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Pok�������©mon Sticky?

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There's been a few odd comments in the Video Games & Consoles board (in OT) about the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon threads on there. As we all know, Pok̮̩̉̉mon has actually formed a community within itself, and due to the large nature of the game, there's quite a lot to talk about, so perhaps it's inevitable threads are being put up there much more than about any other game.




Anyways, I propose that a kind of "General Pok̮̩̉̉mon Sticky" be placed on that board, as well as any other game that has its own kind of mini-group, such as the WoW "What server are you are on?" thread, set up by Nadril, which has proved to be really popular. On the General Sticky, Pok̮̩̉̉mon trades, battles and friend codes can be exchanged, as well as any general talk, such as Battle Discussion, or someone asking for assistance.




This is mostly to provide a place for Pok̮̩̉̉mon trainers to come together, and to reduce the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon-related topics on that board.





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No, only because that subforum needs all the fluctuation of threads it can get since its not overly active in terms of threads (in comparison to the other forums). So creating a sticky wouldn't be necessary and would just cause stagnate threads throughout the board.




Also people will eventually get over pokemon and it'll eventually die down (I can't believe people haven't gotten over it yet - but thats another issue not worth getting into) so a sticky probably won't be needed considering it wont be active all the time like other needed stickies (the relationships sticky on OT for example).




And as for creating stickies for other minigroups there's no need for that as well. We've been given a whole subforum for minigroups such as that, nobody needs to complicate things by bringing in unnecessary stickies. Not to mention how many annoying threads would appear on this updates and suggestions board asking for a sticky on something like that in the future if pokemon got its own sticky.

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I'll admit I'm not a regular to the board, and am only offering an outsider perspective on the situation.








I feel it would be unfair to compare the WoW: What server thread to a general Pok̮̩̉̉mon thread because the WoW thread asks a specific question, whereas you would have a multitude of different topics in a general thread. If there are a lot of threads on the subject of Pok̮̩̉̉mon, and they're all about DIFFERENT topics (I don't know the different topics of Pok̮̩̉̉mon, so I can't give examples) then I would say they shouldn't be 'shoved in the junk drawer' by making them all on a single thread.




Again this has a disclaimer of an outsider's perspective, and have no experience in the board.


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100% agreed with Eels. Setting everything aside, the board isn't active enough to go into "organization mode." I like the way the board has been progressing and don't want to touch it unless it starts to get out of control.

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100% agreed with Eels. Setting everything aside, the board isn't active enough to go into "organization mode." I like the way the board has been progressing and don't want to touch it unless it starts to get out of control.


When you put it like that, perhaps it would make more sense not to create a sticky. As said, it's just not a big enough board. Like I said, this was more inspired by a few comments I saw about the amount of Pok̮̩̉̉mon-related threads spamming up the board that got me thinking.




Thanks anyway. Just a suggestion that's all. :)

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(sorry, just had to get that out of my system lol)


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