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Turn Off Follow Button


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Thats an awesome idea, Shaunri...People always follow me saying: "where'd u get your hat?" "Where'd u get your mask?" Its really annoying. I think there should only be a follow button in the wilderness, if you're chasing someone.


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IMO it wouldn't make a difference because since people are always trying to get around things followers will get around the no follow idea.








How? They'll trade you instead, and since they've assigned a task onto you, if you're moving they'll just automatically follow you until they reach you and give you the trade request...and if you're moving as well it's no different to a follow option.

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try ignoring them? :roll:








Im guessing your p2p and dont know what its like, oh ya i ignore them, like I said half way through the day ill turn off public chat, but they still follow me for over an hour




i'm f2p also, and i dont have any problems dude...




the occasional noobs who follow me, i just ignore








ow yeah, i'm 83 combat and i got a phat

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Well, im sure about every person over 80 combat as been followed by people that are lvl 50 and below and won't leave you alone, especially f2p people. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a turn off follow button? or option? Like, i get 50 people a day following me when im just trying to raise my skills, and they don't get the point when you don't talk to them. Here are some examples I have had of people following me and saying stuff:




"Will you marry me"




"Whered you get your armour"




"Howd you get such a high lvl"




"Can i have some free stuff please"




"Money for the poor"




"Wanna be my friend?"




"Your hot"








Like cmon they even follow me into the wild cause im pking, thats why hal way through the day i usually turn off public chat and just sit in train or raise skills in piece. BUt i still get people following me, this one guy followed me aroudn for an hour trading me and when i eventually traded him he tried to give me bronze! Sign your name if you agree that we need this option








Hehe a good idea if your a mage is to teleport to the place where they started following you from. e.g. you start in lumbridge and you have loads of runes and your training with them (i know its a rubbish place to train but who cares) and a noob comes over and says " will you give me your armour for 1k?" and he follows you so you go to al karhid and into say the palace and use lumbridge teleport! as they're a noob they won't know what happened! ( that was only an example its probally easier in other places)

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Well, im sure about every person over 80 combat as been followed by people that are lvl 50 and below and won't leave you alone, especially f2p people. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a turn off follow button? or option? Like, i get 50 people a day following me when im just trying to raise my skills, and they don't get the point when you don't talk to them. Here are some examples I have had of people following me and saying stuff:




"Will you marry me"




"Whered you get your armour"




"Howd you get such a high lvl"




"Can i have some free stuff please"




"Money for the poor"




"Wanna be my friend?"




"Your hot"








Like cmon they even follow me into the wild cause im pking, thats why hal way through the day i usually turn off public chat and just sit in train or raise skills in piece. BUt i still get people following me, this one guy followed me aroudn for an hour trading me and when i eventually traded him he tried to give me bronze! Sign your name if you agree that we need this option








Hehe a good idea if your a mage is to teleport to the place where they started following you from. e.g. you start in lumbridge and you have loads of runes and your training with them (i know its a rubbish place to train but who cares) and a noob comes over and says " will you give me your armour for 1k?" and he follows you so you go to al karhid and into say the palace and use lumbridge teleport! as they're a noob they won't know what happened! ( that was only an example its probally easier in other places)








Well im not gonna waste tele runes just so this guy wont follow me.


If you have any questions about World of Warcraft or you need an explanation about something, please feel free to pm me.

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Well, im sure about every person over 80 combat as been followed by people that are lvl 50 and below and won't leave you alone, especially f2p people. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a turn off follow button? or option? Like, i get 50 people a day following me when im just trying to raise my skills, and they don't get the point when you don't talk to them. Here are some examples I have had of people following me and saying stuff:




"Will you marry me"




"Whered you get your armour"




"Howd you get such a high lvl"




"Can i have some free stuff please"




"Money for the poor"




"Wanna be my friend?"




"Your hot"








Like cmon they even follow me into the wild cause im pking, thats why hal way through the day i usually turn off public chat and just sit in train or raise skills in piece. BUt i still get people following me, this one guy followed me aroudn for an hour trading me and when i eventually traded him he tried to give me bronze! Sign your name if you agree that we need this option








Brilliant suggestion, even better is if one of the noobs kept trying to follow it would bounce them or tele them to some random spot! :lol:

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i am a lvl 66 player and i still get followed around. what i do is just lead them down into a dungeon and pop back up or go farther in. i just learned to deal with the stupid people and plus i always have public chat disabled anyways but that would be a good idea.








lvl 66 : Hyperon1532








Edit: meant to put lvl 66, not lvl 63

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i am a lvl 63 player and i still get followed around. what i do is just lead them down into a dungeon and pop back up or go farther in. i just learned to deal with the stupid people and plus i always have public chat disabled anyways but that would be a good idea.








lvl 63 : Hyperon1532








lol yeh id take em to lesser demons if they follow me on karmagia

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i am a lvl 63 player and i still get followed around. what i do is just lead them down into a dungeon and pop back up or go farther in. i just learned to deal with the stupid people and plus i always have public chat disabled anyways but that would be a good idea.








lvl 63 : Hyperon1532








Yeah if you're a higher level than someone it's bound to happen, but I pretty much do the samething, I usually don't have public off though b/c I get a kick out of what people say to me. "Nice Addy trim!" (when i'm wearing full guth)

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I am level 81 and if someone is going in the same direction as me I sometimes use "follow" just to hitch a free ride, i'm just lazy I suppose!




Of course I have to watch if they suddenly switch directionl or get upset.








yeh ive done that once it saves walking :)

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"Wanna be my friend?" is really annoying. Just send them to hell...








Yep, thats the worst, and usually means the person is 8 years old, or is a scammer wanting to be friends with you, then steal everythnig you got.








My girlfriend who plays always gets guys coming up to her asking "You want to be my girlfriend?". Many of the guys who play this game are really desperate if they go around searching for an in-game girl. Of course, my gf just tells them t f off, but that doesn't always work. They'll jsut keep following her, giving her free stuff, hehe.

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try ignoring them? :roll:








Im guessing your p2p and dont know what its like, oh ya i ignore them, like I said half way through the day ill turn off public chat, but they still follow me for over an hour








No, I'm f2p, and no, I don't get many noobs following me, and no, I'm not a low level noob myself, and no, I don't need a no-follow option.








Turn chat to friends and just go wherever you're going. They'll keep questioning you, and eventually realise they're being ignored. They'll leave, and thats it. It's not that hard, and JaGeXZ shouldn't waste time making a no-follow option, you can deal with it yourself. Unless you want RS to be a mechanic game with bots doing everything for you. It's just one of the few things in RS you have to do yourself :roll:








As for the guy who said they'd come to my house and airhorn outside my room, you're a comical genius, Great Comparison, really... :roll: Grow up.

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I would pay for this option. I hate being followed especially when people use you as a taxi. It is unfair that you have to walk and someone who is too lazy to play the game follows you on those long rune making walks.








Stalking noobs are also annoying, especially in the market place. You try to sell stuff and people follow you around asking stupid questions. It is very annoying.








Being a girl player, I think this is probably something all femmes in rs would really benefit from. Sure I could ignore them but...why can't I have the control to prevent them from following my character around? It would make my playing experience a much more enjoyable one. I think we pay jagex enough as members that they should make the game as enjoyable for us as possible. Its part of their customer service.

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I personally like going to f2p once in a while just for the attention. Throw on some zammy, zammy staff, zammy cape. Then run around for about 2 hours in varrock yelling praise zamorak. Make then bow to you give them 1k and you have a friend for life. But maybe thats just me... :shock:

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as for the post of being used as a "taxi"... if someone is following u, and they arent talking, therefore "hitching a free ride"...... then follow them! next time they look at their screen, they will be doing loop the loops with you in a random spot, going nowhere quick.

insert witty sig

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Well, im sure about every person over 80 combat as been followed by people that are lvl 50 and below and won't leave you alone, especially f2p people. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a turn off follow button? or option? Like, i get 50 people a day following me when im just trying to raise my skills, and they don't get the point when you don't talk to them. Here are some examples I have had of people following me and saying stuff:




"Will you marry me"




"Whered you get your armour"




"Howd you get such a high lvl"




"Can i have some free stuff please"




"Money for the poor"




"Wanna be my friend?"




"Your hot"








Like cmon they even follow me into the wild cause im pking, thats why hal way through the day i usually turn off public chat and just sit in train or raise skills in piece. BUt i still get people following me, this one guy followed me aroudn for an hour trading me and when i eventually traded him he tried to give me bronze! Sign your name if you agree that we need this option








great idea....im lvl 84 and alot of noobs follow me and ask me dumb questions....but i've devised a new tactic.....i carry nothing but a wooden shield or full bronze when i m raising stats except for combat. it works, trust me. when those noobs see your shiny full rune they'll follow you no matter what your level. if they see you in fullb ronze and woden shield they wont bother checking your lvl. and its also funny to see them say "wdf, why are you in full bronze" once in a while.

Sup noobs.

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