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First Pixel ^_^ WorkInProgress


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My English Sux...


Ok, I know it's not amazing, but it's my first one :)


I will try to make it better and detail it a bit more.


And fill the empty space of course.


I used a lot of dithering... it may look weird on some computers :(








I also know Karils isn't the best KQ slaying gear but what the hell :P










Fixed the... uhhhmmmm that thing in the KQ face I don't know how to say that in english xD saw?


If you look at it in the first picture it looks odd.




Excuse my english :s

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I think it looks really good for a first. And the only place that seems like dithering was used to much was on the Karil's Coif. I actually like all of the dithering on the KQ and on the cave walls in the background. Looks good.






269 QP | All Stats 60+ (except Summoning) | Barrows Drops: 8 | Dragon Drops: 1

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Nice pixel there, the shading makes it seem very natural. I'd make the dark brown spots much darker in the background.




I like that you added cast shadows on the ground, that's something people overlook a lot but really adds a good realism effect.




Looking forward to seeing more.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Nice pixel there, the shading makes it seem very natural. I'd make the dark brown spots much darker in the background.




I like that you added cast shadows on the ground, that's something people overlook a lot but really adds a good realism effect.




Looking forward to seeing more.








I think that's very very good for a first, yes, there is a lot of dithering, but I don't think that's bad. Maybe it's just your style and that's fine.




So, fantastic job, I would love to see more of your work soon. :D


pixel avvy by me deviantART

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Thnx for the comments guys ^_^


Yes it's my first :P


Jej, I'm going to work on it right now ^_^




When I said I used too much dithering and it might look weird that's because I don't know how it looks like on lower res comps xD I will still use it in small places or when I need some texture :)

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