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Daily Photogaph


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Keiphus was doing something similar a few months back with a daily sketch, so I got this idea to do a daily photograph.








Every day a theme will be thought of by myself or anyone else who wishes to contribute. The theme will be announced, and everyone can go take a picture of what they feel the theme means to them. This is cool because it gives to practice using your camera/getting a better eye for things. I personally think it's easier than making a sketch, as many of the themes can be fulfulled by simply taking a picture of an object or scene close to you.








I won't do anything with this until I get a decent amount of feedback, so if you're interested do tell, since I have no idea how many people here are interested in photography. This is somewhat limited to people with digital cameras, unless you can get film developed/scanned into your computer without waiting a week :).








So I guess it's never to early to start, so I'll choose a theme. How about cold, since that's all it seems to be around here. Photograph anything you interpreit to being cold, whether it be your fingers or your math teacher's cold heart.








I'd like to suggest that everyone who would be interested in doing this on a regular basis get a DeviantArt account such as mine, sign-up is free and you can show off your pictures a bit more there.

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Yeah that's why I just kind of posted this to see if there would be interest, we'll see how it goes. Obviously with no participation there's no reason to keep doing it :P.

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Well, you inspired me, so i went down to the creek by out house after we got about a half a foot of snow, and took some pictures of the melting snow on the creek, and the rushing waters....ill try and post em here if i feel theyre good enough :P

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Glad there are at least some interested. I agree that a weekly photograph might be a bit better, I'll work with that. If you don't think the photograph is good at all, there's no problem with posting it, if it's something you feel represents the topic then by all means put it up. This isn't about pictures being as good as others, it's as long as YOU like it, that's all that matters here.

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