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Pump at prison pete random!! soon with pics ;)


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Ok, so I got the prison pete random yesterday at like 1am. I noticed something very...odd in the room. This guy was....using a pump! In the room! He said some guy glitched it into the room like an hour ago lol. It happened in world 79, and the pump is STILL THERE :D There was a lvl 123 with a prayer cape and he used the cape emote and while he was pumping, the cape emote was going! So that was like a glitch in a glitch lol. As soon as i figure out how to put a pic in here, I will. Promise :wink: If you were there please feel free to brag about it :) pumpglitch2alilsmaller.jpg

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Ok, so I got the prison pete random yesterday at like 1am. I noticed something very...odd in the room. This guy was....using a pump! In the room! He said some guy glitched it into the room like an hour ago lol. It happened in world 79, and the pump is STILL THERE :D There was a lvl 123 with a prayer cape and he used the cape emote and while he was pumping, the cape emote was going! So that was like a glitch in a glitch lol. As soon as i figure out how to put a pic in here, I will. Promise :wink: If you were there please feel free to brag about it :)




Wow, I'd love to see that!!!




Just upload the picture to comewhere like photobucket, copy the location , past it into a post, highlight and click the "Img" button.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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Well, I haven't had the random since, so I don't know if it's still there :( Anyone out there happen to know?




It's definately been fixed, Jagex said so today.




And it is a lambs tail, lol.


give F2P a penny and they want a dime; give P2P a quarter, they want 100,000 dollars, your car, house, boat, social security number, credit card numbers, drivers license, clothes on your back and everything you ever owned or interacted with ever
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