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Newest Signature.

Guest CingularIIX

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Guest CingularIIX

Hey, been a while since i posted a new sig, and I made a new one, using defualts only. Nothing was downloaded, beside the render, so plz rate, thx.
















THx alot, If you responded, and if you jus looked, plz respond, thankyou in advance.

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actually, if you think about it literally it is less origional, everyone have the default brushes and use them, as less people have the doownloaded brushes, however both are unorigional so meh. as for the sig.. I'd like to see you develop a new style: less tutorials more self creativity.

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Dude, chill. Raz here was merely giving you some advice. Don't tell him to "*". :?








As for the signature, no, I don't really like it. Looks too much like the other signatures you have made, and the "style" is way too overused, in my opinion. It's too busy, too (in lack of better word) unorganised. I'm also not a fan of the colour, shabby blending and you could have selected a better font.
















// Azvi.


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Dude, chill. Raz here was merely giving you some advice. Don't tell him to "*". :?








As for the signature, no, I don't really like it. Looks too much like the other signatures you have made, and the "style" is way too overused, in my opinion. It's too busy, too (in lack of better word) unorganised. I'm also not a fan of the colour, shabby blending and you could have selected a better font.
















// Azvi.




















And guys, don't think Razz is all "flame this, and flame that" if he sees something that has hope, he will coment on it.








And yes, i don't like this sig.

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