a good program so i need ur help ... WHat program should i use to make pixelred sigs... probably animated..if u do i wll have

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I use paint, here are some of my examples I have made in the past month or couple months:








This one above is the worst sig i had made lol, made it for some competition that never got judged or anything or completed.












This one is my favourite, I like how the ranger guy looks, and its not to blood and gore but a skills sig.












Castle wars :D












I like this one as well, it is for a competition as well :)








Ya i use MSPaint, never have used any other programs cause MSPaint is pretty good for me


If you have any questions about World of Warcraft or you need an explanation about something, please feel free to pm me.

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grr i will do some painting then ty for the help !








dont get angry man, this things take time... Look at my sigs, they all blow a bit - a lot :P and ive spend many hours on them so far. U cant expect to learn sig making overnight :? didnt take me long to realize that

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Guest 999ltuboy999

i know but i mean paint its already in computer i didnt know it was good and what program shud i use to make something move in my sig?

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i like my siggy made by skoby sabre, i asked him if he wanted me to advertise his work more but hes making a game right now so isnt taking requests....just tell me wot u think of it anyway








| hhm it seems to have gone, ahwell maybe it'll come back later









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Hey Tuna...Dude, you can buy mine off me if you like, i made it for a comp and lost...basically.
















I could change the text and add a few things, but i need 400-500k for it.









New sig to come!

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