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Name your top clans


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Stolen from RSC. Since CoR doesn't use RSC anymore. I figured I'd bring this topic to Tip.it. Heres how it works. You go and you voice YOUR opinion on the top 5, 10, 20, or 30 clans. You can give reasons for your selections, but no flaming. I'll give you an example by posting mine here. This is just my opinion for this current date.




1. CoR/DF - Need to fight. Think CoR can take them.


2. DF/CoR - Having internal problems, members leaving. Lost to DI.


3. DI - Need a clean fight with EH.


4. EH - Need a clan fight with DI.


5. RSD/EoS - Should really fight each other, my moneys on RSD.

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i think top lists could work just fine, because people do enjoy posting on them.




They just need to be strictly moderated, and it'd probably be best to limit them to only rankings, and not justification (as thats where the flaming begins)


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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i dont think comments are too bad if they are made constructivly. not something like 'df>cor cuz we kicked your arses and u are scared noobs and cant win without nh helping'




but ya, i personally hesitate to bring any sort of ranking system here.

get corrupted

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i dont think comments are too bad if they are made constructivly. not something like 'df>cor cuz we kicked your arses and u are scared noobs and cant win without nh helping'




but ya, i personally hesitate to bring any sort of ranking system here.




Well when you begin to allow comments in any sense, then you'll get the vast number of people replying just so they can flame or counter somebody else's argument. In theory, it'd be nice to have everyone be able to post sensible, intelligent comments to justify their ranking of clans in whatever position, but allowing comments would eventually create a lot of tedious work for mods in the future.


Former Leader of The Corruption

Proud Founder of The Corruption

"Once you get them running, you stay right on top of them, and that way a

small force can defeat a large one every time... Only thus can a weaker

country cope with a stronger; it must make up in activity what it lacks in


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  • 3 weeks later...
Stolen from RSC. Since CoR doesn't use RSC anymore. I figured I'd bring this topic to Tip.it. Heres how it works. You go and you voice YOUR opinion on the top 5, 10, 20, or 30 clans. You can give reasons for your selections, but no flaming. I'll give you an example by posting mine here. This is just my opinion for this current date.




1. CoR/DF - Need to fight. Think CoR can take them.


2. DF/CoR - Having internal problems, members leaving. Lost to DI.


3. DI - Need a clean fight with EH.


4. EH - Need a clan fight with DI.


5. RSD/EoS - Should really fight each other, my moneys on RSD.









good call... We dominated them last week!!!

Cor 4 life

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1. DF - Sorry still number one imo


2. COR - Sinc emost people on this topic are COR good luck getting no.1


3. EH - Until DI beat them in a CLEAN fight they havent won anything


4. DI - Some people say they are slipping but they are a sleeping giant, and in PKRIs is their anyone to beat them in returning?


5. THE - Pking isnt their strong point ill admit but who can honestly say they enjoying fighting these guys in wars. They kick so much nuts


6. TWRF - Could probably take alot of the above but im ranking them here


7. LF - Tanked you ONCE and once only, having seen them first hand your spamming is nice however i dont see you war to much


8. BK - Personally i dont think your anything special and i believe your also a community clan, that isnt an insult its a compliment


9. EOS - Get some more members


10. Gladz - Please be a bit more active or atleast show the clan world what your up to once in a while


11. Adelias - Organisation counts for wars and that is what you guys have


12. TBE - Numbers levels and for the majority of your memberlist you have good organisation, scrap your junior clan and go back to 105 though please


13. SE - Good, active clan. One for the future.


14. WL - I used to be your allies in HoF and im soryr but i hated your organization so im ranking you here regardless of levels of members


15. WG/TDM - Cant decide really




Refuse to rank VR


Refuse to rank CL simply as their in a dif timezone and therefore no fight would technically be a fair one


COL and TT go somewhere however have never seen anything from either of them so top 10 somewhere but not quite sure

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