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pk video 6 lovinthemage rangers with meaning no dl :) 68 max

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Hey just thought I would make one last video with using ranged as I have planned to get 70 attack and become a whip pure with 1 defence of course I am 100% certain of this, well where can I start ranged has been the worst skill to use for a player killing skill so hard to get kills, k0s, but I have done it put together a video, video 6 I hope you all enjoy.




ThereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s no turning back for me getting attack now because I am all ready 67 and itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a [bleep]ed up level to have..




The video itself is full of k0ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s of tanks rune pures, pures, mage luring, and I max hit of 67 and am 2 hitting pures most of the time lol.. Boring really want melee want these flames and people laughing at me with 93 strength because they think range is a joke and quite frankly so do I. perhaps it might come useful again at a higher cb and if it does I will be thankful.






Roughly 11 mins long




Goodbye ranged gf












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http://files.filefront.com/pk+vid+6+lov ... einfo.html












Well I hope you all leave a post and comment of how lovin turned round the situation of range getting ownt by melee in P2P






Also im leader of eruption of pures any pure with 88+ stat pm me for more details rank 2 pure clan :)




Also look closley at this gif this is the kind of hits i get






Shot at 2007-06-25



Whip pks 21

barrows 12 :(

dragon drops 1 ;( d legs

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best pure vid ive seen in a long time, gj.


btw, respect for not teleing unlike many other pures that post their kills here , lol. =D>




I never teleport even when im getting tagged at drags i use homeport.. lol, and anyone who teleports in the wild is just sad..



Whip pks 21

barrows 12 :(

dragon drops 1 ;( d legs

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lol ty for ur post i cant use a c bow lol w/e i just started useing 1 its like starting all new to understand.




nice vid but tbh its a hella lot diff playing as a 1 def and 70 def anways gl :D




imo its harder to pk with 1 defence because if one person im fighting gets in a lucky dds special im a goner.. i can imagine tanking is fun but i wouldnt get 70 id get 90+ defence and vengance if i became a tank, the reason they made crossbows faster is because there was no possible way for a tank ranger to ko just last the whole fight i beleive..



Whip pks 21

barrows 12 :(

dragon drops 1 ;( d legs

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Good vid, just like all the other! :thumbsup:




I know you have said you are sure about becoming a whip pure, but I'd say: try the new crossbows first for a little longer, they're sooo incredible overpowered now! I don't know much about pking, but I know from personal experience you can already hit incredible high without the spec. And with it you can hit 60+! That's insane.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Do people ever call you a "crossbow noob?" If they do, 1-hit them with it.




No but mayhem makers members are always pjing me and tagging me and making up sad bull storys that i teleoprt and as you can cleary see in the vid i never teleport... only people i like in MM are probably yankin deez.. hes the only one left with honour..




And no i dont get called c-bow noobs but people are safing to full hp in my fights.. =;



Whip pks 21

barrows 12 :(

dragon drops 1 ;( d legs

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Do people ever call you a "crossbow noob?" If they do, 1-hit them with it.




No but mayhem makers members are always pjing me and tagging me and making up sad bull storys that i teleoprt and as you can cleary see in the vid i never teleport... only people i like in MM are probably yankin deez.. hes the only one left with honour..




And no i dont get called c-bow noobs but people are safing to full hp in my fights.. =;


Why are people scared of range hitting 50+ while melee was able to do that for ever?

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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