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Fox-----------------raw Pixels !!!!!!-----------------------


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Yes once again I resorted to including the term pixel just to get more views. it does contain pixels...lots of them in the original.








I started this in watercolor some time ago, but never finished. So I redid it considerably with digital watercolor!








I may rework it a bit more at some point ,but I like how it came out.













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Fox looks slightly compressed lengthways, I'm sure they have a longer body than that. Maybe its a fox cub :wink:








The direction the eyes are looking in draws the viewers eyes to the top left.... and theres nothing there.... It doesn't feel right.... I think the eyes should be looking downwards to help the feeling of cold and isolation around the fox....












A very picturesque piece, makes me think of winter postcards :)



Superknight/Blademaster: Level 150; Hps: 132

Theoretical damage per round: 234

Highest recorded damage in one round: 104

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Fox looks slightly compressed lengthways, I'm sure they have a longer body than that. Maybe its a fox cub :wink:








The direction the eyes are looking in draws the viewers eyes to the top left.... and theres nothing there.... It doesn't feel right.... I think the eyes should be looking downwards to help the feeling of cold and isolation around the fox....












A very picturesque piece, makes me think of winter postcards :)








you had art education lol you cant know that [cabbage] if you didn't :D












nice fox tho ;)

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Fox looks slightly compressed lengthways, I'm sure they have a longer body than that. Maybe its a fox cub :wink:








The direction the eyes are looking in draws the viewers eyes to the top left.... and theres nothing there.... It doesn't feel right.... I think the eyes should be looking downwards to help the feeling of cold and isolation around the fox....












A very picturesque piece, makes me think of winter postcards :)








you had art education lol you cant know that cabbage if you didn't :D












nice fox tho ;)
















This piece, unlike many of mine, was done from reference.








So it was that compressed, it didn't show any legs, and it was looking that direction.








On a side note, foxes that look down don't live long due to hunters, wolves, mountain lions, the like. :)








Side note 2, picturesque refers to contrasting elements...sunshine through storm, etc. Unless you meant a warm fox in a cold storm, I don't get it. What did you have in mind there?








Since it was from referece, I was not as worried about artistic composition as much as accuracy.

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I really like it. Only concern I can see is that the face looks a bit too human, and not foxy enough.








So yeah, make it foxier.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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I think it's mostly the eyes. Foxes eyes are almost totally black, aren't they? Also, there seems to be a slight smirk on his face.


Dreaming of that face again

It's bright, and blue, and shimmering

Grinning wide

And comforting me with it's three warm and wild eyes

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really nice, like xman said the textures on the fox look fantastic! nose looks fine now imo, and i kinda like the 'smirk' he's got ;p Not sure, but possibly could you try adding a visible paw under near the white neck? That may be what seems to throw off the proportions a tiny bit. Great piece of work tho :)

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xman--yeah most of the artists I talk to who do water color find it to be their more difficult medium--and their most rewarding often. The guy I took one semester from, who was also my wife's art teacher, does some incredibly detailed watercolors. Not the old washy, blurry stuff you normally think of, but wonderful translucent, eyepopping scenes with tiny birds, great terrain elements etc.








He has what I can only assume will soon be a gallery web site...but is not yet functional...
















I wish he would get his stuff on the internet. Some of his paintings sell for well over 2 grand.








Anyway, I am not that great at watercolor but my wife has done a fair amount of it. In fact we were talking about getting the watercolrs out tonight!








zdragonblader- the paw was not showing in the reference, and while I could add one, I am afraid I would probably mess it up.

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I wish he would get his stuff on the internet. Some of his paintings sell for well over 2 grand.








Mmm... the thing about putting your work on the internet is that its easier for unscrupulous people to get at.... :?



Superknight/Blademaster: Level 150; Hps: 132

Theoretical damage per round: 234

Highest recorded damage in one round: 104

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yeah but a 600 x 500 picture is not going to print at anything.








So just putting samples of your work makes it easier for OTHERS to buy it.








However...he has enough demand for his paintings from traditional means, so I suppose he doesn't need the net. Still, his stuff is awesome.








he did one of his two cats...sitting with this wild multi colored patterned cloth...and on a WICKER chair....in watercolor. Talk about hours on hours. He said even he didn't realize how long that one would take. Days on end. It was fantastic. Of course, it didn't sell for as much as an acryilic watercolor blend of these cool looking leapords or something, but from a technical standpoint it was great.

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