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[Pixel] Self-Portrait


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This was made in part because I needed a new avatar, also it was an experiment with hue-values while shading. I had alot of fun with this.. and spent 2-3 hours on it.










quick edit.. fixed some obvious problems I noticed..





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Wow... it looks good, but is the 4 white pixels on the cheek suppose to be a shine. It directs my attention to that one spot because of the difference in color.



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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Wow... it looks good, but is the 4 white pixels on the cheek suppose to be a shine. It directs my attention to that one spot because of the difference in color.




Thanks for the comment. Your pointing out white pixels means my experiment was a success, because for the skin I used reds and greens for highlights, but next to my skin tone, they look less saturated. But, I suppose I could lower the shine a bit, it does stand out.

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I know this is off topic, but why does you signature have ranarr spelled "Rannar?" Is it suppose to spell wrong because of Homers' stupidity?



Need help or advise? Have a question? Just PM me through Runescape or Tip.it. :)

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